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Another reason why most everyone hates Muslims (WARNING: Cover your dog’s ears)

Posted: February 22, 2012 | Author: barenakedislam

Blasting the Islamic Call to Prayer on a College Campus also known as how to offend your fellow students and all other living things…..except for B. Hussein Obama who thinks this is the “prettiest sound on Earth.”


Posted on 23 Feb 12 by BNI

Iran’s army says now is time to free ‘holy Quds’

Statement calls for rally to show support for Islamic awakening

Posted: August 25, 2011

By Reza Kahlili
© 2011 WND


Editor’s Note: The writer is the author of “A Time to Betray,” a book about his double life as a CIA agent in Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.

The Iranian Armed Forces’ Headquarters today issued a statement saying that the ongoing revolutions and popular uprisings in the region have created the ideal situation for Muslims to finally clinch a victory over the Zionist regime and to free the holy Quds (Jerusalem) from the Zionist “occupation.”

The statement urged Muslims to turn out for a massive rally to support the International Quds Day on Friday, reminding them that the rallies are intended to show that the Zionist regime of Israel is sinking in the gulf of Islamic awakening and popular anti-Zionist uprisings.

The International Quds Day was initiated by Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic regime in Iran, and is observed on the last Friday of the month of Ramadan, when Muslims all over the world hold rallies in support of the Palestinian resistance against what Khomeini commonly referred to as “the illegitimate Israeli regime occupying Palestine.”

The Iranian Armed Forces Headquarters also said that the serial collapse of the U.S.- and Zionist-backed dictatorial regimes created the potential for the formation of a comprehensive Muslim front against Zionism.

The statement underlined that the recent developments also have provided the grounds and the opportunity for a final victory for the Palestinian people over Israel.

Without mentioning the suppression of the Iranians and Syrians and their quest for freedom, the radicals ruling Iran go on to conclude that, since the beginning of 2011, the region has witnessed an unprecedented and overwhelming wave of change: Tunisia saw the overthrow of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in a popular revolution in January, which was soon followed by another revolution in Egypt in February that toppled Hosni Mubarak. Since then, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Yemen have all experienced scenes of protests against their totalitarian rulers, who have resorted to brutal crackdowns on demonstrations to silence their critics.

Also in an interview with the Revolutionary Guard-run media outlet, Fars News Agency, Habibollah Boorboor, director of the Islamic Revolution Loyalists, discussed the importance of Quds Day this year specifically:

“Today we are witnessing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s tree of life firmly planted and growing in countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen and, of course, all of these uprisings have been inspired by and modeled after our glorious revolution where all of the region’s dictators are being overthrown,” Boorboor said.

Boorboor emphasized that the resistance front has been fortified and is better prepared than ever before to confront the Zionist regime.

He added: “Although the American government and other such despotic countries are willing to support and protect this depraved and corrupt Zionist regime, the Muslim people have awakened and will destroy this cancerous tumor. Muslim countries will take action.”

During a recent secret meeting with his high command, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated that the time is close at hand for the final move to destroy Israel and facilitate the glorification of Islam worldwide.

Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, and the rest of the radicals ruling Iran believe that, as America and Europe become more distracted with their own internal problems, it is less likely that they will get involved in any further conflicts in the Middle East.

They are convinced that they now have the best opportunity to coordinate a multi-front attack on the state of Israel. This, in turn, will trigger the promised coming of the last Islamic Messiah and will lead to Islam’s conquest for a worldwide Islamic caliphate.

Posted on 24 Aug 11 by WMD

Disarmed By Shariah: Political correctness prevents Army from recognizing sedition

Washington Times | Jul 13, 2011
By Adm. James “Ace” Lyons (Ret.)

Today, the mind-numbing disease of political correctness has so infected the American military leadership that it is a threat in itself. The political correctness mentality was the principal reason why Fort Hood’s alleged murderer, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was not cashiered out of the Army after a shocking June 2007 PowerPoint presentation he gave as part of his psychiatric residency program. In that presentation, he reportedly warned his Army colleagues and supervisor at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center of “adverse events” that would occur if the Army did not accept the precepts of Islamic Shariah law and grant Muslims serving in the Army conscientious objector status.

He went on to describe what he meant by adverse events, citing previous cases of Muslims murdering their fellow soldiers, spying against the United States, deserting their units and refusing to deploy. None of his fellow doctors or his supervisor reported his remarks, most likely out of fear of being labeled a bigot or racist, which in today’s military could end one’s career.

Now it seems the Army has embraced Maj. Hasan’s position in an incredible decision made last month by the secretary of the Army to grant conscientious objector status to Pfc. Naser Abdo. He is a 21-year-old soldier, a member of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky., who refused to deploy to Afghanistan, claiming that Shariah law prevented him from killing other Muslims.

The fact that Shariah law is totally incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and has no legal basis in the United States was somehow overlooked in the Army’s decision process. Shariah is a totalitarian legal-military-political system that is designed to control every aspect of an individual’s life and is antithetical to our concept of freedom and democracy. By its dictates, Shariah is seditious.

By acceding to the dictates of Shariah, the Army has tacitly endorsed an absurd position that in effect sanctions Muslim service members to kill non-Muslims but forbids them to kill Muslims. Further, it is an unbelievable basis on which to classify them as conscientious objectors.

When Pfc. Abdo enlisted, he stated he initially believed that he could be a soldier and a Muslim at the same time. What changed his vision? He stated that his understanding of Islam “changed” as he went through training ahead of a planned deployment to Afghanistan. He worried whether going to war was the right thing to do.

This would indicate that someone in the Army training process for an overseas deployment in the 2009-10 time frame was indoctrinating Pfc. Abdo and other Muslim soldiers. Could it have been one of the Muslim chaplains personally selected by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who currently is serving a 23-year sentence in a federal prison? He was convicted of terrorism-related charges and was proved to be a senior al Qaeda financier as well as a strong supporter of the terrorists groups Hezbollah and Hamas.

As a result of his close connections in the Clinton White House, Alamoudi had the lead role in establishing the Muslim chaplain program. He nominated and approved which Muslim chaplains could serve in the U.S. military. The chaplains have never been vetted. This, together with a review of how Muslim military personnel currently are being indoctrinated, needs to be examined on an expedited basis.

Who helped the Army come to this inconceivable position on classifying Pfc. Abdo as a conscientious objector? My guess would be the Army received “guidance” from its Muslim “outreach partners,” who it believes are operating in America’s best interest. This would be classic stealth jihad at its finest.

By granting conscientious objector status to Pfc. Abdo, the Army is tacitly accepting a key tenet of the Islamic doctrine of jihad, as embraced by al Qaeda and other terrorists groups, which states that any incursion by non-Muslims into the Islamic lands makes it the duty for all Muslims to fight the “occupiers.” This view is shared by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who has challenged American efforts in Afghanistan as “unwelcome outsiders,” in effect, occupiers.

The U.S. military is the finest in the world. It represents the best of America. We have many Muslims serving honorably in the U.S. military and their service should not be tainted by Pfc. Abdo’s conscientious objector designation. His discharge from the Army is currently on hold because he has been charged with possession of child pornography. That should not be surprising: Shariah sanctions marriage of girls 9 years old and younger, in effect, legalized pedophilia.

Retired Navy Adm. James A. Lyons was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

Posted on 14 Jul 11 in Facebook by Center for Security Policy TEAM B II