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Maryland: Capital One Bank Robbed by Thief in Pink Burka

Posted on December 9, 2013 by creeping


Burka robberies (and burqa) are a growing trend in the U.S. The ‘perfect disguise’. via Woman Dressed in All Pink Wanted for Prince George’s Bank Robbery « CBS DC.

A women dressed in all pink is suspected of robbing a bank in Prince George’s County on Monday.

Police say the woman robbed the Capital One Bank in the 6200 block of Annapolis Road in Land Rover just after 5 p.m. She passed a note to the bank teller demanding cash and made away with an undisclosed amount of money.

The suspect is a black female in her late 20s, between 5 feet 8 inches and 5 feet 11 inches tall. She was wearing a pink head wrap and pink coat while carrying a pink cell phone with her at the time of the robbery.

Police have released a surveillance image of the suspect at the bank and are offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

Anyone with information on the suspect is asked to call the CID Robbery Unit at 301-772-4905. Callers can remain anonymous by calling Crime Solvers at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477). People may also text “PGPD plus your tips” to CRIMES (274637) on their cell phone or go to http://www.pgpolice.org and submit a tip online.

Posted on 9 Dec 13 by Creeping Sharia

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. This is an action that is still labeled as “lesser jihad” and is acceptable in the Qur’an, the aHadith (all the hadiths), the sunnah (Mohammed’s life), and Shari’a (Islamic law). The only time stealing is not allowed is when  someone steals from a Muslim. This is acceptable as one of the ways tp perform the obligated “lesser jihad” against kuffars/infidels because it takes their money away to help finance more forms of jihad and pay the required zakat, as well as it creates some chaos in the area where it happens, and, most critical in the act of any jihad…it stirs up some form of terror…proof of that…anyone that were at any banks that were robbed by a burqa wearing criminal, if you were to ask them if they are afraid when they see a woman wearing a burqa down the street, they will reply with 99% surety, with “Yes” they are a little nervous of that burqa wearing person…

As far as the burqa being a “perfect disguise”…I will have to agree. In my being in Saudi Arabia off and on for a year during the first Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, Aug 90 – Feb 91), and being in Egypt and Bahrain off and on for 6 months during the humanitarian aid in Somalia…Operation Restore Hope (Dec 92 – May 93), I will say that when a woman (or man you cannot tell at all) is dressed properly according to what allah wants, then you cannot see any features of the person to give a description of that individual…if they wear the veil, as in this picture, you can only see the color and shape of the eyes and the color of the skin…that’s it. Sad thing is, and is also a part of the lesser jihad is…if any business refuses to let any person in that is wearing a burqa, then they can be sued for discrimination…see where it goes…they are allowed too many exceptions in their “religion of peace” con job.

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