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Muslim Brotherhood infiltration? ‘It’s Obama himself’

Mark Levin asks what kind of commander-in-chief would nominate Hagel

·  Chuck Hagel: Wrong Choice

If lawmakers are serious about investigating whether or not Washington has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, they need look no further than Barack Obama himself, charged talk-show host Mark Levin.

Levin noted the scorn congressional colleagues directed at Reps. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and three other House members who asked for an examination of evidence that the parent organization of jihadist groups such as al-Qaida and Hama were wielding influence on U.S. policy from within.

The lawmakers were “treated like pariahs,” Levin recalled.

The talk host contended Obama’s nomination of former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel as defense secretary is evidence that Obama himself embodies the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood.

“You want to look into Obama’s soul?” Levin asked, then look at Hagel.

“What kind of commander-in-chief would nominate somebody like Chuck Hagel to be secretary of defense?” he asked.

“I’ll tell you what kind of commander-in-chief, the kind of commander-in-chief that arms the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamonazi regime in Cairo while he’s hollowing out the greatest military force on the face of the earth under his direct command, the United States military.”

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Levin called Hagel a “sympathizer with the most radical elements in the Middle East, and an Israel hater.”

“So why would a president nominate somebody like Chuck Hagel?” he asked. ‘Because the president is Chuck Hagel’.

Even though Hagel made “a fool of himself” yesterday at his Senate confirmation hearing, Levin expects him to be confirmed, “Because the Democrats are lockstep.”

“Even the Jewish Democrat members of the U.S. Senate, they’re lockstep,” he said. “The Anti-Defamation League, their lips are sealed. AIPAC – Hagel once called them the ‘Jewish lobby.’ Their lips are sealed; they’re all a bunch of cowards.”

Levin said it’s “the righteous gentiles who are speaking up.”

He emphasized that Hagel “is not just a problem for Israel, he is a huge problem for the United States military.”

“This man believes in unilateral disarmament, whether it’s conventional weaponry or nuclear weaponry,” Levin argued. “And he’s on the record, and there’s not a d— thing he can say to reverse course. But then again, so is Obama.”

Representing the U.S.

Meanwhile, the D.C. watchdog Judicial Watch has uncovered evidence the State Department is covertly recruiting Muslims to work as U.S. Foreign Service officers.

One recruitment effort by the State Department took place at a recent convention sponsored by the Muslim American Society and the Islamic Circle of North America. Both groups are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. MAS was founded as the Brotherhood’s U.S. chapter.

Gohmert has been pressing for an investigation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence on the federal government, contending a probe is necessary because of the Obama administration’s “horrendous decisions” in backing the so-called “Arab Spring” revolutions in the Middle East.

The East Texas lawmaker was one of five Republican Congress members who stirred bipartisan controversy in June by raising concern about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the nation’s capital.

The Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood was formed in the 1920s after the demise of the Ottoman Turkish empire with the intent of helping establish Islamic rule worldwide. It’s stated goal for the U.S. is “a kind of grand jihad” aimed at “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within” so that “Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

In 2009, the WND Books bestseller “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret World That’s Conspiring to Islamize America” featured a Council on American-Islamic Relations internal memo written in 2007 that called for infiltrating the “judiciary, intelligence and homeland security committees” by, among other things, “placing Muslim interns” in Capitol Hill offices.

The book also uncovered new evidence that CAIR, which was founded by Muslim Brotherhood members to portray Islam in a positive light in the U.S., directly funded Hamas and al-Qaida terrorist fronts.

Posted on 1 Feb 13 by WND

[Editor’s Note: I agree with Mark except for one item…Barack Hussein Obama is not a Muslim sympathizer, he is a devout Muslim. That is the only way the Muslim Brotherhood would tell the U.S. Muslims to vote for him…that’s the only way a Muslim can actually vote in a non-Muslim country, if the political runner is MUSLIM, and over 90% per polls of Muslims voted for Obama. Going back to the Muslim Brotherhood’s vow to put a Trojan horse in the White House, ever notice that in Obama’s regime, he nominates primarily Muslims, Muslim/Shari’a sympathizers, and if there are none, than he nominates a democratic/socialistic butt kissers. Barack Hussein Obama is not a sympathizer, he is full fledged Muslim.]