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TAMPA PARENTS battle SCHOOL BOARD for allowing Hamas-linked CAIR to indoctrinate students with Islamic propaganda

Posted: January 26, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam |


Some wore neckties that resembled U.S. flags. Some were parents or grandparents. They all were united by a mission. And one by one, the speakers took the Hillsborough County School Board to task over what they said was the improper teaching of Islam in a high school classroom last year by the leader of the local Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

                            Hassan Shibly

Tampa Bay Online  They said the presentation by CAIR’s Hassan Shibly — made to an advanced-placement world history class in November at Steinbrenner High — was a threat to children, to schools, to America. “As a father to a child, this breaks my heart to know this is even considered in the schools,” said William Terrell of Tampa.

“CAIR funds homicide bombers to do what they do. They fund the ability of rockets being shot into Israel,” said Ryan Italiano, an 11-year-old who is home-schooled.

“Why you’ll let this religion be taught in our schools but you won’t let the religion that this country was made of be taught in the schools. What’s the point in teaching religion that caused the twin towers to fall down?”

Finally, after 17 speakers on the topic, and with dozens more anti-CAIR forces in the crowd who didn’t speak, school board Chairwoman Candy Olson had heard enough. And she unleashed on the group.


“Our teachers do need to give our students a broad view of the world,” she said, clearly irritated. “The Muslim faith is here to stay. I don’t think we can protect our children from the fact that there are people in this world who believe in Islam.”

She called those in the audience out of touch and criticized what she labeled a negative and mostly anonymous e-mail campaign that she said was meant to intimidate. ”This was one speaker for part of one class. This wasn’t an indoctrination,” Olson said. “How dare you show such disdain for people who are by and large competent professionals? It is essential, it is imperative we support our teachers in showing a broad view of the world.”

Olson said that despite speakers’ statements to the contrary, there were plenty of opportunities for other faiths to be present in the schools. After all, Olson said, there are Bible studies and clubs such as Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Superintendent MaryEllen Elia told board members the district is required by state standards to teach about different religions. That’s a big difference, she said, from being a proponent for them. “They are not supporting terrorists in our schools,” Elia said. “It’s an insult to our teachers and our principals to indicate that they are.” (Several CAIR members have been convicted, jailed and/or deported for their funding of Islamic charities that directly finance Hamas) 


School board member Stacy White drew a distinction between the message and the messenger. White suggested that outside speakers don’t have to be brought in to teach about different world religions.

“We have to think about how these individuals are screened,” he said. “How can we be assured they are not coming into the classroom with the intent to proselytize the students? Should we have parents made aware of an outside speaker coming into the classroom?”

Many of those in the audience were unhappy with Olson’s lambasting. ”Oh my God. We need to get rid of her,” one woman said on the way out of the meeting.


  Why the Outrage?

Expert Endorsed by Former CIA & DIA Directors

Sends Letter to Tampa School Board Chair – CAIR is HAMAS!

Continued engagement may constitute “Material Support of Terrorism”

Dear Ms, Olson:

Secure Our Schools  At the request of several colleagues, I am writing this letter which I am hopeful will shed light on why there is such an uproar from your community about having representatives of the Council on American Islamic Relations come into any schools in your county.


I am former FBI Special Agent with a deep understanding and experience with the Islamic Movement and Muslim Brotherhood in America. Attached is a letter signed by several senior government officials, including a former Director of Central Intelligence, supporting my work.

To the point, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee in the United States. The Palestine Committee is Hamas in America. I have also attached a self-explanatory PowerPoint presentation detailing a small portion of the evidence that CAIR is a Hamas entity. I suspect you are aware Hamas is a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States government. Three slides demonstrate CAIR is a part of the MB’s Palestine Committee including:

  • · Page 5 of the List of Unindicted Co-Conspirators in the US v Holy Land Foundation case (the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial ever successfully prosecuted in US history). CAIR is listed as a member of the “Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee”
  • A letter dated February 12, 2010 from Assistant Attorney General of the United States Ronald Weich to Congresswoman Sue Myrick (NC) stating:

“Evidence…as introduced in that trial which demonstrated a relationship among CAIR, individual CAIR founders, and the Palestine Committee. Evidence was also introduced that demonstrated a relationship between the Palestine Committee and Hamas.”

  • · A letter signed by five (5) members of Congress to ALL Members of Congress encouraging them to cease all dealings with CAIR because the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has cut off official ties with them because of CAIR’s relationship with Hamas.

With this said, it is important to note that now you are aware of this information, further direct dealings with leaders of Hamas doing business as CAIR means you would be doing so with the knowledge of who they are. This constitutes “Reckless Endangerment” of the students and employees in your school district, and likely also constitutes “Material Support of Terrorism” as defined by the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in June 2010 (Attorney General Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project). This opens you and the school district up to civil and criminal proceedings.

I assume your intention is/was to be open-minded and not support Hamas, I strongly encourage you to immediately cut off all ties and relationships to Hamas (dba CAIR) and their local/state/national representatives.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


John D. Guandolo



Posted on 26 Jan 12 by BNI

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