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UK Muslims: We Will Conquer the White House, Obama Will Be on Knees, Queen Will Wear Niqab

Posted on July 16, 2011 by creeping

At the current pace, he might be right. Read it all and watch the video via MEMRI TV.

“After [9/11]… Over 35,000 Americans Embraced Islam”

“For your information, after the September 11 bombings, when everybody thought there was going to be a backlash against the Muslim community, they said that within the first six months, over 35,000 Americans embraced Islam. That is a victory for us.”

Demonstrator: Say: “Allah Akbar!”

Crowds: “Allah Akbar!”


Abu Waleed: ”We can see throughout history how Islam came to conquer every single country. In 1453, Muhammad Al-Fateh took Islam all the way to the Persian Empire [sic]. The Persian Empire fell because of the light of Islam. History, my dear brothers and sisters, always repeats itself.

“Pharaoh had a dream that Moses would rise up and overthrow him. Likewise, today, the MI5, the FBI, the British Police, the American government, and the British government are all having this dream that Moses has returned. Believe you me, this dream will turn into a living nightmare, because the flag of Islam will be over the U.S. embassy, it will be over Downing Street…”

Demonstrator: Say: “Allah Akbar!”

Crowds: “Allah Akbar!”

Abu Waleed: “It will be over every single embassy until every single embassy closes, and in fact, until all the borders are shut down, and we have only one flag. Look closely, my dear brothers, at that flag of Islam. That is the flag that they fear the most. That is the flag of the Prophet Muhammad – not the Saudi flag, not the American flag, not the British flag, not the Somali flag, not the Bangladeshi flag.


“Today, my dear brothers, victory is for Islam. Victory is for the Muslims. Our Prophet, our Messenger, informed us that Judgment Day will not come until a group of Muslims rise in this nation, and they will go to the White House.”

Demonstrator: Say: “Allah Akbar!”

Crowds: “Allah Akbar!”

“The Day Will Come When David Cameron and Barack Obama Will Be On Their Knees… [and]  Queen Elizabeth Will Wear the Niqab

Abu Waleed: “By Allah, we will conquer the White House, because Allah willing, we will see the day when the door of the White House is kicked in, and the Caliph walks in. The Muslims rise up, like Bilal rose up inside Mecca, and he called for prayers. What did Bilal say? What did Bilal say? It is what we, the Muslims, will say from the White House: Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! I bear witness that there is no god but Allah. That is what the call will be, my dear brothers.

Posted on 16 Jul 11 by creeping sharia

Radical preecher Abu Waleed was caught on video encouraging people to ‘hoodwink’ the Government regarding benefits

photo courtesy of http://www.dailymail.co.uk/










This is Islam’s (the “peaceful religion” remember…the ones that kill to stress that point) peaceful view of working with America.

Muslim Brotherhood shaping up to be everything Obama said it wasn’t

Posted on July 16, 2011 by creeping

Some updates over the past few weeks on the Obama administration’s newest partner – the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt – whom Obama has been embracing and legitimizing before and after he became president.

via The U.S. Legitimizes A Terrorist Group

It’s official — the radical Muslim Brotherhood has co-opted America’s agenda in the Mideast and possibly the broader war. The Obama administration has formalized ties with the group.

In a shocking first, the State Department will now allow diplomats to deal directly with Muslim Brotherhood party officials in Cairo, where the international organization is based.

The terror-supporting group — whose credo is “Jihad is our way, and dying in the cause of Allah is our highest hope” — was formally banned by the secular Mubarak regime. Now it threatens to take power when elections are held in September.

Legitimizing the Brotherhood and its agenda has dangerous consequences both at home and abroad.

The group, which founded and still controls Hamas, does not recognize Israel. In fact, its leaders have called for its destruction. So the administration’s diplomatic overture is another affront to our key Mideast ally.

via Muslim Brotherhood’s first demand for US: Drop Israel

The Brotherhood responded this week by thanking Clinton, and issuing its first demand of its new American friends: drop support for the “Zionist regime.”

In an email response quoted by Bloomberg, Muslim Brotherhood spokesman Mahmoud Ghozlan stated that if America wants solid relations with the group, it should “stop supporting the corrupt and tyrannical regimes, backing the Zionist occupation and using double standards.”

It is important to remember that when the Muslim Brotherhood speaks of the “Zionist occupation” it does not mean only the Israeli presence in Judea and Samaria, the so-called “West Bank.”

The Muslim Brotherhood sees all of Israel as a cancerous growth that must be eradicated. The group supports returning Egypt to a state of war with Israel, and wants to see the entirety of the region become an Islamic Caliphate.

Former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat was assassinated by the Muslim Brotherhood for making peace with Israel.

via EU Ready for Muslim Brotherhood Talks – OnIslam.net.

CAIRO – Following the footsteps of their American allies, the European Union is not ruling out holding official contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Al-Ahram Online reported.

“We are always open to dialogue with anyone who is interested in democracy,” said Michael Mann, spokesperson for EU’s High Representative Catherine Ashton.

For years, the Muslim Brotherhood was banned and its leaders were repressed by governments since the 1950s.

The European move comes days after Washington said it would hold contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood.

“We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to nonviolence, that intend to compete for the parliament and the presidency,” US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said earlier this month.

“And we welcome, therefore, dialogue with those Muslim Brotherhood members who wish to talk with us.”

The Muslim Brotherhood opposes the US policies in the Middle East and its wavering support to Israel.

It has historic links with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and shares its belief in armed struggle against Israel.

Historic links as in Hamas is a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood – as stated in Hamas’ own covenant.

via Muslim Brotherhood’s Second Presidential Candidate: I will end treaty with Israel & Impose Sharia

Muslim Brotherhood Sheikh Hazem Abu Ismail announced his intention to run in Egypt’s upcoming presidential elections.

…“If I could apply sharia in Egypt, all people, including non-Muslims, would applaud me four years later,” said Abu Ismail.

“We seek to apply Islamic law, but those who don’t want it prefer cabarets, alcohol, dancers and prostitution, as the implementation of Islamic law will prohibit women to appear naked in movies and on beaches,” Abu Ismail added.

…Concerning the peace treaty with Israel, he said, “The Camp David peace treaty is insulting to the Egyptian people, so it must be canceled, and I will do my best to convince people to cancel it.”

via Muslim Brotherhood: We must implement Sharia in stages

“There is no other way but gradual action, preparing the [people’s] souls and setting an example, so that faith will enter their hearts… Gradual action does not impose Islam at once, but rather step by step, in order to facilitate understanding, studying, acceptance, and submission. […]

“The Prophet, peace be upon him, acted in a gradual manner, by first preparing the people, and then [preparing] family, society, state, and finally the caliphate

I ask the honorable Al-Azhar to rally the Islamic streams in order to unite the Muslim word and effort, restore the caliphate, and prepare a practical plan to implement the law of Allah the Exalted. This is the goal of the honorable Al-Azhar and of all Islamic streams. And Allah will help.

“O Allah, guide us, open our hearts to faith, and restore this [Muslim] nation to its previous self – one united nation worshipping You and You alone.”

And then there is this interesting note that has received absolutely no attention on the U.S. mainstream media.via Egypt Claims To Have Uncovered Secret ‘Muslim Sisterhood’

Egypt’s State Security Prosecution has uncovered what it claims to be a special women’s unit within the banned Muslim Brotherhood movement.

The prosecution says this group is led by the brotherhood’s deputy chairman Mahmoud Ezzat, who was arrested with 15 other Muslim Brotherhood members on February 8.

“There’s a Muslim sisters organization and that’s nothing new,” Shadi Hamid, deputy director of the Brookings Doha Center told The Media Line. “It’s important to note that even though the Muslim sisters can’t technically be members of the formal brotherhood organization, they still participate in its activities in a sense that the brotherhood runs women candidates at different levels.”

Bringing those allegations closer to reality, MB’s First Women Conference Kicks Off and more via Muslim Brotherhood Revives Women Role

“It is a historic moment worthy of thanks to Allah,” Khayrat Al-Shatter, the deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, told the opening session of the conference on Saturday, July 1, cited by the group’s website.

“This conference is the first for the Sisters and Muslim women for nearly sixty years.”

Themed the “Muslim Sisterhood”, the one-day conference brought together 2,000 Brotherhood’s female members.

Why hasn’t this been mentioned in U.S. media? Why did left-wing liberal apologists for sharia law scoff at the notion that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top aid and confidant’s mother, Weiner’s mother-in-law a member of Muslim Brotherhood? Facts aren’t on their side:

Al-Liwa Al-Arabi reports that the members of the Muslim Sisterhood are the “the wives of some of the highest-ranking leaders in the Muslim Brotherhood,” who are being recruited to “smuggle secret documents for the members since women go undetected by security surveillance” and “to spread the Brotherhood’s ideology by infiltrating universities, schools and homes.”

The Sisterhood, the paper says, is commissioned to “fulfill the interests of the Brotherhood and also to benefit from international women’s conferences and unify all efforts to benefit the Brotherhood globally.”

The Sisterhood’s mission also includes organizing projects that will penetrate its prohibited ideology into the decision-making in the West in an indirect way under the guise of “general needs of women.”

The objectives will be accomplished, Al-Liwa Al-Arabi reports, “through the university and the state capitals and institutions.”

The newspaper lists Huma Abedin’s mother among a dozen members of the Sisterhood from Saudi Arabia.

Abedin’s mother has more troubling links, via You won’t believe sordid links to congressman’s mother-in-law

The mother of Huma Abedin, Hillary’s Clinton’s chief of staff, has represented a Saudi-funded Muslim charity accused of terrorism financing and ties to al-Qaida.

Abedin has reportedly represented the Muslim World League, or MWL, a Saudi-financed charity that has spawned Islamic groups accused of terror ties. One of the groups was declared by the U.S. government to be an official al-Qaida front.

The Global Daily Muslim Brotherhood Report  reported on Clinton and the Abedin’s links to terrorism early last year in, Clinton Speaks At Saudi College Founded By U.S. Designated Terrorist

Global media are reporting that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has addressed students at the Dar El-Hekma women’s college in Saudi Arabia, known to have been co-founded and patronized by an individual designated as a terrorist by the U.S as well as by important Saudi bankers and members of the Bin Laden family.

Why is Obama officially talking to the Muslim Brotherhood?

And why is the media still complicit in this flawed policy? Bonus flashback video:

Post on 16 Jul 11 by Creeping Sharia

US recognises Libyan rebel TNC as legitimate authority

15 July 2011 Last updated at 16:23 ET

The decision could open up a huge funding stream for the rebels

The United States has recognised the Libyan opposition as the country’s “legitimate governing authority”.

The move means billions of dollars of Libyan assets frozen in US banks could be released to the rebels.

The decision was announced by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a diplomatic meeting in Istanbul.

Western and Arab members of the Libya Contact Group are drawing up a plan to end hostilities, which will be presented to Col Muammar Gaddafi.

“The United States views the Gaddafi regime as no longer having any legitimate authority in Libya,” Mrs Clinton said.

“And so I am announcing today that, until an interim authority is in place, the United States will recognise the TNC [Transitional National Council] {part is made up of Al-Qaeda as we have learned in the past
Telegraph.co.uk} as the legitimate governing authority for Libya, and we will deal with it on that basis.”


posted on 15 Jul 11 by BBC

Freeing Al Qaeda?

Center for Security Policy | Jul 15, 2011
By Frank Gaffney, Jr

Just when you thought it was not possible for the Holder Justice Department to become any more hostile to the national and homeland security interests of the American people, along comes yet another travesty.  This one threatens both, as it apparently would involve turning loose in America a convicted terrorist known to be a top Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwan in Arabic) operative and al Qaeda financier: Abdurahman Alamoudi.

According to a short Associated Press report on July 8th:

Federal prosecutors are asking a judge to cut the 23-year prison term being served by an American Muslim activist who admitted participation in a Libyan plot to assassinate King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Alamoudi – who famously declared his support for Hamas and Hezbollah at a rally in Lafayette Square in October 2000 and was recognized by the Justice Department as a Muslim Brother – has been incarcerated with other top terrorists in the Supermax facility in Colorado.  As an American citizen, he would presumably be allowed to stay in this country upon his release.

Alamoudi at Large

Can it be precluded that, once he is freed, Alamoudi would take up again with those he did so much to help sponsor, foster and run as one of the leading Muslim Brothers in the country?  Lest we forget, as a driving force behind many of the myriad MB front organizations in the United States, he previously was deeply involved with the fulfillment of the Ikhwan‘s mission here as described in its 1991 strategic plan.

That plan, which was found by the FBI in 2004 when they discovered the secret archives of the Muslim Brotherhood in Annandale, Virginia, is entitled An Explanatory Memorandum On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America. (It is reprinted in its entirety as Appendix 2 of Shariah: The Threat to America, ShariahtheThreat.com.) […go to page 285…] According to this memorandum, the Brotherhood’s mission in America is “a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within…by their [read, our] hands and the hands of the believers.”

This objective is, of course, identical to that of al Qaeda, the other jihadist enterprise for whom Alamoudi previously worked.  Who knows, if freed, could he rejoin its ranks, too?

At the very least, one has to assume that Abdurahman Alamoudi would be able to reconnect with the Muslim chaplains in the U.S. military and prison systems whom the Clinton administration allowed him to recruit, train and credential.  As no evident effort has been made to relieve his hand-picked folks from their clerical responsibilities ministering to such exceedingly sensitive populations, putting Alamoudi back in business – or at least back in touch – with them could intensify the grave security threat they might pose even now.

Why Would Alamoudi be Freed?

So what possible justification could the Holder Justice Department have for releasing such an individual just nine years into a twenty-three year sentence?  The AP story notes that, “The documents explaining why prosecutors want to cut Alamoudi’s sentence are under seal, but such reductions are allowed only when a defendant provides substantial assistance to the government.”

We can only speculate about what such “assistance” might be.  Could Alamoudi be telling the feds insights about his former paymaster, Qaddafi, that could be helpful in removing the latter from power?  As it is not entirely clear whether such an outcome is actually the goal of the United States, France or NATO in Libya at this point, it is hard to see that possible help as justification for running the serious risks associated with springing so dangerous an individual.

Perhaps, alternatively, Alamoudi might have spilled the beans about his friends in the Brotherhood’s vast North American infrastructure.  Did he provide further confirmation of the subversive role being played as part of what the Ikhwan calls its “civilization jihad” by, for example, organizations and members of: the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Muslim Students Association (MSA), the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), the Muslim Community Association (MCA), the Islamic Council of North America (ICNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Fiqh Council?

Such insights seem unlikely to have been valued by the Obama administration, though, since it continues to have extensive dealings with such groups and individuals associated with them.  If anything, such ties with MB fronts and operatives will be intensifying, now that Team Obama has decided formally to embrace the Muslim Brotherhood’s mother ship in Egypt.

Unfortunately, given this trend – to say nothing of the mindlessness of the Holder Justice Department when it comes to matters of national security – a more probable explanation for its willingness to give Alamoudi a get-out-of-jail-free pass is that the Obama administration is anxious to remove an irritant in relations with its friends in the Muslim Brotherhood and to demonstrate that a new day is dawning in those ties.

Alamoudi’s GOP Influence Operation

As it happens, in the aftermath of the Alamoudi announcement, one of his most successful pre-incarceration influence operations bore fresh fruit.  In 1998, Alamoudi personally provided seed money to enable libertarian anti-tax activist Grover Norquist to establish the Islamic Free Market Institute (better known as the Islamic Institute or II).  The Institute served the purpose of credentialing Muslim Brotherhood operatives like Khalid Saffuri, Alamoudi’s longtime deputy at the American Muslim Council (AMC), who became II’s founding executive director – as “conservatives” and enabling them to infiltrate the George W. Bush 2000 campaign and administration.

After the incarceration of his sponsor on terrorism charges, Norquist, the president of Americans for Tax Reform, has continued to promote Muslim Brotherhood personnel and agendas inside Republican circles.  For instance, just this week, at the July 13th meeting of his so-called “Center-Right Coalition” in Washington, Norquist staged a denunciation of legislation now being debated in state legislatures across the country: the American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) legislation.

MB Priority: Stopping American Laws from Governing in American Courts

The Muslim Brotherhood is outraged that three states have already enacted one version or another of the ALAC bill designed to preclude foreign laws (including, but not limited to, shariah) from being used in that state’s courts if doing so would deny constitutional rights or otherwise conflict with state public policy.  It has been introduced in some twenty others states and, to date, has passed in one house or another of four of them.

Such successes have been achieved by Americans all over the country because there simply is no good argument for opposing this affirmation of our civil liberties for all Americans – including American Muslim women and children whose rights are frequently being impinged upon by the application of shariah.  (See ShariahinAmericanCourts.com, a study of twenty-seven cases in twenty-three states where shariah was allowed to trump American laws.)

Last Wednesday, Norquist arranged for three speakers – self-described Jews or Christians – to promote the Muslim Brotherhood line that free practice of religion, including that of non-Muslims, would be denied were ALAC to be adopted.  Nothing could be farther from the truth, as the legislation itself makes clear (See Public Policy Alliance).  But it is instructive that the GOP influence operation Alamoudi spawned continues to serve his intended purpose: dividing and suborning conservatives in the best tradition of the stealth jihad at which he and his Brothers have long excelled.

Perhaps another venue in which we can expect to see Abdurahman Alamoudi should the Obama administration actually get away with freeing this al Qaeda terrorist will be as a featured speaker at Grover Norquist’s Wednesday meeting?

posted on 15 Jul 11 by Frank Gaffney, Jr