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AWOL Muslim soldier who refused to deploy, arrested in plot against Fort Hood

Posted on July 29, 2011 by creeping

And the beat jihad goes on.

Story via AWOL GI Wanted “Retaliation,” Talked Of Attacks

(CBS/AP) KILLEEN, Texas – An AWOL soldier told police he was “seeking retaliation” against the Army and indicated that he was planning attacks against the City of Killeen and Fort Hood, the same Texas Army post where 13 people were killed in a 2009 shooting rampage blamed on an Army psychiatrist, CBS News correspondent Bob Orr reports.

Killeen police arrested without incident 21-year-old Pfc. Nasser Jason Abdo on Wednesday after being alerted by “concerned citizens,” and agents found firearms and “items that could be identified as bomb-making components, including gunpowder,” in his motel room, said FBI spokesman Erik Vasys.

Federal charges are pending and will be filed, pending review of the prosecutor’s office, Killeen Police Chief Dennis Baldwin said at a press conference. Baldwin said that it was a federal investigation, not a local police investigation.

This begs the question why the Arkansas jihad attack, which resulted in one soldier killed and another injured, was not a federal case.

U.S. law enforcement sources told Orr that a .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun, ammunition clips, more than 100 rounds of ammunition, a large quantity of smokeless gunpowder, batteries, clocks and a pressure cooker were found in Abdo’s motel room.

There were indications that Abdo was dismantling shotgun shells to retrieve the gunpowder with the intention of using the pellets as shrapnel in explosive devices, Orr reports.

“Military personnel were a target of this suspect,” Baldwin said. If he had not been stopped, “we might be having a very different press conference.”

A law enforcement official told CBS News that Abdo had asked how to build explosives at a gun store near Fort Hood. His questions about explosives made the gun store worker suspicious and contact police, the official said. When police questioned Abdo at his motel, he made references to a plan to kill or injure people.

Gun store clerk Greg Ebert, a 17-year veteran of the Killeen police force who retired in 2010, said a customer arrived by taxi Tuesday at Guns Galore LLC, where the 2009 Fort Hood rampage suspect bought a pistol used in the attack. The customer bought 6 pounds of smokeless gunpowder, three boxes of shotgun ammunition and a magazine for a semi-automatic pistol, paying about $250.

Ebert said he became concerned when the man asked questions indicating he didn’t know much about the items, such as “What is smokeless powder?”

“(We) felt uncomfortable with his overall demeanor and the fact he didn’t know what the hell he was buying,” Ebert said. “I thought it prudent to contact the local authorities, which I did.”

Killeen police did not immediately confirm Thursday whether the buyer was Abdo.

Two people associated with Abdo have been questioned but not arrested, the law enforcement official told CBS News.

Vasys said the FBI planned to charge Abdo with possessing bomb-making components later Thursday, at which time he would be transferred into federal custody. He said there was nothing to indicate Abdo was “working with others.”

Abdo has been absent without leave from Fort Campbell, Ky., since the July 4 weekend.

“I would emphasize that any threat that Abdo posed is now over,” Vasys said. “Suffice it to say we’re looking into all aspects of Mr. Abdo’s life to determine his motivations and intentions.”

That shouldn’t be hard, but can any official handle the truth?

MEMRI has a translation of a video Naser gave to al Qaeda Jazeera.

Nasser Abdo: “I don’t believe I can involve myself in an army that wages war against Muslims. I don’t believe I could sleep at night if I take part, in any way, in the killing of a Muslim.”

I can’t deploy with my unit to Afghanistan and participate in the war – I can’t both deploy and be a Muslim.”

“He has one lawyer, and his wife from Canada runs a website to raise money to finance his defense. The family of serviceman Nasser Abdo is preparing for a lengthy and bitter legal battle.

Is the media just now referring to him as “Jason” Abdo?

Posted on 29 Jul 11 by creeping sharia

Fort Hood: Mass Murdering Muslim to Be Arraigned Today, Nearly Three Years Later — Obama’s Jihad

Below, Major Hasan’s Islamic power point presentation, made on grand rounds.


The devout and pious Muslim who mowed down 13 US soldiers at the Fort Hood military base in November 2009 while screaming allahu akbar (and wearing the garb of a shaheed) is scheduled to be arraigned this afternoon. Why this jihadi hasn’t faced a firing squad by now speaks volumes about the continuing failures (or sedition) of the Obama adminsitration. Why is Obama shielding this Major Hasan?

Hasan’s business card read SoA, Solider of Allah. Muslim Nidal Hasan gave out his card and qurans the morning of his jihad. More here and here.

Hasan hated America, hated the troops, proselytized his co-workers, planned his jihad and completed his mission. His head was shaved. What else was shaved? If his body was shaved like his head, then the military guys and law enforcement know and have known that this was jihad. Despite this, the Department of Defense did nothing.

The army knew of jihadis in its ranks and did nothing — “Islamic holy war — was a serious problem and threat to personnel in the U.S.”

Obama’s Fort Hood Jihadist: We have been hearing for years that the White House is withholding evidence on the Fort Hood jihadi, Major Nidal Malik Hasan. This was confimed by Hasan’s own lawyer. Perhaps that is why Hasan’s lawyer, John Galligan, announced today that he is stepping down as Hasan’s lawyer.

Despite all this, Obama’s Department of Defense refused to identify motive (or religious motivation) behnd the Fort Hood jihad in its final report on the attack.

Congressman John Carter back said this back in April:

Yet the Obama Administration continues to deny the Fort Hood attack was terrorism, failed to grant the casualties the same status as that given casualties from the 2001 Pentagon attack, conspicuously omitted even mention of the words “radical Islamic terrorism” in the official DOD report on the shootings, and will not acknowledge the role of political-correctness in stifling whistleblower warnings of the impending attack.

Now the Administration is refusing to fully comply with a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee subpoena that the Pentagon share documents and witnesses concerning the incident.

Senate Homeland Security Chairman Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Ranking Minority Member Susan Collins (R-MA) issued the subpoena after the Administration refused to provide those documents on the request of the committee.

The Administration bases their denial on the argument that releasing the information might endanger their prosecution of Major Nidal Hasan.”

Worse still, a soldier who recorded the terror of last year’s deadly allahu akbar shooting rampage in Fort Hood using his cell phone was ordered by an officer to delete both videos, a military court heard back in October of last year.

Military Suspect in Fort Hood shootings to be arraigned FOX News July 20, 2011 | Associated Press

FORT HOOD, Texas – The Army psychiatrist charged in the deadly Fort Hood shooting rampage nearly two years ago was scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday, his first courtroom appearance since the commander of the Texas Army post decided he would face the death penalty. Maj. Nidal Hasan, charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder, could enter a plea or opt to wait until another hearing.

According to military law, however, he cannot plead guilty because it is a death penalty case. Col. Gregory Gross, Fort Hood’s chief circuit judge, is expected to set dates for other hearings and for the trial. Documents filed in the case show that jurors will be brought in from Fort Sill, Okla., said Hasan’s lead attorney John Galligan. Th Fort Hood’s commander, Lt. Gen Donald Campbell, announced two weeks ago that Hasan would be tried in a military court and would face the death penalty in connection with the November 2009 rampage. That decision echoed recommendations from two Army colonels who also reviewed the case.

Hasan’s defense team, which includes two Army attorneys, has declined to say whether it’s considering an insanity defense.

The report from Hasan’s mental evaluation has not been disclosed. The three-member military panel was asked to determine whether he is competent to stand trial, if he had a severe mental illness the day of the shootings and, if so, whether that prevented him from knowing at the time that his alleged actions were wrong.

Hasan, 40, was paralyzed from the waist down after being shot by police that day. He remains in the Bell County jail, which houses defendants for nearby Fort Hood.

Hasan had attended several brief court hearings before last fall’s evidentiary hearing that lasted about two weeks. He sometimes took notes during that hearing and showed no reaction as 56 witnesses testified, including more than two dozen soldiers who survived gunshot wounds.

Witnesses said that a gunman wearing an Army combat uniform shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — which is Arabic for “God is great!” — and opened fire in a small but crowded medical building where deploying soldiers are vaccinated and undergo other tests. The gunman fired rapidly, pausing only to reload, even shooting some people as they hid under tables or fled the building, witnesses said.

Some witnesses identified the gunman as Hasan, an American-born Muslim who was scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan the following month. Before the attack, Hasan bought a laser-equipped semiautomatic handgun and repeatedly visited a firing range, where he honed his skills by shooting at the heads on silhouette targets, witnesses testified during the hearing.

A Senate report released earlier this year said the FBI missed warning signs and that before the rampage, Hasan had become an Islamic extremist and a “ticking time bomb.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/20/suspect-in-fort-hood-shootings-to-be-arraigned-573326624/#ixzz1Sfw23mH6

Shock: Dept. of Defense Vindicates Fort Hood Killer


U.S. Army tacitly endorses a religiously bigoted position: it is fine for Muslim service members to kill non-Muslims, but killing Muslims is grounds for an honorable discharge.

June 21, 2011 – 10:11 am – by Patrick Poole

A shocking decision made by the secretary of the Army last month — in the case of an U.S. Army soldier with the 101st Airborne at Fort Campbell who refused to deploy to Afghanistan claiming that Islamic law prevented him from killing other Muslims — vindicates Fort Hood killer Major Nidal Hasan. He made identical claims and threatened that “adverse events” would occur if military officials didn’t accede to shariah principles.

The subject of the Fort Campbell case is PFC Nasser Abdo, who was granted conscientious objector status last month, only to be brought up on charges last week — two days after being informed of the secretary of the Army’s decision — after child pornography was found on his government-issued computer. The news reports about Abdo’s arrest were the first to mention the Army recognizing him as a conscientious objector. After his arrest, Abdo is now claiming that the child porn charges are the Army’s way of retaliating against him.

Abdo’s case has been championed by a number of media outlets, including Al-Jazeera and CNN. According to the Associated Press, in his claim for conscientious objector status, Abdo cited a number of Islamic scholars and Koranic verses in his defense:

I realized through further reflection that God did not give legitimacy to the war in Afghanistan, Iraq or any war the U.S. Army would conceivably participate in.

Abdo told Al-Jazeera:

I don’t believe I can involve myself in an army that wages war against Muslims. I don’t believe I could sleep at night if I take part, in any way, in the killing of a Muslim.

He also told ABC News:

A Muslim is not allowed to participate in an Islamicly unjust war. Any Muslim who knows his religion or maybe takes into account what his religion says can find out very clearly why he should not participate in the U.S. military.

In a perverse twist, the ABC News report noted that a website dedicated to his cause operated by his friends claimed that Abdo:

… will be at danger of harassment and even death from his fellow soldiers, many of whom will be resentful of PFC Abdo’s religious beliefs and his desire to be discharged from the military.

No mention was made by ABC News of the potential of harassment and death for non-Muslim soldiers if Abdo wasn’t granted conscientious objector status, as was the case at Fort Hood with Major Nidal Hasan.

In Major Hasan’s case, the Washington Post reported just days after the Fort Hood massacre that he had warned his Army colleagues and supervisor at Walter Reed of “adverse events” if Muslims were not granted conscientious objector status. The warning occurred during a June 2007 Power Point presentation that was part of his psychiatric residency program. Major Hasan cited previous cases of Muslims murdering their fellow soldiers, spying against the U.S., deserting their units, and refusing to deploy as examples of the kinds of “adverse events” that would follow if the Army didn’t bow to the precepts of Islamic law.

Some Muslim groups have disagreed with Major Hasan and PFC Abdo, such as the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, run by retired Navy Commander Zuhdi Jasser. And Muslim soldiers at both Fort Hood and Fort Campbell, as well as in Iraq and Afghanistan, are serving without any qualms.

But as veteran Pentagon reporter Bill Gertz reported in the Washington Times in March 2010, groups such as the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) have issued fatwas prohibiting Muslims from even serving as military contractors aiding U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. And the notorious Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) even went so far as to write a letter to Defense Secretary Robert Gates on behalf of another Muslim Army soldier stationed at Fort Hood claiming conscientious objector status on the same grounds as Hasan and Abdo.

By granting PFC Abdo’s conscientious objector claim, the Army may have created trouble for themselves in the court martial of Major Hasan for the murder of his thirteen fellow soldiers at Fort Hood. Hasan’s attorney can now claim that by refusing to acknowledge Major Hasan’s claims under Islamic law as a conscientious objector and granting him an honorable discharge, the Army created irreconcilable conflict that prompted the Fort Hood massacre. And they can use the secretary of the Army’s decision in the Abdo case as proof.

But they have also created a greater problem. By bowing to the dictates of Islamic law, which defines the killing of a Muslim by another Muslim without right as terrorism, the U.S. Army has tacitly endorsed a religiously bigoted position that it is perfectly fine for Muslim service members to kill non-Muslims, but killing their co-religionists is totally out-of-bounds and is grounds for an honorable discharge. Is any other religion granted such accommodation? Will this decision help or discredit those Muslims serving honorably with both their fellow soldiers and the Muslim community?

Despite years of protestation by the U.S. government to the contrary, this decision vindicates all of these who have claimed that America is engaged in a war against Islam (including Osama bin Laden). The position that the Army now takes would also appear to acknowledge the classic Islamic doctrine of jihad that states that any incursion by non-Muslims into the lands of Dar al-Islam makes it an incumbent duty upon all Muslims everywhere to resist the “occupiers” — the position taken by al-Qaeda and every Islamic terrorist group on the planet.

How did the Unites States Army arrive at such a convoluted, ill-informed, contradictory, and self-defeating policy? By listening to the very Islamic “outreach” partners they have falsely assumed are operating in America’s best interests.

Patrick Poole is a regular contributor to Pajamas Media, and an anti-terrorism consultant to law enforcement and the military.
