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Obama’s Islamic Foot Soldiers: Prepped For Battle INSIDE America! Malls & More…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Posted on August 9, 2014


HARPING on the Anti-American-in-Chief’s hyper disdain for U.S. fighting forces has been a labor of (patriotic) love, albeit a depressing task. Nevertheless, said efforts help to illuminate his utter contempt for their heroism, thereby, shining a spotlight on his visceral hatred. It is not for nothing – both the reporting and why the Betrayer-in-Chief behaves as such.

REGARDLESS, once a patriot…and these feelings defy time and place, even though, since 2008, this American-Israeli has been living in Israel. That being said, the ethos behind Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s hatred for America is amply demonstrated at three converging intersections. Their endpoints are leading in several dangerous directions, including America’s malls!

Intersection One:

BY definition, one cannot be a third world devotee, an Islamist at heart, yet, at the same time, be an American patriot. It’s less likely than beautifying a pig, even with the most high-priced lipstick. Indeed, Islam’s best friend!        

Intersection Two:

ADDITIONALLY, while empowering the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia he thrusts open America’s borders to illegal aliens, many of whom are MS 13 gangsters in league with Islamic terrorists!  Why?

Intersection Three:

SO, is it shocking that intersections 1 + 2 are really a catalyst for intersection 3, whereby Barack HUSSEIN Obama demonstrates an utter, palpable hatred for the U.S. military, just like America’s worst enemies?

{Blogger’s Side Note: though the immediate link below is from a Christian “end times” site – and in no way reflects this writer’s Jewish underpinnings – the specific non-theological facts, as described below, are beyond reproach}

Before writing this article, I took a quick trip to the official White House website where I wanted to see what type of statement Obama has issued in the aftermath of the shooting death of a U.S. general by Muslim terrorists in Afghanistan. What I found there was exactly what I have come to expect from Obama. I found nothing. Then I went to the official White House Facebook page, and guess what I found? More nothing. Not even a mention. But there was a story on Obama signing the Cellphone Unlocking Bill.

Obama couldn’t care less.

The U.S. general who was shot and killed in an apparent insider attack in Kabul on Tuesday had served in the American military for more than three decades and was a key player in the current U.S. effort to stand up Afghan security forces.

Army Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene of Falls Church, Va., was the highest-ranking member of the U.S. military to die in the line of duty since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He was the deputy commanding general for the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan and was making a routine visit to a training facility when he was fatally shot.

EVEN so, why is today’s commentary inferring that Barack HUSSEIN Obama has knowledge about “in place” jihadi strikes on countless malls in America, plus other related Islamic attacks ready “to go”?

WELL, as a matter of record, what can be revealed is: this blogger has confirmed from MULTIPLE counter terror contacts some worrisome tidbits, yes, there are verifiable amounts of missing radioactive components from U.S. academic research labs, as well as from other industry-related sites. This type of info should, as a matter of intelligence course, be placing the public on high alert. Ignorance is NOT bliss. It is often deadly.

ALONG this trajectory, does anyone recall the previous terror alert color codes, at least signaling that Islamic jihad was still a danger to America? Has the pervasive threat just vanished into thin air? Never mind that DHS decided to can the color charts, opting for “elevated and imminent”, dragging other actors along, even though some understood why these changes were really made. For the record, Obama’s DHS has no interest in “simplifying” matters for the public, as they opine. This is a guarantee. 

MOST significantly, Barack HUSSEIN Obama has ordered a lock-down on Islamic jihadi info, but not for the good of America! In other words, what has come to these ears very much dovetails with the info revealed by Dr. Jim Garrow, not to an exactitude, but definitely in the main. This info came from SEVERAL discreet directions. Do not inquire who told this and that…regardless, dear readers, listen up, pay rapt attention to the linked youtube!

Dr. Jim Garrow joins the JJ McCartney show at the 3 minute mark of the new video below and drops more bombshells about Barack Obama’s connections to Islamic terrorists including the fact that, according to Garrow, Obama KNOWS which US shopping malls are on ‘a list’ to be attacked. Informing us that there are 103 shopping malls on the ‘attack list’, does Barack Obama really know that attacks were planned upon these malls as Garrow suggests? With all of this out in the open now, they wouldn’t possibly still go through with these ‘attacks’, would they? Video gets really hot at the 12 minute mark and onward.

ONE has to understand what viscerally animates the Islamist/Radical-in-Chief, and why he will go to the mat for some subject matters, while others remain behind closed doors.

DEMONSTRABLY, inserting himself into racial matters leads to igniting fires under Blacks. Cause and effect. No one can honestly attest otherwise. On the other side of his anti-American spectrum, his administration is tasked with a “hands-off” policy towards anything remotely related to the domestic threat of Islamic jihad, one which is burgeoning from deep inside his administration, as well as scores of jihadi compounds burrowed in the heart of America. Why the disparity of selective treatment? Indeed.

IN this regard, is it any wonder that he has zero intention of stopping this or that attack; whether at the malls, the borders or in the increasingly thuggish streets of America, mostly due to Black on White (carte blanche) wilding rampages?

Posted on 9 Aug 14 by Adina Kutnicki

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