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Muslim group to get own caucus on Capitol Hill

Posted on March 1, 2014 by creeping

Even though there are only 15,000 of them in the U.S. The insanity continues. via Muslim group to get own caucus on Capitol Hill – Washington Times.

A small branch of Islam often persecuted and called heretical by larger Muslim groups has always found friends on Capitol Hill. Now, America’s Ahmadiyya Muslim community is getting official representation through a new House caucus to be officially unveiled Friday.

The new Ahmadiyya Muslim Caucus will represent the estimated 15,000 to 20,000 Ahmadis living in America, a small percentage of the nearly 3 million Muslims living in the United States.

President Obama has stood up for Ahmadis at the recent National Prayer Breakfast, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, has championed the religious group’s cause in the face of reports of persecution in Pakistan and elsewhere in the Islamic world. Now, the group will have a caucus to represent the global Ahmadiyya community.

“We are talking on the global level to wherever people are being persecuted and prosecuted for their faith,” said Naseem Mahdi, missionary-in-charge and national vice president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA. “We will not take the selfish approach that we will only talk about the rights of Ahmadiyya Muslims. We will talk about the rights of every human being, especially the rights of every believer.”

If that was true then they wouldn’t need a Muslim caucus. More:

Ahmadiyya Muslims say they are the largest single largest Muslim group worldwide united under one leader.

Ahmadis believe in basic Islamic principles, but differ from mainstream Muslim theology in recognizing Ahmad as a prophet and messiah and arguing that Jesus died of old age. Because Ahmad believed himself a reformer of Islam, his followers see themselves as the propagators of the most perfect form of the Muslim faith.

Frank Griffel, professor of Islamic studies at Yale University, said although many mainstream Muslim communities view them as apostates, Ahmadis believe they are true followers of Islam.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle are so desperate to find some Muslim group they can claim as “moderate” that they’ll support anything.

The new caucus boasts bipartisan leadership: Reps. Frank Wolf, Virginia Republican, and Jackie Speier, California Democrat, will serve as co-chairs. Last June, Mr. Wolf was awarded the 2013 Ahmadiyya Muslim Humanitarian Award.

Read more on Frank Wolf’s Muslims in the White House:

These “moderate” Muslims smear, defame and attack counter jihadists…They provide essential cover for the global jihad .

PS: Hamas/CAIR whom Frank Wolf has opposed actually supports this caucus – a clear indication just how bad a decision it is.

Posted 1 Mar 14 by Creeping Sharia



noun \ˈkȯ-kəs\

a meeting of members of a political party for the purpose of choosing candidates for an election

a group of people (such as members of the U.S. Congress) who meet to discuss a particular issue or to work together for a shared, usually political goal
