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Herman Cain: Will Prosecute CAIR & List Brotherhood as Terrorist Org

Orlando, FL 23 Sep 2011: Herman Cain at Republican debate pledges to aggressively prosecute CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), and NAIT (North American Islamic Trust) along with pledging to list the Muslim Brotherhood as a Designated Terrorist Organization.

Exclusive: Newt Gingrich pledges prosecution of CAIR, NAIT, ISNA and MB Groups

Terrorist Front Group CAIR trying to push the teaching of Islam into your public schools

Posted: September 14, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Islam in America | Leave a comment »

And it is the parents who must fight back against this.

Talk to your children to find out whether their teacher is initiating discussions about Islam or inviting representatives of CAIR or the local mosque to come in and “instruct” them about Muslims. This is happening all over the country and it is up to parents to put a stop to it. Because your liberal teachers and school administrators will not.







An Encyclopedic Antidote to Islamic Indoctrination in Public Schools





















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Terrorist Front Group CAIR joins brother Obama in declaring 9/11 a ‘Day of Service’ (to other muslims)

Posted: September 9, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Michigan is launching a billboard and digital campaign to honor Muslim Americans who’ve served their country and communities following the 9/11 attacks.

Obama’s Domestic Muslim Army  On the tragic day of 9/11 our nation was shaken to its core. American Muslims too were a part of that effort to


re-strengthen the fabric of our society after that tragic day and were on the front lines in saving lives at Ground Zero and contributing back to society to restore the collective strength and psyche of our nation. (Only ONE first responder was a Muslim)

The Remembering Through Service campaign is an initiative launched by CAIR-MI to tell the stories of American Muslims. (But nobody wants to hear about Muslims. We hear way too much about them as it is)

Ten years after 9/11 it still goes unnoticed that American Muslims were victims of 9/11 as well as first responder. (Oh yeah, pull out that ‘victim’ card again) The Remembering Through Service campaign is intended


to encourage unity, decrease polarity, and to highlight the contributions of American Muslims as productive patriotic citizens who make enormous contributions to our society. American Muslims embrace diversity and have been a part of America for well over 200 years. (NO, they haven’t)

As united Americans we all should work to change the vitriolic narrative of hate and intolerance that has become prevalent in discourse regarding Islam and Muslims in America. (Your actions only cause Americans to hate you more) Working with people of all faiths, our coalition partners, and Muslim organizations, CAIR-MI aims to help dispel stereotypes (accurate portrayals) and misinformation (facts) in order to show the true face of American Muslims. It is our sincere hope that this initiative will encourage more peace and increased unity among all Americans. (Only after we turn this country into an Islamic state)

Muslim Lawyer bringing frivolous lawsuits against Americans on behalf of other Muslims ONLY:

posted on 9 Sep 11 by BNI

9/11 Terror Attacks Coloring Book publisher gets attacked by Terrorist Front Group CAIR

Posted: August 28, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam

CAIR still whining that a coloring book about the 9/11 Muslim terrorist attacks makes all Muslims look bad.

ORIGINAL STORY HERE: terrorist-front-group-cair-has-its-panties-in-a-wad-over-new-911-coloring-book-that-shows-gasp-muslims-as-terrorists

Wayne Bell takes on Dawud Walid, Executive Whiner of CAIR-Michiganistan about his company’s coloring book that depicts the Muslim attacks on America right up to the shooting of the 9/11 mastermind, Osama bin-Laden. Walid says the book promotes anti-Muslim stereotypes.


posted on 28 Aug 11 by BNI

Center for American Progress Defends Shariah, Charges America with Islamophobia

Center for Security Policy | Aug 26, 2011

For more information, contact David Reaboi
Director of Communications dreaboi@securefreedom.org or (202) 431-1948

WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 25, 2011: There they go again. Friday, the Center for American Progress released “Fear, Inc.,” yet another report in the increasingly hysterical bullying campaign to shout down criticism of political Islamist efforts to influence American foreign and domestic policy. Their latest “copy and paste” effort duplicates large sections of five nearly identical “investigations” just this year, complaining that millions of concerned Americans are Islamophobes.

The primary organizations–  what should be called the “Shariah Defense Lobby“– are the Center for American Progress/ThinkProgress, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) with support from a handful of other far-left or Islamist bloggers and Washington lobbyists.

The “Shariah Defense Lobby” whitewashes and protects political, legal, military and religious doctrines of Shariah law (Islamic law) from scrutiny. One of its major goals is to silence all criticism of Islamist aggression, jihadist violence, or Shariah violations of human rights and civil liberties.

Frank J. Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, noted that:

The ‘Shariah Defense Lobby’ is in a race against time to hide the grim reality of Shariah law as it is actually enforced, as Islamist movements and political parties throughout the Arab world are aggressively seeking to govern by Shariah. Most significantly, the ‘Shariah Defense Lobby’ refuses to discuss a simple fact: secular and democratic activists in Egypt and elsewhere in the Muslim world oppose Shariah in their countries, just as Americans oppose it here.

The latest report also attacks venerable American family foundations for supporting educational efforts on national security and counter-terrorism. The funding sources of the “Shariah Defense Lobby” should be exposed to public scrutiny. For example, CAIR– an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror financing trial in American history– has reportedly received millions in foreign funding from Islamist contributors, including the Organization of Islamic Conference (aka Cooperation). This year, CAIR lost its nonprofit tax status because of its refusal to file tax forms that would have revealed its sources of funding.

In addition to CAIR’s foreign financing, this latest paper from the Center for American Progress reveals that the project depends on money from the Open Society Foundations, a funding vehicle of far-left billionaire George Soros. George Soros is chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC. He has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $14.5 billion (as of 2011). His company, Soros Fund Management, controls at least another $27.9 billion in investor assets. Soros’s foundation network– whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI)– has reportedly dispensed billions to a multitude of far left organizations.

The “Shariah Defense Lobby,” which aggressively defends Shariah from its critics, has produced a year-long campaign of remarkably identical agitprop papers, all with a single goal: to attack the millions of Americans who are concerned about political Islamists’ growing power here in the U.S. and abroad.   In these increasingly shrill reports, the “Shariah Defense Lobby” keeps attempting to silence the great majority of Americans who express legitimate concerns about home-grown Islamist terrorism, and about Islamist efforts to enforce Shariah law on American Muslim families and even on non-Muslim Americans.

The Center for American Progress– authors of “Fear, Inc.”– are trying to make Americans afraid of discussing one of the greatest national security threats we face. Thankfully, the American people aren’t buying what they’re selling: the campaign is having the opposite effect of what the Lobby intends.

Posted on 26 Aug 11 by Center for Security Policy

Underpublicized threat deep in White House

FBI: Penetration by radical agents worse than thought

Posted: August 27, 2011

© 2011 WND

John Guandolo

Infiltration of the federal government by members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood is worse than some have warned recently, says a former FBI special agent in Washington.

The agent confirmed that at least three operatives of the Egypt-based Brotherhood – whose credo is “Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream” – have penetrated the Obama administration.

The shocking charge was first leveled by Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah during a recent speech in Toronto.

“When someone says that there is penetration of jihadi Islamists within society, do not dismiss it as some right-wing, xenophobic, racist rant,” warned Fatah, a Canadian journalist.

Fight back against CAIR’s attack on First Amendment by making a contribution to WND’s “Legal Defense Fund.” Donations of $25 or more entitle you to free copy of “Muslim Mafia” – the book so devastating to CAIR the group is trying to ban it.

“Today in the White House, there are three members of the Muslim Brotherhood that influence Obama’s policy,” he told the audience gathered for an IdeaCity conference. “One is Rashad Hassan, who is the American ambassador to the 52-nation Organization of Islamic (Conference).”

Fatah also named “Dalia Mogahed, who writes (Obama’s) speeches, who comes from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt; and another woman, an academic, (who) was appointed in that circle.”

Former FBI special agent John Guandolo says Obama’s ties to agents for the Muslim Brotherhood are even more extensive.

“The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep,” he said. “For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood folks working with him then.”

Equally alarming, the Brotherhood also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within key positions in Homeland Security and the U.S. military, notes Guandolo, a former Marine Corps officer.

The veteran federal agent says such infiltration threatens national security, because the U.S. leadership of the international Brotherhood has outlined a secret plan to “destroy” the U.S. and other Western governments “from within.”

After the 9/11 attacks, he says the FBI discovered the plan written in Arabic among documents seized from the basement of a prominent Brotherhood leader living in a Washington suburb.

Guandolo says the stated Muslim Brotherhood strategy for change “from within” includes the installation of loyal Brothers into political office.

President Obama’s top Muslim ambassador, Rashad Hussain, has raised suspicions. He is U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, a powerful international group headquartered in Saudi Arabia and closely aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Before first joining the White House as a lawyer, Hussain regularly spoke to Brotherhood front groups and defended Brotherhood leaders like Sami al-Arian. Hussain at first denied defending the convicted terrorist, claiming he was misquoted, but then recanted after Politico.com produced a tape-recording of his remarks.

Recently, he has been overseas encouraging devotion to Islam, including in terror hotspots like Afghanistan.

In fact, Hussain has told Afghans the antidote to Islamic violence “is Islam itself.”

“I am of the opinion that one of the strongest tools that you can use to counter radicalization and violent extremism is Islam itself, because Islam rejects violent extremism,” he said during a recent speech in Kabul.

Hussain, a devout Muslim, says promotion of the Muslim faith is “key” to the administration’s strategy to turn Muslims away from violence.

“We see that as one of the key elements of a strategy to address this type of violence,” he said.

The strategy is at odds with what the co-chairmen of the 9/11 Commission recently recommended in their follow-up report on homegrown terror, “Assessing the Terrorist Threat: A Report of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s National Security Preparedness Group.”

The study found that Islam was motivating terrorists not just abroad, but inside America’s Muslim community. And it scolded U.S. leaders for pretending religion is not a factor in growing violence.

Still, Hussain insists: “When it comes to the problem of violent extremism, Islam is not the problem.”

Hussain helped draft Obama’s conciliatory Cairo speech to Muslims. Also helping with the president’s speeches and policies toward Muslims is Mogahed, whose pro-Islamist statements have been posted on the Muslim Brotherhood’s website, ikhwanweb.com.

Obama appointed the hijab-wearing Mogahed to the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. On a British television program, Islam Channel, Mogahed defended Shariah law, the barbaric Islamic legal code that treats women as second-class citizens.

Muslim women actually “associate gender justice or justice for women with Shariah compliance,” she argued. “It is ‘only a small fraction’ that associate Shariah with ‘oppression of women.'”

She added that Muslims should work to integrate Islamic law into public law.

Another Brotherhood-tied figure influencing the White House is Azizah al-Hibri.

Obama this June appointed her to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. A Muslim professor, al-Hibri is also the granddaughter of a sheik, who claims the Saudi criminal justice system is more moral than the American one because it accepts blood money from murderers.

Al-Hibri herself has proclaimed: “Islamic fiqh (law) is deeper and better than Western codes of law.”

She served on the advisory board of the American Muslim Council and made joint appearances with its leader Abdurahman Alamoudi. Now defunct, the AMC was a front group for the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, and Alamoudi was the Brotherhood’s top leader in America. He is now behind bars as one of al-Qaida’s top fundraisers in America.

Al-Hibri has also made appearances at Islamic Society of North America conferences. The Justice Department says ISNA is a Brotherhood front and recently named the group an unindicted co-conspirator in a plot to provide material support to Hamas terrorists.

Guandolo identified several other Brotherhood-connected agents of influence – all of whom are just as politically savvy and moderate sounding – who have worked their way into government positions, including:

  • Arif Alikhan, who was assistant Homeland Security secretary for policy development and is now a distinguished visiting professor of homeland security and counterterrorism at the National Defense University.
  • Syrian-born Kareem Shora, who is Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano’s senior policy adviser.
  • Navy Cmdr. Youssef Aboul-Enein and Jocelyne Cesari, a Muslim convert who previously worked with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, both of whom teach at colleges within the National Defense University.

Guandolo blames the advances Brotherhood figures on political correctness and lax vetting at government agencies.

Even at the FBI, he notes, an Iranian-born Muslim has taken over the agency’s weapons of mass destruction program.

CAIR Executive Director Nihad Awad shakes hands with intern Chris Gaubatz, aka David Marshall, at CAIR’s national headquarters in Washington, D.C., in 2008

Stung by workplace discrimination lawsuits by Arab and Muslim employees, the FBI has come under pressure to hire more Arab and Muslim agents and language specialists and promote existing ones, while clearing them for higher security levels, according the best-selling book “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”

The book cites internal FBI records showing the agency has been sued by no fewer than 14 Arab and Muslim employees since 9/11. Some of the lawsuits have been solicited or aided by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, another Muslim Brotherhood front group. The FBI in 2008 cut off formal outreach with CAIR and its branch offices.

“This is happening as we remain silent. And I say that as a liberal Democrat who worked and campaigned for Barack Obama,” said Fatah, a Pakistan-born journalist and activist who founded the moderate Muslim Canadian Congress to fight the spread of “Islamofascism.”

“Muslim Mafia” also has prompted a lawsuit from CAIR over the acquisition by the authors of CAIR documents.

In the lawsuit, CAIR, a self-described Muslim civil-rights group, does not defend itself against the book’s claims, and the FBI has seized the CAIR material from the Washington law office of one of the attorneys for the authors. A previous filing in the case revealed a federal grand jury is investigating CAIR for possible violation of laws that ban financial dealings with terrorist groups or countries under U.S. sanctions.

As WND reported, CAIR’s complaint seeks to expunge all copies of “Muslim Mafia” in an attempt, according to defense lawyers, to eliminate evidence that could lead to criminal prosecution.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The CAIR legal attack on WND’s author is far from over. WND needs your help in supporting the defense of “Muslim Mafia” co-author P. David Gaubatz, as well as his investigator son Chris, against CAIR’s lawsuit. The book’s revelations have led to formal congressional demands for three different federal investigations of CAIR. In the meantime, however, someone has to defend these two courageous investigators who have, at great personal risk, revealed so much about this dangerous group. Although WND has procured the best First Amendment attorneys in the country for their defense, we can’t do it without your help. Please donate to WND’s Legal Defense Fund now.

Posted on 27 Aug 11 by WND

Another CAIR shakedown for sharia at Electrolux

Posted on August 26, 2011 by creeping

via PipeLineNews.org, Electrolux Tells CAIR To Stuff It:

August 22, 2011 – San Francisco, CA – CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations, an unindicted coconspirator in the nation’s largest and most successful prosecution of domestic Hamas funding, is once again taking on the Electrolux Corp., based [stateside] in Minnesota.

The company employs approximately 150 Muslim workers, whom CAIR has been taking advantage of in order to foment the type of civilizational/cultural jihad proposed by the Muslim Brotherhood and its numerous front groups. [see, document General Strategic Goal For The Group In North America]

CAIR is alleging that the employer is not making reasonable accommodation for Muslims to observe Ramadan. This despite an already extant EEOC mediated settlement of a similar complaint last year. [see, CAIR Strong Arms Electrolux In Minnesota]

Many of Electrolux’ Muslim workers are “political refugees” who were permitted to immigrate to the United States from Somalia, a key al-Qaeda stronghold, under an ill-considered State Dept. program which has been roundly criticized.

Somali immigrants have in large part not been a model of successful acculturation and have a history of precipitating labor disputes [often represented by Islamist groups such as CAIR] in businesses as diverse as Dell Computer, J.B Swift & Co and the Minneapolis airport.

More ominously at least 3 Somali Americans have travelled back to their native land to become suicide bombers for the al-Qaeda linked group, al-Shabaab. [see, http://www.investigativeproject.org/2934/somali-american-becomes-suicide-bomber Somali American Becomes Suicide Bomber]

To many, the prospect of a pressure group advocating on behalf of its constituency is unremarkable however the above outlined type of dispute reflects something far more insidious. It’s a clear demonstration of the ability of Shari’a proponents to employ the West’s numerous freedoms and rights against itself – a seditious stealth weapon – designed to weaken and eventually overturn constitutional government.

Posted on 26 Aug 11 by Creeping Sharia

Hamas-linked CAIR enraged by NYPD anti-terror efforts

Hamas-linked CAIR has called for an investigation. And if any illegal surveillance is going on, it should stop. But Hamas-linked CAIR always opposes anti-terror initiatives. It is just another indication of their true agenda. “Some New York Muslims feel unfairly targeted despite government promises of partnership,” from the Associated Press, August 25 (thanks to all who sent this in):

NEW YORK — Even as the New York Police Department sent undercover officers into Muslim neighborhoods to detect possible terrorist activities in the years after the Sept. 11 attacks, government officials there and elsewhere have sought to build relationships in Muslim communities and pledged to ensure that Muslims aren’t targeted for discrimination.Outreach programs have operated in Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, Minneapolis, Portland, Ore., and Washington — all have large Muslim communities — while law enforcement around the country has stepped up investigative efforts to stave off attacks.

But the inherent tensions caused by this duality of missions is perhaps most visible in New York. It is the only U.S. city that al-Qaida has successfully attacked twice and continues to be the target of terror plots. New York also is home to the country’s most aggressive local police department investigating counterterrorism.

“It seems to many of the leadership here, there are two kind of authorities they are playing — one is in the forefront which is very cooperative,” said Zaheer Uddin of the Islamic Leadership Council of New York. “And there is another authority, which is playing against Islam and Muslims, going against the First Amendment and the security of this country.”

Uddin asked, “Are we partners, or are we a suspicious community?”

Good question. Let’s see. There was Naser Abdo, the would-be second Fort Hood jihad mass murderer; and Khalid Aldawsari, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Lubbock, Texas; and Muhammad Hussain, the would-be jihad bomber in Baltimore; and Mohamed Mohamud, the would-be jihad bomber in Portland; and Nidal Hasan, the successful Fort Hood jihad mass-murderer; and Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square jihad mass-murderer; and Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Arkansas military recruiting station jihad murderer; Naveed Haq, the jihad mass murderer at the Jewish Community Center in Seattle; Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be Christmas airplane jihad bomber; or so many other jihad murderers and would-be murderers in America. Is it reasonable to be suspicious of a community that produces so many people who commit or try to commit acts of violence in the name of that community’s religious texts and teachings?

Meanwhile, how have Muslims partnered with law enforcement? Hamas-linked CAIR has told Muslims not to talk to the FBI. Some Muslims have turned in jihad terror plotters to the police, but on the whole the attitude of Muslim communities — as in this article — has been an assumption of victim status and suspicion toward the authorities, rather than full and honest cooperation with anti-terror efforts.

A months-long investigation by The Associated Press, published Wednesday, revealed that the NYPD has dispatched teams of undercover officers, known as “rakers,” into minority neighborhoods as part of a human mapping program, according to officials directly involved in the program. They’ve monitored daily life in bookstores, bars, cafes and nightclubs. Police have also used informants, known as “mosque crawlers,” to monitor sermons, even when there’s no evidence of wrongdoing. NYPD officials have scrutinized imams and gathered intelligence on cab drivers and food cart vendors, jobs often done by Muslims.The NYPD denied that it trolls ethnic neighborhoods and said it only follows leads.

On Wednesday, one Muslim advocacy group urged the Justice Department to investigate the NYPD’s programs in New York Muslim communities as a result of details revealed in the AP’s report.

“These revelations send the message to American Muslims that they are being viewed as a suspect community and that their constitutional rights may be violated with impunity,” said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic Relations. “The Justice Department must initiate an immediate investigation of the civil rights implications of this spy program and the legality of its links to the CIA.”

The Justice Department said it will review the request to investigate.

In the decade since the September 2001 attacks, government officials in New York also have met with Muslim leaders and exchanged cellphone numbers. They’ve attended religious services, dinners and teas, and spoken at community meetings. The FBI recently hosted an event for 500 young Muslims in Brooklyn to build trust and get to know federal law enforcement with a bomb-sniffing dog, scuba boat and helicopter on display.

“I go and visit mosques on a regular basis,” NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly told the AP, adding that he also holds question-and-answer sessions and planned to attend several dinners with members of the Muslim community during the holy month of Ramadan this year.

The police department in 2006 hired Sidique Wai, an African immigrant and member of the New York Muslim community, to coordinate the NYPD’s citywide community outreach program. He said the interaction and outreach between the community and police is unprecedented.

“The majority of the faith-based — particularly the Muslim leaders throughout the city — are absolutely appreciative of the unprecedented relationship with the police department,” Wai said. “I’m not aware of a deliberate effort on the part of NYPD to profile people.”

The former head of the FBI’s field office in New York said he was aggressive and deliberate in reaching out to Muslim communities.

“I know it helped it terms of community relations, a sense of openness and acceptance by the FBI of the community, tamping down the inclination to think they might be singled out or (the) focus of untoward scrutiny,” said Mark Mershon, who ran the office between 2005 and 2008 and is currently a Colorado-based private detective and investigative consultant.

Some Muslim community leaders in New York aren’t satisfied. They have complained about aggressive tactics the department uses to collect intelligence and about a video, “The Third Jihad,” shown earlier this year to some members of the NYPD during a training session. Kelly, the police commissioner, explained in a letter in March that the film was not part of the department’s training program and said it was shown in the background while members of the NYPD were filling out administrative paperwork before a training session.

The video includes images of terror attacks, Osama bin Laden and U.S. Muslim leaders praising the 2001 hijackers, news reports about terror plots and experts talking about the threat of radical Islam. Muslim leaders were outraged by the film because they said it was anti-Islam. […]

Of course, they say that about any honest treatment of the motives and goals of jihad terrorists.

“There was a time when police would rush into the mosque with their boots on,” Mustapha Senghor, chairman of the Harlem Islamic Cultural Center, said during a July pre-Ramadan conference in New York. “They do not do that anymore. Congratulations, commissioner. For that we thank you, very much.”“We love you, commissioner,” Senghor said. “You have imams who are extensions of the police force. You include us, you talk to us, you ask us what we are feeling. It makes us feel we are part of the city, and not that people are against us.”

Great. Now what is Mustapha Senghor doing, if anything, to make non-Muslims feel that Muslims aren’t against them? Playing the victim game is not going to do the trick.

Posted by Robert on August 25, 2011 8:37 AM | 13 Comments

Rick Perry’s dangerous Muslim compromise

Posted: August 14, 2011

By Joel Richardson
© 2011

There’s no doubt that Texas Gov. Rick Perry has made a massive national splash in recent weeks by calling for a large prayer and fasting rally in the Texas’ Reliant Stadium. The gathering garnered widespread support, as it should have, from a broad spectrum of evangelical Christians throughout America.

Even nominal Christians will admit that the United States now more than ever, deeply needs the church to pray. But while many Christians fully supported the call to pray and fast for our nation, many were also rightfully leery of Perry’s prominent involvement in the event, particularly in light of the fact that it only preceded his official announcement to run for president by a week. While evangelicals should no doubt be looking for a president with integrity, humility and a reliance on Jehovah God to guide this nation, we must also be extremely cautious of throwing our full support behind anyone simply because he makes a good public showing of his Christian faith.

And as the inevitable onslaught of public scrutiny begins, some of it will no doubt be pure demagoguery. But conservatives must be careful not to disregard every criticism offhand. As the primaries begin, conservatives must take the time to thoroughly vet all candidates to see who will present us not only with the best candidate to defeat Obama, but also the best person to lead the nation forward.

That said, right out of the chute, of cause for deep concern is an apparently close relationship Perry has fostered over the years with a Muslim leader know as “His Highness” Prince Shah Karim Al-Husayni, the Aga Khan IV.

Understand the significance of the Muslim’s Mahdi ‘messiah’ in Joel Richardson’s book, “The Islamic Antichrist: The Shocking Truth about the Real Nature of the Beast.”

Al-Husayni is the spiritual leader of the Shiite sect of Nizari Ismaili Muslims. Nizaris, a group with roughly 18 million adherents, believe that Al-Husayni is both the physical and spiritual descendant of Islam’s prophet, Muhammad. Nizaris refer to Al-Husayni with such grandiose titles as the Imām-I-Zaman (Imam of the Age) and “the Face of Allah.”

Nizaris are one of the more esoteric and mystical sects of Islam. Nizaris refer to Allah by unique and odd terms such as “the black light” and “the luminous night.” Though Nizaris believe that Allah is utterly unknowable, they believe that through mystical meditation, shadows of what is to come can be glimpsed. Nizaris are also known for being deeply committed to Islamic causes of social justice.

Besides being the spiritual leader of the millions of Nizari Muslims, Al-Husayni is also wildly rich. One report has placed his personal value at roughly $800 million, but he also controls a vast network of businesses, organizations and schools, including the Aga Khan Development Network, or AKDN, one of the largest “private development networks” in the world. The AKDN and its network of Islamic organizations and charities distribute well over half-a-billion dollars each year.

According to the Austin American-Statesman, Perry met Al-Husayni while vacationing with his family in Paris in 2000.

In 2002, at a dinner in Houston hosted by Al-Husayni, Perry spoke glowingly of his new friend. Since this time, Perry has continued to attend various Nizari Ismaili Muslim events and by several accounts has become a close friend of Al-Husayni and the Nizari Muslim community.

According to Kate Shellnut, a blogger for the Houston Chronicle, “Perry even laid the first brick at the groundbreaking ceremony for an Ismaili worship center in Plano in 2005.”

According to Shellnut, even Mustafa Carroll, executive director for the radical Islamic group CAIR, has positive things to say about Perry’s relationship with portions of the Muslim community.

Perry spokesman Catherine Frazier confirmed Carroll’s claims, stating that Perry “has a good relationship with the Muslim community in Texas.”

Apparently, the Christian community is not the only religious group that Perry has courted with success.

While courting a voter block may be forgivable, what should concern conservatives are two cooperative agreements that Perry spearheaded between the state of Texas and Ismaili Nizari organizations in 2008 and 2009.

The first agreement in 2008 was a “wide-ranging” program designed to indoctrinate Texas children about Islam and Islamic culture. According to Salon.com, “Perry brokered a partnership between the University of Texas and Al-Husayni’s Aga Khan University in Pakistan for the purpose of expanding cooperation on programs including the Muslim Histories and Culture Project,” or MHCP. The purpose of the MHCP is to train high-school teachers on the positive aspects of Muslim history and culture.

Perry’s naive support for this program is disturbing, to say the least. At the signing ceremony, Perry stated, “I have supported this program from the very beginning, because we must bridge the gap of understanding between East and West if we ever hope to experience a future of peace and prosperity.”

In conjunction with the signing, Perry even requested the Texas A&M Aggie Corps of Cadets Ross Volunteer Company to do a sabre arch salute as part of a special ceremony for Al-Husayni arrival at the ceremony.

The glaring problem of course with this sentiment is that “bridges” normally go two ways. While Perry is expanding programs to teach American children about Islam, what is Al-Husayni doing about teaching Pakistani children about the glories of Christianity? Why is it that whenever these fabulously wealthy Muslim “philanthropists” ride into town to build bridges of understanding, it is always one-sided, always extolling the beauties of Islam?

The fact that Perry didn’t see right through, and even supported, this facade does not speak well to his ability to lead this nation forward.

Perry’s second agreement was made in 2009, which provided for cooperation between Texas and Al-Husayni’s organizations in the “fields of education, health sciences, natural disaster preparedness and recovery, culture and the environment.”

On the official Nizari Ismaili website, Perry was quoted as speaking glowingly of the need for Texas children to learn about the positive influence of Islam to Western culture.

Perry stated, “traditional Western education speaks little of the influence of Muslim scientists, scholars, throughout history, and for that matter the cultural treasures that stand today in testament to their wisdom.”

It should also be mentioned that one of the doctrines espoused by Ismaili Muslims is the doctrine of Taqiyya. In simple terms, the doctrine of Taqiyya allows Muslims to purposefully hide or lie about their true religious beliefs to “unbelievers” or even Muslims of different sects. Of course, it is doubtful that the children of Texas will learn anything of Taqiyya in their Perry-sponsored education concerning Islam.

Of course, while lying in the name of religion may seem like a foreign concept to most, it is the principle of “the ends justify the means” that underscores many aspects of the Islamic approach to win the West.

One can only hope that such is not the principle driving Gov. Perry’s campaign for the presidency.

Joel Richardson is the author of “Islamic Antichrist,” published by WND Books, and is the co-author with Walid Shoebat of “God’s War on Terror.” His blog is www.Joelstrumpet.com.

Posted 14 Aug 11 by Joel Richardson via WDN