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Soros helping Islam ‘look less radical’

Posted on October 18, 2011 by creeping

The Prophet said, “War is deceit.” ~ Hadith 4:269

via Soros helping Islam ‘look less radical’ (OneNewsNow.com).

A conservative media watchdog organization says left-wing billionaire George Soros is funding a course that teaches journalists how to downplay the negative aspects of Islam.

The three-hour online course called “Covering Islam in America” is a project of The Poynter Institute, which claims the program is designed to “give a broad explanation of the religious, social, political, and geographical facts about Islam today.” That organization has partnered with the Social Science Research Council and Washington State University to strengthen “accurate” reporting and to enhance “the ability of the media to fairly report on a range of pressing issues.”

Dan Gainor (Culture and Media Institute)But Dan Gainor, vice president for business and culture at the Culture and Media Institute (CMI) of the Media Research Center, contends the course is nothing more than a guide on how to spin Islam in a positive light.

“It teaches [journalists] to downplay Jihad, quite literally to put the deaths of the 3,000-plus people that died on 9/11 in context so that you compare it to the initiative on HIV and AIDS, or you compare it against how many Americans are killed in murder,” he explains. “So, instead of actually just telling the truth on this, they actually are teaching in a journalism program how to spin and make Islam look less radical.”

Gainor points out that murder victims are generally killed in separate incidents, whereas victims of Islamic terrorism are usually killed in larger-scale attacks. He also points out that murder victims are not typically killed in the name of an ideological war against a country.

More: Course Instructs Journalists to Take Note That Jihad ‘Not a Leading Cause of Death’

Gainor’s group released a report Thursday morning on the course.

The online course, which is broken into several sections, also discusses “right-wing activists” bent on linking American Muslims to terrorism. The section includes the good-journalism tip that reporters should check to see if experts they’re interviewing “have a bias or a stake in the story you are covering.” But then it only cites examples of anti-Muslim groups.

The course also addresses Shariah law without including information of instances where the law is interpreted with harsh consequences.

It’s the leading cause of death in the name of Allah, isn’t it?

Posted on 18 Oct 11 by Creeping Sharia

Emerson on Fox Business Discusses Center for American Progress Report

“Follow the Money”

by Eric Bolling
Fox Business Channel
August 30, 2011


ERIC BOLLING: A new report claims that American fears of Muslims is driven by a small but well-funded network of Muslim haters. And who is behind this new report? Bill Clinton’s former chief of staff who still has ties to the Obama administration, that’s Mr. Podesta. Joining me now is Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project on Terrorism, one of the groups blasted by the new report. Steve, what is going on here? Break it down for us, sir.

STEVE EMERSON, INVESTIGATIVE PROJECT ON TERRORISM: First of all, I sort of feel somewhat complimented because they are attributing to me and four other people the ability to control the minds of 300 million Americans for 15 years.

Look, the reality is, and bottom line is, the cause of any suspicion toward Muslims is because 65 to 70 percent to all international terrorist attacks are carried out by radical Muslims. So there is a fear based on that. If these people were concerned about the security of this country, genuinely concerned about moderate Islam, they would not quote terrorist organizations — they quote a front group for Hamas. They would not claim that I’m behind this hysteria but they would look at the rampant anti-Americanism, anti-extremism, anti-Christianity that promotes the airwaves in Muslim world and even in the United States.

BOLLING: Let’s go back to this report. This report was released by the Center for American Progress, is that right?

EMERSON: Yes. And that is a $38 million a year organization that looks like Democratic Party in exile.

BOLLING: Who are they funded by?

EMERSON: Well, they don’t release the names of their funders, interestingly enough, but we know at least George Soros, Peter Lewis, and the Sandlers from San Francisco.

BOLLING: Tell us, I am going to call it the Soros supported Center for American Progress, who do they blame for Islamophobia now?

EMERSON: The blame me, Daniel Pipes, David Horowitz. There are five people that are considered responsible.

What is interesting here is that when it comes to looking at Islamic terrorist attacks, what they deny, and what they claim is racist, is the assertion that Islamic terrorism is motivated by Islamic extremist clerics, mosques, statements, videos.

BOLLING: Where do they think it comes from? What is the solution? What is their–

EMERSON: They — this reminds me of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or it reminds me of somebody who would attack the Southern Poverty Law Center because they attacked the Ku Klux Klan, right? I’m the messenger.

BOLLING: My point is what is causing the 19 radical Islamists to hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings in New York and D.C.? Where is it coming from?

EMERSON: I can assure you, I had nothing to do with it. That’s number one. Number two, they believe that the only reason there exists suspicion against Islam, popular suspicion, and it is not a majority, it’s a minority, is because of people like me who are orchestrating it like “the Wizard of Oz.”

The bottom line is it comes from so many rampant sources, if you go on YouTube and Internet most of the Islamic organizations in the United States, they are run by the Muslim Brotherhood or created in the Muslim Brotherhood, a group that believes in imposing Islam and Sharia in the world.

BOLLING: We need to leave it there but I find it hard to believe that a group of four or five people who are responsible for what is perceived Islamo-phobia. I think it has to do more with 3,000 people dying at World Trade Center 10 years ago. Steve we are going to have to leave it there. Thank you.

Posted on 30 Aug 11 by Investigative Project on Terrorism

George Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood

Posted by Mark Tapson on Jun 27th, 2011

In a recent interview with prominent TV journalist Christiane Amanpour, who never misses an opportunity to promote repellent moral relativism about fundamentalist Islam, Middle East analyst Marwan Muasher declared, “The Muslim Brotherhood has been used for a long time as a scare tactic” (emphasis added). This eyebrow-raising dismissal of legitimate concerns about the world’s largest Islamist movement went unchallenged by Amanpour – no surprise there – although Muasher did weakly concede this: “that is not to say they don’t have designs.”

“Designs” indeed. Nothing less ambitious than the downfall of the West and the establishment of a medieval dystopia known as the worldwide caliphate. Is it a mere scare tactic to point out that internal Brotherhood documents themselves reveal that the “elimination of Western civilization” is the Muslim Brotherhood’s endgamel? Or that the Brothers’ motto is: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”?

Considering these “designs,” the group’s swift, successful entrenchment around the globe, and its spawning of such alumni as current al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, only the willfully naive or complicit could claim that the Brotherhood shouldn’t be taken seriously as a threat.

Whichever Muasher is guilty of, he feels perfectly comfortable inviting the Brotherhood into the political mix of the Arab world’s current turmoil. A recent report reveals that Muasher, a former Jordanian diplomat, has praised the revolutions rocking the region and has called for the inclusion of Islamist groups in any pluralistic, fledgling democracies that may emerge. The ostensible reasoning is that Muslim fundamentalists like the Brotherhood have a legitimate role to play and deserve to be allowed to compete on the supposedly level playing field of the marketplace of ideas. It might even temper their radicalism.

That all sounds very fair-minded and inclusive. But as with most theories, this one doesn’t mesh especially well with reality – in this case, the reality that Islamists tend to be more ruthless, organized and effective than their political opponents in the Arab world, that they are currently well-positioned to seize power, and that they will tolerate pluralism and democracy only as long as it takes them to acquire that power. After that, well, welcome to the caliphate.

But there may be more in play here than simple fairness and wishful thinking on Muasher’s part. He happens to oversee research for the Middle East at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, funded by leftist multi-billionaire George Soros, one of the world’s most politically influential men. Soros is waging his own personal ideological war against America by shoveling seemingly limitless funds into organizations giving life to his “progressive” vision of social justice.

That vision, like the Muslim Brotherhood’s, identifies America and Israel as the “Great Satan” and “Little Satan” respectively, who must be demolished to pave the way for a purifying, redemptive utopia. These common enemies unite progressives and Islamic fundamentalists in what David Horowitz has coined an “unholy alliance.” As Andrew C. McCarthy writes in The Grand Jihad, “With their collectivist philosophy, transnational outlook, totalitarian demands, and revolutionary designs, Islamists are natural allies of the radical Left.”

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