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A Genocidal Campaign on America’s Campuses

posted at:  Wall of Truth

Tariq Ramadan and Cultural Jihad

Amil Imani

On July 27, 2011, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Richardson, Texas, the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Dallas chapter, featured Dr. Tariq Ramadan, a highly controversial Islamic scholar, for their annual fundraising to Support Religious Freedom & Sharia Awareness.
ICNA, an offshoot of the Muslim Students’ Association (MSA), was founded by Muslim immigrants from the Indian subcontinent, and its members are mostly South Asian descent, primarily Pakistanis, Bengalis and Indians. Among many of its goals, “shall be to seek the pleasure of Allah through the struggle of Iqamat-ud-Deen [establishment of the Islamic system of life] as spelled out in the Quran and the Sunnah of [Muhammad].”
Steven Emerson and the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) have documented the fact that ICNA is a militant Islamic fundamentalist organization, and supports terrorism. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has accused ICNA of inviting extremist and anti-Semitic  speakers to its conferences that serve as platforms for extremist views. ICNA has also put up huge billboards, festooning major highways, such as the one along Highway 101 and Tully Road in San Jose, California, with crafty messages. Bold letters on the billboard proclaim: Islam You Deserve to Know. A toll-free number, 1-877-WhyIslam and website, WhyIslam.org beckon the public to get the real scoop about the “religion of peace” with its ceaseless violent record from its inception to this day.
Dr. Ramadan’s presence could have gone relatively unnoticed in the Dallas Metroplex, except for the man’s lengthy record of subversive campaigns and activities. Tariq was banned from the United States for six-years (a visa restriction lifted last January by Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton).
Why is he welcomed again in this country? Has he mended his ways? Not a chance. Secretary Clinton, for whatever reasons, has decided to let the man come and carry on with his dangerous work.
Tariq Ramadan is a faithful flag bearer to the violent Islamic order of the Muslim Brotherhood, founded by his grandfather, Hassan al-Banna. Tariq’s U.S. visa was originally revoked due to his connections to Islamic terrorism. A devoted champion of the religion of peace that he is, Ramadan is uncompromisingly committed to the elimination of the State of Israel, and not necessarily by peaceful means. This religion of peace that Ramadan and his ilk promote, rides at the tip of the sword. Peace, in Islamist’s terms offers no room for negotiations or live and let live.
The tumultuous road to get into the event aside, the star performer, Ramadan, at the meeting, lived up to the expectation of the rabid rank-and-file Islamist by exhorting the faithful to carry out their duty of what I call “Soft Jihad,” and others term it “Cultural Jihad,” in the United States. Soft Jihad is practiced where the sword jihad is not advisable, where Muslims are not strong enough to unsheathe their sword, where the true nature of Islam is exposed and when the general public would likely stamp them out.
A critical tool of soft jihad, Ramadan outlined, involves penetrations of the American educational system, by use of means such as Da’wa-a religious duty of each Muslim to convert non-Muslims in order to strengthen the Islamic Ummah.
Freedom of belief is a treasured feature of enlightened societies where different views clash in the marketplace of free ideas and vie for acceptability without resort to deception, dissimulation or violence. Ideas and beliefs sink or survive on merit as judged by the public.
In Islam, that is not the case. To Muslims, there is no need for various ideas and beliefs to contest on merit. Muhammad has brought the perfect belief system directly from Allah. A flawless belief that is the best and good for eternity. To Muslims, people are like children. They are incapable of deciding these weighty matters and they should accept the faith of Allah like a patient should take a medicine prescribed by an infallible physician, no matter how unpalatable the medicine may be.
Sugarcoating of Islam is, therefore, universally practiced, these self-described doctors of Islamic religion. They keep ranting about the importance of accepting things on faith, denigrate reason, dangle carrots and sticks, and demand unconditional surrender in return for guaranteed bliss and salvation. The masses toe the line, support the clergy’s lavish parasitic lifestyle and the charade continues. It works like a charm. Use the Jihad of the Sword when it can and use the Soft Jihad until the sword can be unsheathed to finish the job. And don’t forget, the end justifies any and all means, Ramadan and company keep on preaching to the hordes.
Islam is the most successful fraud in the history of humanity and it is a great success. Millions of mullahs and imams keep the fraud going and over a billion and a half of the faithful pay for it. They pay in funds, labor and even life, for the IOUs issued to them by the likes of Ramadan who glide through life without breaking a sweat for earning their daily bread.
Ramadan and his co-lice, should be given credit, not only for their part in this well-acted play, but also for demanding their flock to play; namely, deception, dissimulation, a laundered version of Islam, and even outright lies.
Ramadan, for instance, never presents the naked face of Islam. He never speaks of the Islam that thrives on hate, throws acid in the face of women who fail to don the hijab or girls going to school; flogging people for sporting non-Islamic haircuts, stoning to death, violators of sexual norms and other forms of Islamic brutalities such as Honor Killing. He never talks about institutionalized pedophilia in Islam. The fact that Muhammad “married” a six year old and consummated the marriage when Ayesha was only nine, when he himself was pushing sixty.
Confronted with this repulsive behavior of the founder of their perfect religion, a few exercise the defense mechanism of denial and say it did not happen, dismissing their own most trusted historical record. Some say that it wasn’t exactly marriage. It was a politically expedient act, an act of the perfect emissary of Allah. Then we have numerous instances of the same child molestation happening in the Islamic world ever since the example set by Muhammad. Marriage of pre-pubescent girls to older men. Just the other day Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, issued a fatwa proclaiming that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.”
This is only one of numerous shameful and barbaric provisions of the Islamic Sharia that Ramadan and other Soft Jihadists want to transplant to America. Islam is a great deal for the savage sexually driven male while a true bondage for women who seek their right to equality with men.
To this day, the state of Saudi Arabia, the custodian of the twin holy cities of Islam and purportedly a shining example of an Islamic society, forbids women from driving automobiles. And now this is the cult that Ramadan and company want to import to America and impose it on all of us, as they have successfully done to parts of Europe.
Misogynist practices aside, Islam Sharia provisions make any civilized human recoil with horror.
He defends Islam with the same mantra of “We against Them,” “We the righteous against the heathens,” “We the servants submissive of the Great Allah against the rebellious enemies of Allah.” To Islam, a non-Muslim is a combatant against Allah and he is fair game to be subjugated and killed. Ramadan conveniently sidesteps this and other features of this discriminatory cult.
Tariq Ramadan claims Muhammad was the most perfect man, the kind of saintly man that each and every Muslim should adulate and aspire to follow. On the top of his list is the desire to lead their lives in such a way that would please Allah, if they can.
Ramadan speaks of Muhammad’s perseverance in preaching to the Meccans’ his dogma that seemed more like a confused verbiage of a hallucinatory man that revelation from the one and only super-god Allah. Ramadan asked the Muslim community to spread the word of Islam in America, even if they face stiff resistance as the Prophet Muhammad faced stiff resistance in Mecca, at first. Muhammad, during his Mecca years, was ridiculed for his confused sayings by his own tribe of Quraish. He was called “shaeron majnoon”—crazed poet.
The death of his first wife and wealthy employer Khadija left Muhammad even more vulnerable to the ridicule and harassment of the Meccans. He fled from Mecca for Medina and in the relative safety of that city with a large tolerant Jewish community, Muhammad found more people willing to join his clique.
Once in Medina, Muhammad hit on a most powerful formula for success. He justified everything by claiming that Allah wants it this way. And Allah was nothing to trifle with. He held the key to the most magnificent paradise as well as to a dreadful hell. The duty of every good Muslim became unquestioning obedience to everything that Muhammad said and wished. Muhammad became Allah’s gatekeeper to paradise and hell.
Muhammad’s formula worked magic with the Bedouins of Arabia who thrived on robbery and killing. His religion spread like a pandemic disease in no time at all.
As Muhammad gathered more and more followers, he turned on the Jewish community of Medina, killed the men, plundered their belongings, and captured their women and children as slaves. That was the birth of Soft Jihad. Be meek and deceptive first, until you gather enough power then unsheathe the sword. It worked then and it is working today.
And here we are in the 21st -century facing the onslaught of the Islamists and a “cultural jihadist” like Tariq Ramadan. Tariq Ramadan and other Islamic apologists cover a wide spectrum. Ramadan said, “Enshallah, our future in the West is going to be positive. We are not here by accident. We are here to reassess the essence of our religion.” He blamed Tea Party activists and conservatives for giving Islam a bad name. You don’t need the Tea Party, Ramadan, to give Islam a bad name. Islam is its own bad name and mired in bad deeds.
It is repugnant, yet understandable that Ramadan goes around and sings the praises of Islam in low and high notes and every other note that he can disguise and improvise. He makes a very good living at it. What is baffling is some very high-ranking non-Muslims, for whatever reason, helped launder Islam and present it as what it really is not. Former President George W. Bush, for one, did a great disservice on several occasions by exonerating Islam from the crimes of radical Muslims by attributing the horrific violence committed under the banner of Islam to a small band of extremists. The President’s assertion was either based on ignorance of the facts about Islam or his attempt at political correctness. In any event, truth was sacrificed and the public continued to cling to the false notion that Islam is a peaceful religion. People who dare to disclose the true nature of Islam run the risk of being castigated as bigots and hate-mongers. Some businesses are subjected to boycotts and individuals are sued.
Ramadan should know better, and he most certainly does: the so-called small band of Islamic extremists is the true face of Islam.
Hence, it is a fact that Islam is misrepresented, as Ramadan likes to claim. It is misrepresented by people like himself as well as by non-Muslim individuals and institutions who are generously rewarded by the modern day Islamic conquerors. This time around Muslims are using the immense petrodollar they extract from oil-addicted non-Muslims. The sword is temporarily replaced by just as deadly a weapon—the petrodollar. Before long, the Muslims aim to add a more deadly modern version of the sword—the Islamic bomb.
Lastly and most dangerously, Islam has a powerful unwitting ally in the masses of good-hearted gullible Americans who bend over backwards protecting the long cherished principle of religious freedom. And it is this magnificent provision of our society that makes Hillary Clinton reissue a visa to likes of Ramadan to come and exploit the benign provisions of a benevolent system for establishing Islamic enslavement.
“Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction,” said Ronald Reagan. We do well to remember that.
FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Amil Imani is an Iranian-American writer, poet, satirist, novelist, essayist, literary translator, public speaker and political analyst who has been writing and speaking out about the danger of radical Islam both in America and internationally. He has become a formidable voice in the United States against the danger of global jihad and Islamization of America. He maintains a website at www.amilimani.com. Imani is the author of the riveting book Obama Meets Ahmadinejad and the upcoming thriller Operation Persian Gulf.
Posted in:  Family Matters

Lessons on Jihad From the Movie, “What About Bob?”


I WAS THINKING of writing an article about the infuriating cleverness of orthodox Muslims, and I was wondering what I could use to illustrate what they’re doing. And then it came to me in a flash: The movie, What About Bob?

In the movie, Bill Murray plays a psychiatric patient who drives his psychiatrist crazy (Dr. Leo Marvin, played by Richard Dreyfus).

I just watched it again and the parallels to orthodox Islam’s dealings with the West are amazing. Bob uses the same techniques on Dr. Marvin that orthodox Muslims use against the United States and Europe, and with similar results: Bob successfully fools everyone except Dr. Marvin, and Dr. Marvin becomes infuriated and helpless, but unable to stop it.

Bob is able to cleverly insert himself into Dr. Marvin’s life without his consent, and able to turn Dr. Marvin’s friends and family against him.

As I watched, I kept stopping to write notes every time I saw a parallel. Here are my notes:

1. Bob’s stand is: I am suffering. Islam’s stand is: We are an oppressed people, we are under attack, we are the underdog, and we are suffering. Bob manages to make normal events in life cause him to suffer. Orthodox Muslims take anything their enemies do and turns it into “oppression.” And if their enemies do nothing offensive, they create opportunities to be affronted.

Read any mainstream Muslim publication, like the Muslim Public Affairs Committee newsletter, and you will see a strong theme running through almost every article: Muslims are oppressed and persecuted (and therefore must “defend” themselves).

I subscribe to several pro-Muslim e-mail newsletters, and this is an extremely common theme. Every little “hate-crime” they can come up with proves that Muslims are an oppressed minority. I recently read this: In the year 2007, the number of hate-crimes in the U.S. committed against someone because of their religion was 1400. Here’s how the hate-crimes break down by religion:

Anti-Jewish 969

Anti-Other Religion 130
Anti-Islamic 115
Anti-Multiple Religions 62
Anti-Catholic 61
Anti-Protestant 57
Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc. 6

(Source: FBI Hate-Crime Statistics)

Over the course of a year, and with 300 million people in this country, that’s a pretty low incidence of hate-crimes against Muslims. But their perpetual position is that they are an oppressed minority. Here’s why.

2. Bob uses every technique he can find to keep pushing for what he wants. And he uses the one tool that gives him the most leverage with normal people: Pity. Evoke genuine pity, and you can pretty much gain any concession you want. Read more about this.

The stealth jihad uses this principle constantly. Jihadis try to portray themselves — just as their leader Mohammad did — as innocent victims of wrongdoing. Then, having aroused pity, they seek a concession of some kind.

They continue gaining concessions and giving none. Islam is a ratchet: It only goes one way.

3. Bob uses deceit masterfully. Bob hires a hooker to portray Dr. Marvin’s sister to get through on the phone (when Dr. Marvin is on vacation and is not taking calls). Bob impersonates a detective and lies to the operator to get information about where Dr. Marvin is vacationing.

Islam has a principle called taqiyya, which means “religious deception.” They can and do lie to non-Muslims and they have Allah’s permission to do so as long as it serves the cause of Islam.

In the movie, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, there are several good examples, captured on film, of a Muslim leader speaking to Western media, saying one thing, and then it shows the same leader speaking to their fellow Muslims saying just the opposite. You see them speaking peace and tolerance to Westerners and two days later vigorously preaching jihad against the West to their fellow Muslims. This is taqiyya.

Probably the single most important reason orthodox Muslims have gotten away with so much is because they use deceit masterfully.

4. Bob pushes for concessions because he is special, unique, weird. And Bob captures everyone’s attention and doesn’t let them go about their normal lives.

Muslims do the same thing. In Norway, for example, Muslims were agitating for a law that would make it illegal to serve alcohol in discos on certain nights (because they are uncomfortable around alcohol). Hege Storhaug, the co-founder of Human Rights Service, rejects such a proposal. “All the time they have special rules,” says Storhaug, “and we reject special requirements. We get a split-up society and Islam gets more presence in the public sphere. People force religious opinions on others. In the most extreme consequence it leads to the Islamization of society…All the time it’s Muslims who come with special requirements. We never hear a peep from Catholics, Jews, Hindus, etc.”

One way to try to gain a concession is to simply ask. Another way (and far more effective) is to ask while providing a good reason why an exception should be made for you that would not be made for others. Bob had “special needs” because he was agoraphobic or afraid of sailing or deathly afraid of germs, and people went out of their way to accommodate him, conceding things to him they would never concede to a normal person.

Islam does the same thing. And they often succeed (read more about what kinds of concessions they have gained). They press for concessions because they are oppressed or because they are unique (they have particular needs because of their unique religion), or because they’ve been wronged or persecuted or whatever.

5. Bob seems really nice to everyone but his enemy. People usually recognize Bob is unusual, but they think he is innocent. But Dr. Marvin sees what he’s doing and how deliberately and insidiously he’s doing it.

By the skillful use of taqiyya, Muslims — even Muslims we know to be bloodthirsty killers — are considered “really nice people” by those who don’t know better. (Read a good example of that here.)

Islamic countries are often very friendly to Western countries while at the same time whipping up national hatred against those same Western countries on Islamic television stations, and funding global jihad against those same countries.

6. Bob uses public embarrassment to force concessions. When he arrives in the small town where the well-respected Dr. Marvin spends his summer vacation, Bob starts yelling at the top of his lungs in the middle of the street, “Dr. Marvin! Doctor Leo Marvin!” He keeps yelling until he has everyone’s attention and Dr. Marvin can’t simply ignore him and get away, which is what he was planning on doing.

Orthodox Muslims try to embarrass organizations into doing what they want. They will go to court even though they know they will lose, they will get the press involved. They’ll do whatever it takes to embarrass people or companies or governments into conceding. Radio stations have fired good people because the station didn’t want to deal with the public embarrassment of a lawsuit. Politicians restrain themselves and go out of their way not to say anything honest that might be offensive to the super-sensitive Muslim-advocacy organizations, because those organizations will do what they can to embarrass the politicians.

Orthodox Muslims have wormed their way into training programs for police and intelligence agencies and intimidated them into not saying anything that might lead to public embarrassment, demonstrating again and again that the Muslim organizations will use public embarrassment to silence critics of Islam.

7. Bob uses Dr. Marvin’s enemies against him. There is a husband and wife in town who are angry because the rich city doctor came and bought their dream home out from under them. Bob gets these people to help him, and they do it to help ruin Dr. Marvin’s life.

Orthodox Muslims are actively converting and recruiting disgruntled convicts in prison — people who are already enemies of the society. Iran sends soldiers into Iraq in order to kill U.S. soldiers, but Iran also supplies Russia and China with oil, so if the U.S. wants to do something about Iran, we will have our two biggest enemies to contend with. In essence, Iran uses our enemies against us.

Closer to home, those of us who are in the process of alerting our fellow citizens to the danger of Islam’s prime directive have enemies among our own fellow non-Muslim citizens. The blind multiculturalists in the media actively fight against us, trying to discredit anyone who criticizes Islam, and the orthodox Muslims use those enemies against us.

I get a newsletter from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) that brags in almost every issue about how they are bringing this suit against this person or sending press releases out about this or that grievance, and you can see from their wording that they are hitting every hot-button they can think of to gain sympathy from our fellow non-Muslim “enemies.”

8. Bob exploits all of Dr. Marvin’s weaknesses — his egotism, his desire to win his family’s love and approval, his failures and embarrassments, his family’s kindness and innocence, his family’s resentment against Dr. Marvin’s pomposity — Bob exploits it all to get what he wants.

Orthodox Muslims exploit Westerners’ weaknesses, too. One of our “weaknesses” is our reverence for life. Jihadis will hide behind civilians during a battle, knowing Western soldiers will not open fire.

Here’s another example of this principle, from DhimmiWatch:

“Palestinian jihad fighters have even used Christian sites and people as shields against the Israelis. In Spring 2002 they appropriated Bethlehem’s Manger Square as a base of operations, knowing that Israeli forces would not attack them there and would face international opprobrium if they did. This activity precipitated the siege of the Church of the Nativity in April and May of that year. After launching attacks against the Israelis from Manger Square, a group of jihadists fled into the church, where they remained for 39 days — secure in the knowledge that Israel would not attack a Christian holy site. Meanwhile, they desecrated the church.”

Orthodox Muslims are masters of exploiting their enemy’s weaknesses. They immigrate into free countries and then use the democratic process and rights of free speech to agitate against those freedoms and seek to subvert the democracy, as illustrated in the ironic picture here.

They also exploit the multicultural beliefs of the resident population in order to wage jihad by gaining concessions.

9. Bob is absolutely relentless. He doesn’t let up ever. Neither do orthodox Muslims. They keep infiltrating, they keep immigrating, they keep agitating, they keep killing, they keep intimidating, and they will never stop on their own. They’ve been doing it for 1400 years, and they are determined to keep it up until the whole world acknowledges there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is His Messenger.

10. Bob makes sure every response Dr. Marvin makes will backfire. He ensures that no matter what Dr. Marvin does to return to his normal life or solve his problem, it will not work. In the documentary, Target America, you can see each successive American president through the seventies, eighties, and nineties try many different ways of dealing with orthodox Muslims, and every attempt backfired.

The orthodox Muslims made sure they set up a situation where no matter what the U.S. did, it would go badly.

The same infuriating frustration Dr. Marvin feels is what I saw on the faces of all the presidents in Target America as they tried and failed to deal successfully with hijackings and captured hostages and bombings.

11. No matter what he does, Bob makes Dr. Marvin look like the mean one and Bob look like the innocent, underdog victim of Dr. Marvin’s apparently bad-tempered selfishness. Osama bin Laden’s plan was to run planes into the Twin Towers in the hopes that the U.S. would overreact, counting on the fact that the violent overreaction would cause Muslims around the world to unite against the West.

Many people think that’s exactly what happened. Muslims flew planes into the Twin Towers, killing thousands of office workers, and in the end, the U.S. looks like the mean one to a lot of people, and Muslims look like the underdog victims who only need potable water and a little compassion from big, bad America.

12. Bob causes Dr. Marvin’s wife and kids to sympathize with Bob and to resent and reject Dr. Marvin. They all try to look out for poor Bob. They push for Bob to get what he wants. This is analogous to orthodox Muslims causing multiculturalist Westerners to sympathize with Muslims and turn against their fellow countrymen who are trying to protect us all from further harm.

So we have one group of people in the U.S. who want to make sure we’re no longer vulnerable to attack by orthodox Muslims. And we have another segment of the U.S. who wants “stop the hate,” wants to “give peace a chance,” and wants to stop “racial profiling.”

In other words, orthodox Muslims have successfully turned some of our own people against each other. They have manipulated the situation so some non-Muslims are pushing for the orthodox Muslims to get what they want.

This is not just happening in America, it is happening in free countries all over the world.

13. Bob keeps provoking a hostile overreaction from Dr. Marvin and then appears to be the innocent victim of Dr. Marvin’s cruel insensitivity, and then he leverages that to gain concessions. If Dr. Marvin doesn’t respond, Bob escalates or persists in his provocation until Dr. Marvin can’t take it any more and bursts out in anger.

One memorable example from the movie is the dinner scene. Bob moaned with pleasure while he was eating. He kept moaning and saying, “This is so delicious!” And he kept it up until Dr. Marvin suddenly yells at him to shut up. All of Dr. Marvin’s family looks at him with anger and embarrassment. Bob looks like the innocent victim of Dr. Marvin’s irrational rage.

Here’s a good example from William Bennett’s Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism:

“From the beginning, the Palestinian strategy was, and still is, to provoke outrages to which Israel has had no choice but to respond with stringent countermeasures, thereby supplying endless footage of Palestinian casualties and eliciting fresh pressure by the West to accommodate ever-escalating Palestinian demands. Israel’s commitment to peace stimulated in the Palestinians not a spirit of reciprocal amicableness but an appetite for more…”

14. Bob knows full well what he’s doing, but successfully appears innocent to everyone but Dr. Marvin, who sees right through him but can’t get anyone else to see it. Those of us who have been trying to alert our fellow Westerners to Islam’s relentless encroachment are having a very difficult time.

Islam appears innocent to many people, and to them, we are suspect. We must be racists or bigots or Islamophobes. This assessment effectively shuts their ears to accurate information about something real enough to cause over seventeen thousand deadly attacks since 9/11.

15. Dr. Marvin clearly expects the problem (Bob) to go away, but he will never go. He keeps insinuating himself more and more thoroughly into Dr. Marvin’s life. Almost every non-Muslim I talk to about Islam’s relentless encroachment expects someone to take care of it and expects the problem to go away. But it isn’t going away. It’s getting worse. Islamic supremacists are insinuating themselves more and more thoroughly into Western societies.

16. Bob is skillful, but conceals it. Dr. Marvin comes up with a brilliant scheme to admit Bob into a mental institution, but the institution can only legally hold Bob for 24 hours before they let him go. They can keep him there only if the staff agrees Bob needs to be institutionalized. Dr. Marvin is sure everyone will see Bob is crazy, but they don’t. Within a few hours, they release Bob. Bob completely charmed the staff, telling jokes and cracking everyone up.

Like Bob, Islam is skillful, but conceals it. The more I learn about the clever infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into mainstream American life, the more impressed I am at the long-range planning and the skillful, sophisticated understanding of the American mind. (Read more about that here.)

One branch of the Muslim Brotherhood is CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. They have successfully fooled most people in America that they represent moderate, peace-loving Muslim Americans. Read about what they are really up to.

17. Bob is in it for the long haul. Eventually, Dr. Marvin loses his mind, goes off the deep end, and he becomes violent and irrational, mainly because nobody else sees what Bob is really doing except Dr. Marvin.

Orthodox Muslims find every crack in the wall they can find and work their way in. And they twist every event and utterance to their purpose. They will not stop, they will not tire, and they have nothing else to live for. This is it. This is the meaning of their existence: Islam must win. Islam must dominate all other cultures, all other religions, all other governments. Allah wills it.

They have infiltrated our schools by giving donations to colleges and then using their seat on the board to exert influence (creating a campus culture of Islam-loving, America-hating students). Orthodox Muslims offered the British government and banks on Wall Street money to help them through the 2008-2009 financial crisis, but with strings attached — the money is “Shari’a compliant” which means, among other things, that there is a built-in written agreement that a certain portion of the money goes to particular charities — charities that support jihad against the West.

Orthodox Muslims have created “legitimate,” mainstream organizations that lobby Washington and “represent the Muslim community” to governments and to the media, and yet have a secret agenda, revealed at the recent Holy Land Foundation Trial, of conquering America from within.

The list goes on and on. They are in it for the long haul, and they absolutely will not stop, ever. They won’t grow tired or give up. If they are going to be stopped, we must stop them. And we had better do it with more success than Dr. Marvin had with Bob.

To get rid of Bob, out of mad frustration, Dr. Marvin tries to blow him up, but Bob ends up “accidentally” blowing Dr. Marvin’s vacation home to smithereens, and then marries Dr. Marvin’s sister!

Bob won. Dr. Marvin lost. We’ve got to do better.

Would you like to entertain yourself while watching a demonstration of Jihadi techniques? Watch What About Bob?

And while you’re watching, see if you can come up with ideas we can use. What would you do if you were Dr. Marvin?

Come back here and leave your ideas in the comments. This is serious business and we need all the smart ideas we can get.

Posted in:  Citizen Warrior


Freeing Al Qaeda?

Center for Security Policy | Jul 15, 2011
By Frank Gaffney, Jr

Just when you thought it was not possible for the Holder Justice Department to become any more hostile to the national and homeland security interests of the American people, along comes yet another travesty.  This one threatens both, as it apparently would involve turning loose in America a convicted terrorist known to be a top Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic) operative and al Qaeda financier: Abdurahman Alamoudi.

According to a short Associated Press report on July 8th:

Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to cut the 23-year prison term being served by an American Muslim activist who admitted participation in a Libyan plot to assassinate King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Alamoudi – who famously declared his support for Hamas and Hezbollah at a rally in Lafayette Square in October 2000 and was recognized by the Justice Department as a Muslim Brother – has been incarcerated with other top terrorists in the Supermax facility in Colorado.  As an American citizen, he would presumably be allowed to stay in this country upon his release.

Alamoudi at Large

Can it be precluded that, once he is freed, Alamoudi would take up again with those he did so much to help sponsor, foster and run as one of the leading Muslim Brothers in the country?  Lest we forget, as a driving force behind many of the myriad MB front organizations in the United States, he previously was deeply involved with the fulfillment of the Ikhwan‘s mission here as described in its 1991 strategic plan.

That plan, which was found by the FBI in 2004 when they discovered the secret archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in Annandale, Virginia, is entitled An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America. (It is reprinted in its entirety as Appendix 2 of Shariah: The Threat to America, ShariahtheThreat.com.) […go to page 285…] According to this memorandum, the Brotherhood’s mission in America is “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within…by their [read, our] hands and the hands of the believers.”

This objective is, of course, identical to that of al Qaeda, the other jihadist enterprise for whom Alamoudi previously worked.  Who knows, if freed, could he rejoin its ranks, too?

At the very least, one has to assume that Abdurahman Alamoudi would be able to reconnect with the Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military and prison systems whom the Clinton administration allowed him to recruit, train and credential.  As no evident effort has been made to relieve his hand-picked folks from their clerical responsibilities ministering to such exceedingly sensitive populations, putting Alamoudi back in business – or at least back in touch – with them could intensify the grave security threat they might pose even now.

Why Would Alamoudi be Freed?

So what possible justification could the Holder Justice Department have for releasing such an individual just nine years into a twenty-three year sentence?  The AP story notes that, “The documents explaining why prosecutors want to cut Alamoudi’s sentence are under seal, but such reductions are allowed only when a defendant provides substantial assistance to the government.”

We can only speculate about what such “assistance” might be.  Could Alamoudi be telling the feds insights about his former paymaster, Qaddafi, that could be helpful in removing the latter from power?  As it is not entirely clear whether such an outcome is actually the goal of the United States, France or NATO in Libya at this point, it is hard to see that possible help as justification for running the serious risks associated with springing so dangerous an individual.

Perhaps, alternatively, Alamoudi might have spilled the beans about his friends in the Brotherhood’s vast North American infrastructure.  Did he provide further confirmation of the subversive role being played as part of what the Ikhwan calls its “civilization jihad” by, for example, organizations and members of: the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Community Association (MCA), the Islamic Council of North America (ICNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Fiqh Council?

Such insights seem unlikely to have been valued by the Obama administration, though, since it continues to have extensive dealings with such groups and individuals associated with them.  If anything, such ties with MB fronts and operatives will be intensifying, now that Team Obama has decided formally to embrace the Muslim Brotherhood’s mother ship in Egypt.

Unfortunately, given this trend – to say nothing of the mindlessness of the Holder Justice Department when it comes to matters of national security – a more probable explanation for its willingness to give Alamoudi a get-out-of-jail-free pass is that the Obama administration is anxious to remove an irritant in relations with its friends in the Muslim Brotherhood and to demonstrate that a new day is dawning in those ties.

Alamoudi’s GOP Influence Operation

As it happens, in the aftermath of the Alamoudi announcement, one of his most successful pre-incarceration influence operations bore fresh fruit.  In 1998, Alamoudi personally provided seed money to enable libertarian anti-tax activist Grover Norquist to establish the Islamic Free Market Institute (better known as the Islamic Institute or II).  The Institute served the purpose of credentialing Muslim Brotherhood operatives like Khalid Saffuri, Alamoudi’s longtime deputy at the American Muslim Council (AMC), who became II’s founding executive director – as “conservatives” and enabling them to infiltrate the George W. Bush 2000 campaign and administration.

After the incarceration of his sponsor on terrorism charges, Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, has continued to promote Muslim Brotherhood personnel and agendas inside Republican circles.  For instance, just this week, at the July 13th meeting of his so-called “Center-Right Coalition” in Washington, Norquist staged a denunciation of legislation now being debated in state legislatures across the country: the American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) legislation.

MB Priority: Stopping American Laws from Governing in American Courts

The Muslim Brotherhood is outraged that three states have already enacted one version or another of the ALAC bill designed to preclude foreign laws (including, but not limited to, shariah) from being used in that state’s courts if doing so would deny constitutional rights or otherwise conflict with state public policy.  It has been introduced in some twenty others states and, to date, has passed in one house or another of four of them.

Such successes have been achieved by Americans all over the country because there simply is no good argument for opposing this affirmation of our civil liberties for all Americans – including American Muslim women and children whose rights are frequently being impinged upon by the application of shariah.  (See ShariahinAmericanCourts.com, a study of twenty-seven cases in twenty-three states where shariah was allowed to trump American laws.)

Last Wednesday, Norquist arranged for three speakers – self-described Jews or Christians – to promote the Muslim Brotherhood line that free practice of religion, including that of non-Muslims, would be denied were ALAC to be adopted.  Nothing could be farther from the truth, as the legislation itself makes clear (See Public Policy Alliance).  But it is instructive that the GOP influence operation Alamoudi spawned continues to serve his intended purpose: dividing and suborning conservatives in the best tradition of the stealth jihad at which he and his Brothers have long excelled.

Perhaps another venue in which we can expect to see Abdurahman Alamoudi should the Obama administration actually get away with freeing this al Qaeda terrorist will be as a featured speaker at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday meeting?

posted on 15 Jul 11 by Frank Gaffney, Jr

Muslim Student Assn. Pledge of Allegiance – “I will die to establish Islam”

The Muslim Student Association was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood.

White House Appointee suggests Muslim Student Assn. is moderate but overwhelming evidence proves otherwise.

“An Effort to Foster Tolerance in Religion” (Or so they say…)

(N Y Times) June 13, 2011

CHICAGO — For a guy who is only 35 and lives in a walk-up apartment, Eboo Patel has already racked up some impressive accomplishments.

A Rhodes scholar with a doctorate in the sociology of religion from Oxford University, he has four honorary degrees. His autobiography is required freshman reading on 11 college campuses. He runs a nonprofit organization — the Interfaith Youth Core — with 31 employees and a budget of $4 million. And he was tapped by the White House as a key architect of an initiative [¹“Interfaith and Community Service Challenge”] announced in April by President Obama.
He figured that if Muslim radicals and extremists of other religions were recruiting young people, then those who believe in religious tolerance should also enlist the youth.

Interfaith activism could be a cause on college campuses, he argued, as much “a norm” as the environmental or women’s rights movements, as ambitious as Teach for America. The crucial ingredient was to gather students of different religions together not just to talk, he said, but to work together to feed the hungry, tutor children or build housing.

When I go to a campus where the Muslim Student Association and the Hillel are not talking to each other,” he said (referring to the national Jewish student group) this spring in a lecture at Columbia University, “my question to them is, ‘Who did you feed in Ramallah by not talking to Hillel? Who did you keep safe in the south of Israel by not talking to the M.S.A.?’ ”

For a Rhodes scholar Eboo Patel is not all that bright. Barring the possibility he is not being forthright, in that he is well aware of MSA’s radical components and that the association has never had any inclination towards “inter-faith” discussion. Gee, that would not be possible, would it? Heh.

Why would a White House appointee suggest that the Muslim Student Association is a moderate Muslim student organization who believe in religious tolerance when an overwhelming amount of evidence proves otherwise?

An excerpt from the MSA’s profile at Discover the Networks:

The Muslim Students Association of the United States and Canada, or MSA (also known as MSA National), was established mainly by members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in January 1963 at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Nyack College theologian Larry A. Poston writes that “many of the founding members of this agency [MSA] were members of, or had connections to,” the Muslim Brotherhood or Jamaat-i-Islami. The three most significant founders of MSA were Ahmed Totanji, Jamal Barzinji, and Hisham al Talib, all of whom were MB leaders of Iraqi descent. Other noteworthy individuals who served as early co-founders of MSA were Mahboob Khan and Malika Khan.

The creation of MSA resulted from Saudi-backed efforts to establish Islamic organizations internationally in the 1960s, for the purpose of spreading its Wahhabist ideology across the globe….
Since its founding, MSA has grown into the most influential Islamic student organization in North America. It currently has chapters on nearly 600 college campuses; just over 150 of these chapters are affiliated with the national organization, while the remainder are independent entities whose policies and views may differ from those of MSA National.

MSA’s activities are guided at all times by a set of Islamist agendas that emphasize the importance of gaining power in the U.S., one campus at a time. Toward that end, the organization has published an MSA Starter’s Guide: A Guide on How to Run a Successful MSA, which states:

“It should be the long-term goal of every MSA to Islamicize the politics of their respective university … the politicization of the MSA means to make the MSA more of a force on internal campus politics. The MSA needs to be a more ‘In-your-face’ association … For example, the student body must be convinced that there is such a thing as a Muslim-bloc.” The Guide further advises: “Aim to rise within the ranks of the Union [student government] and to get on selected executive committees … I cannot stress this enough, the Union has vast powers that Muslims need to control.”
In its quest for increased influence, MSA devotes many of its efforts and resources to the practice of da’wa — i.e., proselytization which consists of “inviting” non-Muslims, or “infidels,” to join the Islamic faith. Nyack College theologian Larry A. Poston characterizes MSA as “undoubtedly the most activist of the da’wa organizations in America.” In January 2005, former MSA UCLA member Ahmed Shama said:

“The only justification -… that Muslims have to live in this country is da’wa…. [I]f we are not doing something to invite people to Islam, Muslims and non-Muslims, then we are missing the point what Islamic Movement is about…. The end goal of everything I was talking about is the establishment of, the reestablishment of, Islamic form of government.”
This is precisely the strategy which was outlined in a 1991 Muslim Brotherhood internal document — titled ²An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America” — which named MSA as one of the Brotherhood’s 29 likeminded “organizations of our friends” that shared the common goal of destroying America and turning it into a Muslim nation. These “friends” were identified by the Brotherhood as groups that could help teach Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.” Also named in the Muslim Brotherhood document were:

Continue reading>>>

And as reported by Patrick Poole at the PJ Tattler, Amir Abdel Malik the keynote speaker at the MSA’s west regional conference this past January closed his session with the MSA ‘pledge of allegiance’. Which is strikingly similar to the Muslim Brotherhood’s credo.

But if there was any question about the MSA’s connection to the Muslim Brotherhood,…..the video below taken from the MSA West regional conference held this January shows keynote speaker Amir Abdel Malik closing the session by leading the crowd in the MSA’s “pledge of allegiance”. And this wasn’t some undercover sting operation that obtained this video, but posted by one a MSA leader on Youtube (the pledge is ~53.00).

And who is Amir Abdel Malik? He’s a notorious hatemonger known for promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including his claim that Jews were behind the 9/11 attacks. Even the far Left Southern Poverty Law Center has exposed the MSA speaker.

The Muslim Student Association’s ‘pledge’.

Allah is my lord.
Islam is my life.
The Koran is my guide.
The Sunna is my practice.
Jihad is my spirit.
Righteousness is my character.
Paradise is my goal.
I enjoin what is right.
I forbid what is wrong.
I will fight against oppression.
And I will die to establish Islam.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s credo:

Allah is our objective.
The Prophet is our leader.
The Qur’an is our law.
Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.

“I will die to establish Islam” just reeks of inter-faith goodwill, peace and tolerance! Truly inspirational.

What’s this, Patel emceed at a Hamas front CAIR event. That does not sound like the move of the epitome of interfaith tolerance to me.

Militant Islam Monitor:

The Interfaith Youth Core [IFYC] directed by Eboo Patel claims its aim is to “promote mutual respect and pluralism among young people”. Then why did self proclaimed interfaith guru (viewed by many as a moderate messiah) Eboo Patel emcee at the 2007 annual event of The Council on American Islamic Relations a Saudi funded front group for Hamas and unindicted co-conspirator in the Holyland Foundation Hamas funding trial?

Patel plays both sides as the kumbaya moderate who runs a da’wa front under the guise of the Interfaith Youth Core. Interfaith is one of the most favored islamist tactics used to sugarcoat da’wa in order to lure non Muslims with a “more in common then we think” feel good dynamic to bring them into contact with Islam. His participation in the CAIR annual event shows he is a stealth Islamist. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2860

IFYC director Iboo Patel counts radical Islamists Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir as his heroes.

“I talked about many of my Muslim heroes, scholars and activists like Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir who have articulated visions of a world where people from different backgrounds come together in positive ways.” http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/eboo_patel/2008/03/the_spell_of_islamophobia.html

Patel’s “Muslim heroes” Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Imam Zaid Shakir are positively chock full of sweetness and light:

Zaytuna College co-founder Zaid Shakir denied Frank Gaffney’s accusation of “stealth jihad” yet:

He [Zaid Shakir] said he still hoped that one day the United States would be a Muslim country ruled by Islamic law [sharia, one of the only two majors at Zaytuna], “not by violent means, but by persuasion [stealth jihad].”

“Every Muslim who is honest would say, I would like to see America become a Muslim country,” he said. “I think it would help people, and if I didn’t believe that, I wouldn’t be a Muslim. Because Islam helped me as a person, and it’s helped a lot of people in my community.”

Hamza Yusuf

[Hamza Yusuf] Hanson’s bigoted declamations are well recorded and widely-known.  As previously noted on FSM – [HERE] – in 1995 Hanson described Judaism as “a most racist religion.”  On September 9, 2001, two days before 9/11, Hanson hollered in Los Angeles, “This country (America) unfortunately has a great, a great tribulation coming to it.  And much of it is already here, yet people are too illiterate to read the writing on the wall.”

In another pearl of Hansonian wisdom, the Islamist extremist side of his multiple personality babbled freely at a 1996 convention of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a paramilitary front for Pakistani jihadists.  There Hanson described America as “a country that has little to be proud of in its past and less to be proud of in the present.  I am a citizen of this country not by choice but by birth.  I reside in this country not by choice but by conviction in attempting to spread the message of Islam in this country.  I became Muslim in part because I did not believe in the false gods of this society whether we call them Jesus or democracy or the Bill of Rights or any other element of this society that is held sacrosanct by the ill-informed peoples that make up this charade of a society…

[F]undamentals of Islam are being compromised… [C]onvention resolutions are meaningless Masonic exersises (sic) devised by men who desire to engage people in forums that would insure nothing changes… [T]here should be no voting or debate… [W]e have no room for ayes or nays.”  The final lines in this quotation reflect the standard radical Islamist contempt for all forms of democratic governance.

More on Zaid Shakir here and Hamza Yusuf here.

Eboo Patel is well aware of MSA’s radical components and that the association has never had any inclination towards “inter-faith” discussion.

Islam is not wired that way.

All emphasis mine.

Also see:

Cain, Romney & Gingrich Answer the Muslim in Government Question [Update:What Would Obama Say?]

Transcript: Obama’s Muslim Advisor Dalia Mogahed Defends Sharia Law in Interview With Hizb ut-Tahrir

[Muslim Student Association] UCLA Sponsors of Terrorism

The Muslim Student Association’s Terror Problem

Obama Administration Lifts US Ban on Muslim Brotherhood Leader

EXCLUSIVE: New US Homeland Security Advisor Head Of Organization With Ties To Global Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas

Napolitano and Muslim Brotherhood affiliates met secretly

[¹] Obama’s “Interfaith and Community Service Challenge”: http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ofbnp/interfaithservice
[²] An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the [Muslim] Brotherhood in North America

Posted in:  Ironic Surrealism

Muslim Student Association at it again!

David Horowitz at UCLA

On May 11, 2011, I spoke to a student audience at UCLA for about an hour. My speech was video-taped and recorded on audio. Frontpage Magazine posted the video and an edited transcript of the speech. We are now posting an unedited transcript (accessible here) for reasons I will make clear in a moment.

On May 24, the Undergraduate Students Association at UCLA, by a 10-0 vote passed a resolution proposed by the Muslim Students Association declaring that “UCLA is a UC Campus Against Islamophobia.” I don’t mean to suggest that my appearance was the sole trigger of this resolution but it didn’t surprise me to find that among the numerous “Whereas” clauses in which the reasons for the resolution are stated, I am the only individual mentioned, or that it just came two weeks after the “controversy” surrounding my appearance which was really not so much a controversy as a series of one-sided assaults on myself and the College Republicans who invited me. “Islamophobes! Racists!” Call it an opportunity that I presented for the MSA and its supporters to extract concessions from the broader student population and to attempt to reach into their pockets in the process. Since student governments are proving grounds for future politicians, it is also a moment for the rest of us to reflect on what is in store for the country if these university elites can repeat their gains in the world beyond the campus.

Here is how the Muslim Students Association formulated the concept “Islamophobia:”

Islamophobia is defined as ideologies, beliefs, and actions that perpetuate inaccurate and xenophobic views toward the culture and practice of Islam and the personification of its followers, such as being seen as monolithic, seen as a separate and ‘other’ culture that does not share common values, seen as inferior to the West, seen as violent, aggressive, and supportive of terrorism, seen as sexist and oppressive of women, seen as a political ideology used for political advantage, anti Muslim hostility, and exclusionary or discriminatory practices against Muslims from mainstream society;

Please note, “Islamophobia” is manifest in statements about Islam that are “innaccurate” (and by whose standard you might ask); by statements that reflect the view that Islam “does not share common values” (as for example, a belief in the separation of church and state?); by attitudes that regard Islam as “inferorior to the West” “as sexist and oppressive of women” (in other words no more noticing that in sharia-governed countries women are consigned to a second class status that renders them the virtual chattel of males); nor can one entertain the opinion that Islam is a political ideology (as it indubitably is in Iran, Saudia Arabia, Lebanon and Gaza, just to name a few zones where the lines between politics and religion are invisible). In other words no noticing that the “Party of God” (Hezbollah) or the Muslim Brotherhood which is now the most powerful political party in Egypt are actually political. Nor can you link the Islamic beliefs, codified by a warrior named Mohammed who urged his followers to slay infidels and cut off their heads with terrorists who invoke those beliefs when slaying infidels by cutting off their heads.

My recent speech at UCLA is adduced as evidence of the Islamophobia directed against Muslims in this clause:

Whereas, On Wednesday May 11th controversial speaker David Horowitz made false allegations on campus against the Muslim Students Association and the Afrikan Student Union, and further instilled hate against Muslims by stating that “Islam is a sick, sick culture” (5)(6);

Two footnotes are attached to this clause as if there were some actual connection to facts of my appearance at UCLA on May 11. One of the footnotes links to a column by a UCLA Muslim, Asra Ziauddin, which seizes on the “Wall of Lies” that I had written and that College Republicans had erected to counter the slanders of Palestinian Awareness Week at UCLA. Palestine Awareness Week claimed among many similar blatant falsehoods designed to demonize Jews and the Jewish homeland, that Israel is an “apartheid state.” Our response: Israel is not only not an apartheid state, it is the only real democracy in the Middle East. To this Ziauddin countered — “Myth: Israel it is the only democracy in the Middle East. Fact: This democracy only works for Jewish citizens.”

Actual Fact: Israel’s democracy works for 1.4 million Arabs who are Israeli citizens as well. To prove his fallacious point Ziauddin writes: “Six million Palestinian refugees have not been granted the right of return.” I don’t for a moment believe that Ziauddin’s invented figure “six million” is a coincidence, but there is no such right of return except in the minds of Palestinian revanchists.
The second footnote refers to the allegation that I said that “Islam is a sick, sick culture.” The footnote is a link to the audio version of the hour speech I gave at UCLA and which none but the most hardy will actually listen to. That is the good fortune of the Muslim Students Association for the transcript of the audio refutes the claim and it provides a measure of the audacity of the lies which the Muslim Students Association has concocted and believes it can get away with. Moreover, these are the kinds of lies with which it makes its case – swallowed whole by the UCLA student government — for suppressing the right to criticize their politics, their views and actions, or the politics, views and actions of any of the Muslims engaged in a holy war against the rest of us.

I am going to reproduce here the actual transcript of the only passage in my speech which refers to “a sick, sick culture.” As it happens – and it is not really coincidental — that I am referring in this passage to a film that was made by Palestinian Muslims at Brooklyn College who then doctored the film, cutting out the premise of statements like “this is sick, sick culture” in order to make me look as hateful as possible. This doctored version was then posted on the Internet with the title “Horowitz Spreading Hate At Brooklyn College.”

In other words, the passage of my UCLA speech which contains this reference is an attempt – a futile one where these religious ideologues are concerned –– to correct the false impression made by the doctored version:

What I said [at Brooklyn College] was this — people have been oppressed for thousands of years, horribly oppressed. Enslaved. Massacred. And yet, in thousands of years of recorded history, there has never before, never, been a people that has strapped bombs onto its own children, told them to go ahead and blow up other children. And if you do, you’re going to go to heaven. And if you’re lucky enough to be male, you’re going to get 72 virgins. That is sick. That’s a sick death cult is what –


Well, every one of you who applauded qualifies to be on the Internet, as I am — Horowitz spreading hatred at Brooklyn College. Because all they show me saying is, “That’s sick, a sick culture,” which it is.

[Click here to see the actual transcript]

In other words, what I was saying was that suicide bombing was sick and that the culture that supports it is sick. I was talking about the Palestinian culture of death, obviously framed by the Hamas version of Islam. So what my UCLA Muslim critics are actually saying is that Hamas’s death cult version of Islam is Islam. I didn’t say this – the Muslim Students Association, which is a Hamas-supporting offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood did. But if the UCLA student government was an actual government, you can bet an Islamophobia law would put me in jail — or worse — I for saying what I did.

Keep in mind that these are students at one of the top dozen schools in America, and there doesn’t seem to be an adult around to teach them what a democracy is and what a totalitarian concept like “Islamophobia” portends.

Ah, yes, I promised in the title of this piece to talk about extortion. Well, one of the consquences of signing to a crusade against Islamophobia like this is that you have to fork over money to fund the crusade – and better yet – the anti-Israel, anti-American clubs and associations at UCLA who will be carrying on the crusade, and let’s have courses and re-education centers at UCLA to indoctrinate UCLA students in our ideology, our cause and our agenda:

Let it be resolved, that the Undergraduate Students Association Council does not tolerate or accept the behaviors of students, staff, faculty, or administration that infringe upon the safety of another person and/or develop a hostile and unsafe environment.

Let it be resolved, that the Undergraduate Students Association Council supports the efforts of the present work-group between students and respective faculty, in creating a series of general education Introduction to Islam courses, to help foster a better understanding of the religion of Islam and American-Muslim identity.

Let it be further resolved, that the Undergraduate Students Association Council urges the University of California, Los Angeles to financially support and promote all the Ethnic and Religious Studies Interdepartmental Programs, Departments, and Centers at UCLA.

[Editor’s note: The graphic for this article is a cartoon illustrated by Bosch Fawstin. Visit his site at fawstin.blogspot.com.]

Bin Laden is Dead and I Don’t Feel So Good Myself

Posted by John Guandolo May 3rd 2011 at 9:32 am in Featured Story, Islamic extremism | Comments (44)

Nearly flawlessly executing the operation in Pakistan to raid the compound where Osama bin Laden was living – among the military and police leadership of Pakistan by the way – the U.S. Navy’s SEAL Team Six along with elements of other U.S. government assets killed America’s most wanted man.  This is a victory for all of us – no doubt.  A tremendous Bravo Zulu to the men and women who made it possible and gave the operation the best chance of success.  Bin Laden is dead.  What I am hearing from the media, the government, and our President, however, is making me queezy.

In announcing the killing of bin Laden, President Obama said we are at war with Al Qaeda.  We killed the head of Al Qaeda – our enemy.  Today, many in the media and elsewhere are making statements that can only be considered irrational, naive, and simply wrong with regards to the war in which we are engaged.  I fear America will refocus its energy on Al Qaeda, while the enemy’s main focus of effort, the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the United States, will continue to move forward at light speed unimpeded by anyone in the U.S. National Security apparatus.

Lets review the Muslim Brotherhood’s objectives and doctrine:

– “The Muslim Brotherhood is an International Muslim Body, which seeks to establish Allah’s law in the land.”   MB By-Laws

– MB Goals: “Insist to liberate the Islamic nation from the yoke of foreign rule…the need to work on establishing the Islamic State…the sincere support for a global cooperation in accordance with the provisions of the Islamic Shariah.”   MB By-laws

– “…Jihad is our way and martyrdom in the way of allah is our highest aspiration.”   MB Creed

– “Against them MAKE READY your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the hearts of the enemies…”    MB Logo – 2 crossed swords under a Quran with the phrase “Make Ready” under it.  MB has openly said/written it refers to the above quote (Quran 8:60)

– “Jihad is an obligation from Allah Almighty on every Muslim and cannot be ignored.”   Founder of MB Hassan al Banna from “Book of Jihad”

– “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims.”   Islamic Law, Umdat al Salik, certified by key MB entities IIIT and Fiqh Council of North America as MB doctrine

– “The Islamic nation must be fully prepared to fight the tyrants and the enemies of Allah as a prelude to establishing the Islamic state.”    MB By-laws

– “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
MB Founder Hassan al Banna (quoted in the Hamas Covenant (1988)

– “The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine.”
Hamas Covenant (1988)

– “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind the stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslim, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
Hamas Covenant.  Remember, Hamas IS the Muslim Brotherhood.– “The Process of Settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikwan (MB) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”    An Explanatory Memorandum. MB strategic document for North America.

–  From the “Underground Movement Plan” – the MB’s 5 Phase plan
“Phase One: Phase of discreet and secret establishment of elite leadership.
Phase Two: Phase of gradual appearance on the public scene…establishing a shadow government.
Phase Three: Escalation phase, prior to conflict and confrontation with the rulers.
Phase Four: Open public confrontation with the Government through exercising the political pressure approach.. Training on the use of weapons domestically and overseas in anticipation of zero hour. It has noticeable activities in this regard.
Phase Five: Seizing power to establish their Islamic Nation.”

– “Lying is permissible if the goal is permissible…and obligatory is the goal is obligatory.” Islamic Law, Umdat al Salik, certified by key MB entities IIIT and Fiqh Council of North America as MB doctrine

From the overwhelming evidence entered at the US v Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development trial (HLF) it was revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood Movement in the United States has significant infrastructure here and that the most prominent Islamic Organizations in the U.S. are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood to include the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the Fiqh Council of North America, and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Hamas entity.

We know from the MB itself and from a large amount of evidence, to include the US v Sabri Benkhala case, that the Muslim American Society (MAS) is a significant MB organization founded by three key MB leaders.

Because they are ALL Muslim Brotherhood entities, the aforementioned doctrine is what these organizations hold as their objectives and doctrine.  So why are they (1) allowed to operate in the United States and (2) why would any government entity at the state or federal level meet or work with them?  Why would leadership of our National Security apparatus seek guidance from them, speak at their conferences, or in any way give them credibility – since they seek our destruction.

As a reminder, the Muslim Chaplain program was founded by an Al Qaeda operative (Alamoudi) and the current certifying agency for Muslim Chaplains in the Department of Defense and the Bureau of Prisons (ISNA) was revealed to be a Hamas support entity, which is why they are an un-indicted co-conspirator at the largest successfully prosecuted Hamas trial in U.S. history – US v HLF.

Why do we have Muslim Brothers representing the above groups sitting on advisory committees for DHS?  Why are Directors of ISNA meeting with and advising the Secretary of State? Why is the MAS primarily meeting with and advising the DHS Secretary? Why is the FBI giving senior Muslim Brothers awards at FBIHQ?

Osama bin Laden is dead, but this stuff is making me quite ill.


Sharia to to be taught at Univ of Montana

Posted on May 3, 2011 by creeping

Creep creep creeping in Montana. First, the State Dept. imported Muslims to teach public school students Arabic and Islamic “culture.” Now Montanan’s can progress into sharia law. hat tip SheikYerMami via Islamic law class to be taught next semester:

Earlier this semester, Jeff Renz, a law professor at The University of Montana, appeared on a conservative radio show to discuss the myths and realities of Islamic law. Accompanying him to Missoula’s KVGO studio were UM professor Mehrdad Kia and Robert Seidenschwarz, president of the World Affairs Council of Montana.

According to Renz, the talk stirred up a fair amount of debate.

“It was an interesting conversation,” he said. “A lot of the myths were repeated and we talked about those as well as a lot of the accuracies that are negative.”

The appearance was a launching pad for Renz, who plans to expand the conversation this fall semester by teaching an Islamic law class at UM.

This development adds UM to the growing number of American universities offering classes on Islamic law, ranging from the University of Minnesota to Yale. Islamic law, also known as Shariah law, guides the daily behavior and actions of Muslims while influencing the legal code of Islamic countries.

The three-credit class, ANTY 491, will meet three times a week and is open to UM undergraduate, graduate and law students. Renz said the course will examine the development of Islam along with the four principles of Islamic jurisprudence and will address the challenges of applying Sharia law in the 21st century.

Renz said Shariah law is not monolithic and that legal codes vary from one Muslim country to another and are often intertwined with tribal law.

“The most important thing they’ll learn is that what people perceive to be Islamic law is really local and national law rationalized, and falsely rationalized, by reference to the Quran,” he said.

He said that many fears revolve around the question of whether Shariah law will either supplement or subordinate the current U.S. legal system.

Despite experiencing “not a peep” of backlash, Renz contends that there might be some disapproval of the class, and he does expect there will be controversy in the classroom.

Rather than teaching those subjected to sharia law about liberty, we’re busy attempting to mainstream Islamic sharia law in U.S. universities.

Yes, the Muslim Brotherhood-founded Muslim Student Association is active at the University of Montana too.
