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Obama sending US troops to Egypt

Posted on June 22, 2013 by creeping

Why? via Riot Control Training – kcentv.com

(KCEN) — A group of soldiers are preparing for their deployment to Egypt with riot training on post.
They’re planning ahead for violent protests or riots and the possibility of protecting the country’s border with Israel.
Soldiers encountered Molotov cocktails and other dangerous items in the training.
Lt. Matthew Wilkinson says, “Just what I’ve seen over the course of the past week than we were a week ago.”
PFC Perez Alexander says, “We want to be as professional as possible… Know what we’re doing.”

They wrap up training today before preparing to ship out in the near future.

Obama is sending U.S. troops to Egypt to protect Egypt’s border with Israel? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

Robert Spencer has another angle on it, Obama sending U.S. soldiers to Egypt to put down anti-Muslim Brotherhood riots:

…in one of the most shameful episodes of his entire shameful tenure, now American troops will be deployed in service of the Muslim Brotherhood, to put down pro-democracy protestors in Egypt.

Posted on 22 Jun 13 by Creeping Sharia

FBI Director Unaware Boston Mosque Founded by al Qaeda Funder (video)

Posted on June 15, 2013 by creeping

via FBI Director Unaware Boston Mosque Founded By al Qaeda Funder – YouTube.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) questioned FBI Director Mueller about his knowledge of the radical Boston mosque that the Tsarnaevs attended. In the Judiciary Committee hearing Mueller reveled that he was “unaware” this mosque was founded by a radical Islamist.

Unaware or lying?

albany-1atlanta-2 minneapolis-3 new-york-4 sacramento-5 washington-field-6

And as former FBI agent posted, Appeasement and Weakness – Still Not Working

mueller_hendi 7

FBI Director Robert Mueller III presenting an award to Imam Yahya Hendi, a senior Muslim Brother in the U.S. who sits on the MB’s Fiqh Council of North America.

Obama has a way of burying skeletons. Mueller will be gone soon too. Democrats Love James Comey, Obama‘s Republican Pick to Lead FBI.

So Who is James Comey?

Posted on 15 Jun 13 by Creeping Sharia

CAIR-Washington member charged with raping 12-year-old girl

Posted on June 21, 2013 by creeping

via Charge: UW biology student raped 12-year-old runaway – seattlepi.com.

A University of Washington student accused of having sex with a 12-year-old girl he picked up in the University District has been charged with child rape.

Currently free after posting bond, UW Senior Omar Abdelbadie is alleged to have plied the girl with marijuana, brought her back to his apartment and had sex with her hours after they met. Abdelbadie, a 22-year-old originally from Bellevue, was described by prosecutors as a threat to community safety, despite his lack of a criminal history.

omar-abdelbadie-2“The defendant is a danger to children given the circumstances of this crime where he met a 12 year old girl on the street, exposed her to marijuana, and took her to his home, where they had sexual intercourse,” Senior Deputy Prosecutor Carol Spoor said in court papers.

Having left home that evening, the girl ended up in the U District just after midnight on June 10, according to charging papers. She told police she was about to head home – she described the crowd there as “creepy” – when she encountered Abdelbadie.

According to the girl’s account, Abdelbadie approached and struck up a conversation with her, and then asked her to smoke marijuana with him. The girl said she told him her age several times before he brought her back to his apartment, where he had sex with her after claiming she had “seduced” him.

The girl left Abdelbadie’s home the following day. Abdelbadie and a friend are alleged to have walked her home, and watched hiding behind a fence as she walked up to the house.

Abdelbadie’s friend – who met Abdelbadie when signing him up for a children’s charity — then called 911 after arguing with Abdelbadie about his conduct with a young girl. Officers responded to the area and arrested Abdelbadie.

According to charging papers, Abdelbadie told police he met the girl walking near University Avenue and claimed she was dressed “provocatively.” He is alleged to have admitted he “hooked up” with the girl, but would not say whether he knew her true age.

Abdelbadie has been charged with second-degree child rape. He likely faces 7 ½ years in prison if convicted as charged.

Answering Muslims has the CAIR link and photos, CAIR-Washington Member Omar Abdelbadie Arrested for Raping Twelve-Year-Old Girl:

Omar Abdelbadie was born in Egypt, but has lived in the United States for the past eight years. He is currently studying Neurobiology at the University of Washington. In his free time, he volunteers with CAIR-Washington, promotes interfaith unity as Vice-President of Bridges (the University of Washington’s Interfaith Council)…


Posted 21 Jun 13 by Creeping Sharia

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Maybe he thought she was going to marry him…maybe he thought allah would allow him to get off because it is only right for a stoned Muslim to do these things to a child, maybe he thought it was OK for him to do it because according to Shari’a Law, there wasn’t four male witnesses to side with her…who knows what he was thinking…that is why ALL people like this, not just Muslims (although they feel it is in their religious authority to do this, and its the females fault) but non-Muslims as well, have a serious psychological problem and need to not only get prison, but need to be castrated and get psychiatric treatment for being mentally ill.]