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Oklahoma Bankers Assn changes security policy for Muslims after meeting terror-linked CAIR, ACLU

Colorado public school student quits choir over song worshipping Allah

Posted on February 16, 2012 by creeping

Good for him. h/t Atlas Shrugs

James Harper, a Grand Junction High School [Colorado] senior and Christian active in his local church, was part of the all-volunteer high school choir until his instructor Marcial Wieland made plans to sing “Zikr” which has lyrics that translate from the original Urdu to, “There is no truth except Allah” and “Allah is the only eternal and immortal,” according to Fox News. The student choir sings the song in the original Urdu.

Harper told KREX in Grand Junction:

I don’t want to come across as a bigot or a racist, but I really don’t feel it is appropriate for students in a public high school to be singing an Islamic worship song. This is worshiping another God, and even worshiping another prophet – I think there would be a lot of outrage if we made a Muslim choir say Jesus Christ is the only truth.

Yeah, outrage in the form of protests, threats, and lawsuits from Hamas-linked CAIR and the ACLU. Followed by sensitivity training/dawah.

However, district officials defended the teacher’s song choice. Wieland, who understood there could be objections to the song was open with the parents and students when making the selection telling them  that students do not have to  participate in the voluntary choir if they object, according to CBS4. Wieland also passed around an English translation of the lyrics and encouraged them to view the YouTube video below which features the music, written by Muslim composer A.R. Rahman.

Sound like the dawah has already begun.

Posted on 16 Feb 12 by Creeping Sharia

OH, BOO HOO! Terrorist Front Group CAIR lawyer talks about how the ‘Surveillance State’ unfairly targets Muslims in America

Posted: November 1, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam

One of CAIR’s professional whiners tells the ACLU about, “running out of tissue boxes from hearing all the heartbreaking stories from fellow Muslims about their harrowing experiences with profiling and surveillance by the U.S. government, as well as their anxiety and concerns over so-called ‘Islamophobia’ in America since 9/11.”





BNI readers will find this lawyer’s tales of woe at an ACLU-sponsored event to be very uplifting because it shows, despite having a Muslim in the White House, our FBI and law enforcement officials are doing everything they should be doing to keep us safe from the ever present Muslim threat in this country.

You will be glad to hear that many Muslims now refrain from going to the mosque too often, or traveling in big groups, or going on camping trips, or flying more than they have to for fear of being profiled. They have only themselves to thank for the intense scrutiny they are put under because it is their fellow Muslims who are responsible for virtually all the terror attacks and attempted terror attacks that have been averted here and around the world since 9/11. Congratulations to the people who are protecting us from these potentially dangerous Islamic invaders who shouldn’t be in this country at all.

posted on 1 Nov 11 by BNI

ACLU and Islamists vs. the FBI…Yet Again

IPT News
October 12, 2011

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) issued an open letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller last week calling for reform of Bureau training materials the ACLU claims are biased against Muslims.


The ACLU letter cited a July article by Spencer Ackerman on WiredNews.com concerning training materials that, in part, allegedly depicted Muslims in a derogatory way. The FBI responded by saying it no longer used that particular training material, which was reported to be only a segment of an overall counter-terrorism presentation.

The ACLU letter also principally focused on an FBI Intelligence Assessment document dated May 10, 2006 on homegrown Islamic terrorist radicalization titled, “The Radicalization Process: From Conversion to Jihad,” claiming the assessment portrays converts to Islam in America as targets for radicalization who should primarily and mostly be viewed as suspects.

The ACLU letter offers criticism of the FBI assessment by stating:

“For instance, a 2006 FBI Intelligence Assessment “The Radicalization Process: From Conversion to Jihad,” which was published in May 2006 but restricted from public distribution until it was leaked on the internet sometime later, identifies a four-step “radicalization cycle” in which religious converts purportedly become “Homegrown Islamic extremists.” According to this analysis, “indicators” of a convert’s extremism include:

o Increased isolation from former life

o Wearing traditional Muslim attire

o Growing facial hair

o Frequent attendance at a mosque or a prayer group

o Travel to a Muslim country

o Increased activity in a pro-Muslim social group or political cause

o Proselytizing.

Such innocuous behaviors may indicate strong religious beliefs, and each is entirely protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Millions of Muslim-Americans may engage in some or all of them on a routine basis. Claiming these behaviors are indicative of a progression toward extremist violence is therefore both factually unsupportable and improper under the law.”

While the assessment lists the segments identified in the ACLU letter, the context given in the ACLU letter is notably skewed. It indicates the full sum of the FBI assessment focused on those listed “indicators” that, in and of themselves, could well be innocent constitutionally protected activities.

In fact, there are 14 total “indicators” in three separate categories, not the seven listed individually in the ACLU letter. Among the other seven in the assessment are:

– Association with new social identity

– Attendance at a training camp or participation in paramilitary training

– Conducting surveillance activities

– Travel without obvious source of funds

– Suspicious purchase of bomb making paraphernalia or weapons

– Large transfer of funds, from or to overseas

– Formation of operational cells

The three separate categories are “identification,” “indoctrination” and “action.” Taken in that more detailed context, these “indicators” are significantly more focused on the pertinent issue of jihadist radicalization.

The 12-page detailed FBI assessment repeatedly states that conversion to Islam does not always lead to radicalization. The assessment cites a series of steps a homegrown jihadist likely undergoes in the radicalization process, and notes that process is fluid and subject to significant external influence. The assessment offers its findings as a result of investigative case analysis and academic sources.

The FBI assessment is rooted in experience where the radicalization of American Muslim converts has real world consequences. A number of such cases have proven the FBI assessment correct:

  • Radicalized prison converts Kevin James and Levar Washington pleaded guilty to federal terrorism charges in 2007 in a California plot to attack military recruitment centers, the Israeli consulate and Jewish synagogues. Two other codefendants were also convicted and sentenced to long prison terms.
  • Daniel Patrick Boyd, a convert, led a group of seven terror suspects in North Carolina who became radicalized jihadists intent on launching attacks within the United States, according to federal charging documents. Boyd pleaded guilty to federal terrorism charges in February, and his two sons followed suit while proceedings are wrapping up against the other defendants.
  • American Mohammad Zaki Amawi who became radicalized and was charged in Ohio with planning to commit violent attacks against Americans overseas, including U.S. troops in Iraq. Amawi became “more radical in his appearance, behavior and expression of his beliefs” after returning from an extended trip to Jordan in 2004, his sentencing memo said. Amawi was convicted in 2008.
  • American Carlos Bledsoe, aka Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, was sentenced to life in prison for the terrorist murder of two U.S. Army soldiers outside a Little Rock recruiting station in 2009. Bledsoe converted to Islam in 2003 shortly after enrolling at Tennessee State University. Bledsoe later traveled to Yemen, where it is believed his radicalization continued.

In contrast to what the ACLU states is the FBI’s posture in its assessment, a chart on page four identifies a series of factors that may indicate a path toward radicalization among converts, and those factors mirror circumstances identified in the real world cases of radicalized American jihadists.

Among those factors, the assessment chart:

  • notes that being a “Jihad Believer” can be a motivation for conversion;
  • identifies the Internet and prison as places where opportunities for radicalization are presented;
  • lists receiving basic paramilitary training overseas as a key component to identifying radicalization;
  • identifies “increased vetting opportunities” for radicalization to include attending a jihadist training camp, conducting surveillance activity, and engaging in jihadist support finance; and
  • Identifies a radicalized person engaging in extremist activity when they or she participates in jihadist recruitment, financing or other attack operations.

The FBI assessment was clear in its description of the radicalization process as being far more than mere innocent constitutionally protected religious and political activity, but rather, it noted such activities may be part of the process leading to the radicalization that results in jihadist terror. The ACLU letter, joined by several Islamist organizations including CAIR, MAS and ISNA, cherry picks elements from the assessment, takes them out of context and offers them for slanted criticism.

Posted on 12 Oct 11 by IPT

Georgia city adopts sharia-compliant court screening policy

Posted on October 11, 2011 by creeping

…after an expletive-uttering hijabi waged legal jihad on the state. Will it take a bomb or smuggling of some other contraband for common sense to return? via Muslim woman, Douglasville settle lawsuit over her hijab  | ajc.com.

Douglasville has settled a federal lawsuit brought by a woman who was jailed over her Muslim headscarf.

“We think it’s a significant victory for religious freedom,” Azadeh Shahshahani, one of the attorneys representing Lisa Valentine in the case, told the AJC in a phone interview Friday.

“Obviously the manner in which Ms. Valentine was treated was inexcusable and unconstitutional,” said Shahshahani, a lawyer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. “We hope that through this settlement, no other people will be subject to this same humiliating treatment Ms. Valentine had to suffer.”

Douglasville agreed to adopt a new court screening policy that allows people with religious head coverings the option of being screened in a private area by a person of the same gender, the ACLU said in a news release. Persons with religious headgear will not be forced to remove them in public and can wear the coverings in court.

That policy mirrors a nonbinding recommendation to local courts made in July 2009 by the Georgia Judicial Council after widespread news reports of the Valentine incident.

Posted on 11 Oct 11 by Creeping Sharia

U.S. officials: Islamic jihadists may retaliate for Awlaki killing

This kind of warning always follows a victory in the struggle against jihad — as if to suggest that if only we didn’t resist, they wouldn’t be fighting us. In any case, they hardly need to fight us when the ACLU is fighting us well enough on its own, as you can see below, and as Obama continues to purvey the delusion that Yemen is an ally and that the jihad against the U.S. is being pursued only by a few lone nuts in al-Qaeda. “U.S. officials warn of possible retaliation after al Qaeda cleric is killed,” from CNN, September 30:

Washington (CNN) — The killings Friday of alleged terrorists’ cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and computer expert Samir Khan could spark retaliatory attacks against the United States, according to the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

The agencies issued a joint intelligence bulletin late Friday that said supporters might seek to portray al-Awlaki as a martyr in a supposed U.S. war against Islam. It says the deaths “could provide motivation for homeland attacks” by “homegrown violent extremists,” the type the two men allegedly tried to recruit or inspire.

The bulletin came less than a day after U.S. and Yemeni government officials announced that al-Awlaki — an American whose fluency with English and technology made him a top terrorist recruiter — was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Yemen.

“It was a joint U.S. military-intelligence operation,” a U.S. official said, adding that the U.S. military helped target al-Awlaki and that manned American military aircraft were flying overhead ready to offer assistance. The drone was operated by the CIA, officials said.

The strike also killed Khan, an American, and two others who were in the same vehicle as al-Awlaki, said another U.S. official who was briefed by the CIA. Khan specialized in computer programming for al Qaeda and produced the terrorist network’s English-language online magazine, Inspire. […]

U.S. President Barack Obama called al-Awlaki’s death a “major blow” to al Qaeda, reeling still from the killing and capture this year of several top leaders, most notably bin Laden.

“His hateful ideology and targeting of innocent civilians has been rejected by the vast majority of Muslims and people of all faiths and he has met his demise because the government and the people of Yemen have joined the international community in a common effort against al Qaeda,” Obama said.

He said al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, remains a dangerous but weakened organization. “Working with Yemen and our other allies and partners, we will be determined, we will be deliberate, we will be relentless, we will be resolute in our commitment to destroy terrorist networks that aim to kill Americans,” Obama said. […]

The American Civil Liberties Union said Friday that the killing was part of an American counterterrorism program that “violates both U.S. and international law.

“This is a program under which American citizens far from any battlefield can be executed by their own government without judicial process,” said ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer.

But Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, said al-Awlaki was on a “special list” of individuals attempting to attack the United States that is approved by the National Security Council and the president. Targeting those individuals is legal and legitimate, said Ruppersberger, the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, who was in Yemen two months ago.

He called Khan’s death collateral damage: “He just happened to be in the vehicle.”…

Posted on 1 October 11 on Jihadwatch

Stop The Islamization of America!

posted in:  Atlas Shrugs

Center for American Progress Defends Shariah, Charges America with Islamophobia

Center for Security Policy | Aug 26, 2011

For more information, contact David Reaboi
Director of Communications dreaboi@securefreedom.org or (202) 431-1948

WASHINGTON, DC – AUGUST 25, 2011: There they go again. Friday, the Center for American Progress released “Fear, Inc.,” yet another report in the increasingly hysterical bullying campaign to shout down criticism of political Islamist efforts to influence American foreign and domestic policy. Their latest “copy and paste” effort duplicates large sections of five nearly identical “investigations” just this year, complaining that millions of concerned Americans are Islamophobes.

The primary organizations–  what should be called the “Shariah Defense Lobby“– are the Center for American Progress/ThinkProgress, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) with support from a handful of other far-left or Islamist bloggers and Washington lobbyists.

The “Shariah Defense Lobby” whitewashes and protects political, legal, military and religious doctrines of Shariah law (Islamic law) from scrutiny. One of its major goals is to silence all criticism of Islamist aggression, jihadist violence, or Shariah violations of human rights and civil liberties.

Frank J. Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, noted that:

The ‘Shariah Defense Lobby’ is in a race against time to hide the grim reality of Shariah law as it is actually enforced, as Islamist movements and political parties throughout the Arab world are aggressively seeking to govern by Shariah. Most significantly, the ‘Shariah Defense Lobby’ refuses to discuss a simple fact: secular and democratic activists in Egypt and elsewhere in the Muslim world oppose Shariah in their countries, just as Americans oppose it here.

The latest report also attacks venerable American family foundations for supporting educational efforts on national security and counter-terrorism. The funding sources of the “Shariah Defense Lobby” should be exposed to public scrutiny. For example, CAIR– an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror financing trial in American history– has reportedly received millions in foreign funding from Islamist contributors, including the Organization of Islamic Conference (aka Cooperation). This year, CAIR lost its nonprofit tax status because of its refusal to file tax forms that would have revealed its sources of funding.

In addition to CAIR’s foreign financing, this latest paper from the Center for American Progress reveals that the project depends on money from the Open Society Foundations, a funding vehicle of far-left billionaire George Soros. George Soros is chairman of Soros Fund Management LLC. He has amassed a personal fortune estimated at about $14.5 billion (as of 2011). His company, Soros Fund Management, controls at least another $27.9 billion in investor assets. Soros’s foundation network– whose flagship is the Open Society Institute (OSI)– has reportedly dispensed billions to a multitude of far left organizations.

The “Shariah Defense Lobby,” which aggressively defends Shariah from its critics, has produced a year-long campaign of remarkably identical agitprop papers, all with a single goal: to attack the millions of Americans who are concerned about political Islamists’ growing power here in the U.S. and abroad.   In these increasingly shrill reports, the “Shariah Defense Lobby” keeps attempting to silence the great majority of Americans who express legitimate concerns about home-grown Islamist terrorism, and about Islamist efforts to enforce Shariah law on American Muslim families and even on non-Muslim Americans.

The Center for American Progress– authors of “Fear, Inc.”– are trying to make Americans afraid of discussing one of the greatest national security threats we face. Thankfully, the American people aren’t buying what they’re selling: the campaign is having the opposite effect of what the Lobby intends.

Posted on 26 Aug 11 by Center for Security Policy

ACLU and CAIR suing Feds over mosque infiltration to seek out potential terrorists

Posted: August 6, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam

What’s wrong with infiltrating the places where terrorists learn their trade? At least Eric Holder is using the state secrets rule that says disclosing further information about the surveillance operation could cause significant harm to national security.

Why do we allow the taxpayer-funded ACLU to always litigate on behalf of America’s enemies like CAIR? The suit accuses the FBI of paying Southern California resident Craig Monteilh to go undercover, infiltrate mosques and record conversations in search for potential terrorists.

posted on 6 Aug 11 by BNI

Terrorist Front Group CAIR upset that ‘The Response,’ a big Christian rally in Houston, Saturday, Aug. 6th, hosted by Governor Rick Perry, is not including muslims

Posted: August 6, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam



Mustafaa Carroll from CAIR took part in an ACLU protest of the event, saying “By being exclusive, the governor missed a golden opportunity to show true leadership by uniting all of the people of Texas around common concerns for the well being of America.”

Good for Rick Perry. Why would they want muslims involved in a Christian event anyway? And why would any muslims want to be there?

“He is not pastoring a church called the Lone Star State,” Rev. Barry Lynn with Americans United for Separation of Church and State said. “I’m disappointed that any governor could conceive and then orchestrate an event like this. Governors are indeed all elected officials, from mayors of small towns, to the President of the United States, should be respectful of the differences of their constituents and seek inclusion.”

posted on 6 Aug 11 by BNI