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Napolitano Admits Terrorists Are Crossing the Border

A National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) report released in March 2010 stated that there have been no documented cases of terrorists illegally entering the United States across the Mexican border.

But Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has contradicted that assertion with an admission that terrorists do cross the border “from time to time” with intent to attack Americans.

At a July 25 hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Ron Barber, D-Ariz., asked Napolitano: “As you know, Madam Secretary, there have been anecdotal reports about material evidence of the presence of terrorists along our southern border. My question is, is there any credible evidence that these reports are accurate and that terrorists are, in fact, crossing our southern border with the intent to do harm to the American people?”

Napolitano answered: “With respect, there have been from time to time, and we are constantly working against different and evolving threats involving various terrorist groups and various ways they may seek to enter the country.”

She did say that the U.S.-Mexico border is “heavily, heavily staffed at record amounts of manpower, materiel, infrastructure and the like, and we are constantly making sure we’re doing all we can to make that border as safe as possible.”

The earlier report from the NDIC, a division of the U.S. Justice Department, stated: “Of some concern to law enforcement officials is the potential for using drug smuggling routes to move terrorists or transport weapons of mass destruction into the United States. However, there have been no incidents of this type documented, and according to federal law enforcement officials, the involvement of Mexican [drug trafficking organizations] in this type of activity is very unlikely.”

But Napolitano is not the first to make a statement to the contrary. In an August 2007 interview with the El Paso Times, then-Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell was asked: “Are terrorist coming across the Southwest border?”

He responded: “Not in great numbers.”

“So there are some cases?” the interviewer asked.

Said McConnell: “There are some.” He added: “There were a significant number of Iraqis who came across last year. Smuggled across illegally.”

Received this as an email from Newsmax.com

[Editor’s Note: Sad thing is this…there are Islamic illegals sneaking into the US. Potential terrorists? A high probability, on account of Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has stated in the past that if the US or Israel attacks Iran, then he will let loose his fury by targeting cities in the US…as well as having stated in the past (verified by former Iranian Revolutionary Guard member who worked undercover as a CIA agent, Reza Kahlili) that there are sleeper cells in the US, about 5000 sleepers martyrs that have access to dangerous WMD (chemical/biological) and EMP (this would literally put the US into the 18th century as far as electricity and electronics). This isn’t taking into factual reality that a lot of the Arabic illegals that have ties with Hezbollah, from Mexico. So our DHS isn’t really doing anything to really protect us very much, as well as Clinton, Obama and Holder trying to kill the 2nd Amendment and take away our freedom and right to protect ourselves…

This, once again, is just my thoughts and knowledge; this does not reflect what the local chapter or National Act! for America office stands for nor necessarily feels the same way…]

Secular Egyptian on the IslamoFascist and Muslim Brotherhood lobbies and the Obama Regime’s secret collaboration with pro-terrorist, anti-American organizations

Posted: February 19, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |

FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various IslamoFascist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah. At this meeting, the FBI revealed that it had removed more than 1000 presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that was deemed “offensive to Muslims.”

Investigative Project  The FBI did not reveal what criteria was used to determine why material was considered “offensive” but knowledgeable law enforcement sources have told the IPT that it was these radical groups who made that determination. Moreover, numerous FBI agents have confirmed that from now on, FBI headquarters has banned all FBI offices from inviting any counter-terrorist specialists who are considered “anti-Islam” by Muslim Brotherhood front groups.


The February 8 FBI meeting was the culmination of a series of unpublicized directives issued in the last three months by top FBI officials to all its field offices to immediately recall and withdraw any presentation or curricula on Islam throughout the entire FBI. In fact, according to informed sources and undisclosed documents, the FBI directive was instigated by radical Muslim groups in the US who had repeatedly met with top officials of the Obama Administration to complain, among other things, that the mere usage of the term of “radical Islam” in FBI curricula was “offensive” and ‘racist.” And thus, directives went out by Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Mueller to censor all such material. Included in the material destroyed or removed by the FBI and the DOJ were powerpoints and articles that defined jihad as “holy war” or presentations that portrayed the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization bent on taking over the world—a major tenant that the Muslim Brotherhood has publicly stated for decades.


Islamist Lobbies’ Washington War on Arab and Muslim Liberals

by Essam Abdallah
The Cutting Edge News

The most dramatic oppression of the region’s civil societies and the Arab Spring is not by means of weapons, or in the Middle East. It is not led by Gaddafi, Mubarak, Bin Ali, Saleh, or Assad. It is led by the powerful Islamist lobbies in Washington DC. People may find my words curious if not provocative. But my arguments are sharp and well understood by many Arab and Middle Eastern liberals and freedom fighters. Indeed, we in the region, who are struggling for real democracy, not for the one time election type of democracy have been asking ourselves since January 2011 as the winds of Arab spring started blowing, why isn’t the West in general and the United States Administration in particular clearly and forcefully supporting our civil societies and particularly the secular democrats of the region? Why were the bureaucracies in Washington and in Brussels partnering with Islamists in the region and not with their natural allies the democracy promoting political forces?


Months into the Arab Spring, we realized that the Western powers, and the Obama Administration have put their support behind the new authoritarians, those who are claiming they will be brought to power via the votes of the people. Well, it is not quite so.

The Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Nahda of Tunisia, the Justice Party of Morocco and the Islamist militias in Libya’s Transitional National Council have been systematically supported by Washington at the expense of real liberal and secular forces. We saw day by day how the White House guided carefully the statements and the actions of the US and the State Department followed through to give all the chances to the Islamists and almost no chances to the secular and revolutionary youth. We will come back to detail these diplomatic and financial maneuvers which are giving victory to the fundamentalists while the seculars and progressives are going to be smashed by the forthcoming regimes.


In the US, there are interests that determine foreign policy. And there are lobbies that put pressure to get their objectives met in foreign policy. One of the most powerful lobbies in America under the Obama Administration is the Muslim Brotherhood greater lobby, which has been in action for many years. This lobby has secured many operatives inside the Administration and has been successful in directing US policy towards the Arab world. Among leading advisers sympathetic to the Ikhwan is Daliah Mogahed (Mujahid) and her associate, Georgetown Professor John Esposito. Just as shocking, there is also a pro-Iranian lobby that has been influencing US policy towards Iran and Hezbollah in the region.

One of the most important activities of the Islamist lobby in the US is the waging of political and media wars on the liberal Arabs and Middle Eastern figures and groups in America. This battlefield is among the most important in influencing Washington’s policies in the Arab world. This huge war waged by the Islamist lobbies in America started at the end of the Cold war and continued all the way till the Arab spring. The two main forces of this lobby are the Muslim Brotherhood fronts and the Iranian fronts. According to research available in the US, the Ikhwan fronts such as CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), led by Hamas supporter Nihad Awad, as well as the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Islamic Society of North America, and others waged their political war to block the representatives of Arab liberals and Muslim moderates from making their case to the American public. The Iranian lobby, exemplified by the National Iranian American Committee (NIAC), led by Trita Parsi, has been hitting at Iranian exiles.  READ THE REST

Posted on 19 Feb 12 by BNI

DOJ official says Holder ‘Firmly Committed’ to eliminating…truth about Islam in training

Posted on October 20, 2011 by creeping

Enforcing Islamic blasphemy laws on law enforcement officials, just like they enforce it on the populace. via DOJ Official: Holder ‘Firmly Committed’ To Eliminating Anti-Muslim Training | TPMMuckraker.

Attorney General Eric Holder is “firmly committed” to nixing anti-Muslim material from law enforcement training, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, Dwight C. Holton said Wednesday.
Holton, who was U.S. Attorney when the FBI arrested the so-called Christmas tree bomber, said that he spoke specifically with Holder about the “egregiously false” training that took place at the FBI’s training headquarters at Quantico and at a U.S. Attorney’s office in Pennsylvania, which was first reported on by Wired.
“I want to be perfectly clear about this: training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for,” Holton said. “They will not be tolerated.”
The training materials, Holton said, “pose a significant threat to national security, because they play into the false narrative propagated by terrorists that the United States is at war with Islam.”
Holton said that he spoke about the issue with Holder directly when he was out in Oregon.
“He is firmly committed to making sure that this is over,” Holton said. “Now the reality is it is going to take a bit to go back and figure out what trainings have happened in the past that we need to go back and fix — we’re a big organization, we’ve got lots going on with lots of people and lots of contractors — but Attorney General Holder is firmly committed to it, and we’re going to fix it.”
Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez also condemned the anti-Muslim training material in his subsequent speech during a conference on anti-Muslim discrimination, saying that Muslims have “every right to be upset about the issue of the trainings.”
“The Attorney General is equally upset, the Deputy Attorney General is upset, the FBI Director is upset, and we’re upset because we have accomplished so much,” Perez said.

Holder and Perez should apply for jobs at CAIR. They have similar agendas and spew the same propaganda.

“I recognize the words of my mother, that it only takes one or two incidents to make all that great work seem a part of the past,” Perez said. “So we have to make sure that we have the quality control across the board.”
Holton struck a similar theme, recalling how he talked to his local FBI special agent in charge (SAC) the day after the Quantico revelations came out.
“The SAC said to me — Greg Fowler, who used to be in New York, he’s now in Oregon — said ‘You know, they tell you on your first day as an agent at the FBI that one person can make a difference. What they forget to tell you is that it can be a good difference or a bad difference.’ So we’re working hard to get that right,” Holton said.
Progress has been made on engagement with Muslim communities, including in the way that criminal complaints refer to Islam, said Holton.
“Before this effort, a lot of us didn’t understand that when we make an arrest in a high-profile terrorism case that involves someone who claims they follow Islam, it creates a mini-backlash against people in communities,” Holton said.
“In the 37-page complaint that laid out the allegations against Mohamed Mohamud, he is never once identified as a Muslim. We were very careful about that. It’s not relevant from our perspective, what’s relevant is the violence,” Holton said.
“Every time I opened my mouth about that case, I said maybe two or three main points and one of them is ‘violence knows no country, no religion, no boundaries’,” Holton said.
He added that not referring to him as a Muslim made him the target of Islamophobic bloggers.
“Of all the hateful things that have been said about me as U.S. Attorney, it’s part of the job, right, having to deal with the bloggers comments — and believe me the medical marijuana crowd does not love me — but of all the hateful things that have been said about me was in response to me saying that,” Holton said. “There are people who don’t get it.”

The pot calling the kettle black.

Holton called the outreach he did with the Muslim community over the course of his tour as U.S. Attorney for Oregon the most important work of his career, joking that he put on “10 pounds in lamb weight” and recalling having 15 to 20 imams over at his house for a halal meal that went until 2 a.m.
“My wife jokes that our social life has been taken over by Muslim engagement,” said Holton.

Dhimmi. Clearly the DOJ has been hijacked by Muslim engagement as well and is bent on making law enforcement sharia compliant if not impotent.

posted on 20 Oct 11 by Creeping Sharia