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Wild Bill for America “We are literally funding the reincarnation of the Nazis”

Posted: June 5, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam

Defended and supported by the fascists on the Left, the Arabs of Palestine (mislabeled ‘Palestinians’) are using $$billions in Western financial aid to bring about a final solution of their own.

Posted on 5 Jun 12 by BNI

[funny…in the Bible, in the books of Zechariah (6:1-8) and Revelation (6:1-8), the colors of the apocalyptic horses are the same colors as the Palestinian flag…is it a coincidence, not sure, but for all you that are lost with the colors…in the Greek text, the pale horse is really a chloros color, or correctly translated from Greek to English, is green…same as the grisled horse in Zechariah, grisled is a pale or yellowish green…just something for you to think about]

‘JEWOPHOBIA?’ Hamas Front Group CAIR expands its anti-Semitic hate crusade against Jewish-owned LOWE’S

Posted: December 22, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam |

At least 87 advertisers have pulled their ads off  ’All-American Muslim’ too, but CAIR isn’t going after them. We can only conclude that LOWE’S ‘Jewish’ ownership is the reason the Hamas terror funders from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) continue their ‘Jewophobic’ hate campaign against LOWE’S.

Despite repeated calls for boycotts of LOWE’S for its decision to pull its advertising from the low-rated TLC show, ‘All-American Muslim,’ our sources at LOWE’S are reporting the chain of home improvement stores is having its best Christmas selling season ever.

According to FLORIDA FAMILY ASSOCIATION , EIGHTY SEVEN (87) companies that had advertised on All American Muslim at least one time before did NOT advertise again during the December  18th episodes of All-American Muslim.  Florida Family Association will NO longer post the names of the companies that pull off the show because of intense scrutiny by opponents.  

CAIR’S constant harassment of LOWE’S  has included threats of more boycotts if the company refuses to meet with CAIR’s community organizers. So far, LOWE’S has ignored CAIR’s demands. The following is the latest email I received from CAIR on this issue:

Don’t Let Lowe’s Off the Hook for Appeasing Anti-Muslim Bigotry
Take a letter to your local Lowe’s store manager, post a photo online

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 12/21/2011) — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today urged all people of conscience to continue to hold Lowe’s corporate headquarters accountable for its decision to appease anti-Muslim bigotry by delivering a letter of protest to a store manager and posting a photo of that action online. Nearly 250,000 people have already expressed their disappointment in Lowe’s.

sample letter to Lowe’s managers provided by CAIR states:

Dear Lowe’s Manager:

We are visiting your store today to express our deep disappointment in the decision by Lowe’s to pull its advertising from “All American Muslim.”

This decision plays directly into the hands of groups like the Florida Family Association (FFA), whose vision for America encompasses bigotry, intolerance, and division. Since FFA is essentially a one person organization, Lowe’s faced no real threat to its business interests had it opted to ignore the group.

In the wake of your decision to pull your advertising from “All American Muslim” the pure hatred expressed on your Facebook page by people who hate Muslims and foreigners was very clear. We are deeply concerned that leadership in your corporation felt that catering to such a crowd was in the best interest of the Lowe’s brand.

It is our sense that the apology Lowe’s issued in no way mitigated the action of pulling your advertising to appease bigotry. 

Lowe’s senior executives should meet with community organizations to repair the damage done by this rash decision. Lowe’s should agree to undertake reasonable actions to show the broader American public that it’s business model includes no room for bigotry. Until that time, we have no interest in your products.

The home improvement chain recently pulled its advertising from TLC’s new reality series “All-American Muslim” because of an anti-Muslim campaign initiated by fringe right-wing groups like the Florida Family Association (FFA) and Internet hate sites such as “Bare Naked Islam” — which recently featured a number of threats of violence targeting U.S. and European mosques. The hate groups objected to the show’s non-stereotypical portrayals of American Muslims.

Posted on 22 Dec 11 by BNI
Too bad that CAIR is only trying to raise a stink with Lowe’s…which is a Jewish owned company. With a total of 87 other companies pulling their commercials/support, the only Jewish one gets hammered by CAIRS hatred towards Jews. And the UN is trying to get hate crimes enacted throughout the world…why doesn’t the UN’s Muslim majority do something about this hate crime?
Retired Don