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Holidays’ names stricken from next year’s Montgomery schools calendar

The Montgomery County Public Schools building is seen in this file photo. (Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post)

The Montgomery County Public Schools building is seen in this file photo. (Sarah L. Voisin/The Washington Post)

November 11

(Related: Backlash over Montgomery decision to strip Christmas from school calendar)

Christmas and Easter have been stricken from next year’s school calendar in Montgomery County. So have Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.

Montgomery’s Board of Education voted 7 to 1 Tuesday to eliminate references to all religious holidays on the published calendar for 2015-2016, a decision that followed a request from Muslim community leaders to give equal billing to the Muslim holy day of Eid al-Adha.

In practical terms, Montgomery schools will still be closed for the Christian and Jewish holidays, as in previous years, and students will still get the same days off, as planned.

Board members said Tuesday that the new calendar will reflect days the state requires the system to be closed and that it will close on other days that have shown a high level of student and staff absenteeism. Though those days happen to coincide with major Christian and Jewish holidays, board members made clear that the days off are not meant to observe those religious holidays, which they say is not legally permitted.

The main and most noticeable difference will be that the published calendar will not mention any religious holidays by name.

Muslim community leaders have been asking Montgomery school officials for years to close schools for at least one of the two major Muslim holidays.

It is unclear how many Muslim students attend Montgomery schools, but in 2013, Muslim community leaders urged Muslim families and their supporters to keep students home for Eid ­al-Adha, hoping that the number of absentees would be persuasive as they made their case for a school closing. Montgomery school officials reported that absences for that day — 5.6 percent of students and 5 percent of teachers — were only somewhat higher than a comparable day the previous week.

Students who miss classes on religious holidays are given excused absences. But Muslim families have argued that students should not have to choose between their faith and their schoolwork and that missing even a day leaves many students behind. They say the day off is a matter of equity, with Christian and Jewish students getting days off for their holidays.

But Tuesday’s outcome was not at all what Muslim leaders intended. They called the decision a surprise — and a glaring mistake.

“By stripping the names Christmas, Easter, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, they have alienated other communities now, and we are no closer to equality,” said Saqib Ali, a former Maryland state delegate and co-chair of the Equality for Eid Coalition. “It’s a pretty drastic step, and they did it without any public notification.”

Zainab Chaudry, also a co-chair of the coalition, expressed dismay, too, contending the school board’s members were willing to “go so far as to paint themselves as the Grinch who stole Christmas” to avoid granting equal treatment for the Muslim holiday.

“They would remove the Christian holidays and they would remove the Jewish holidays from the calendar before they would consider adding the Muslim holiday to the calendar,” she said.

Muslim leaders had focused their efforts for the next school year on having the holiday of Eid ­al-Adha recognized with equal prominence on the published school calendar because the holiday falls on the same day as Yom Kippur, when Montgomery schools are already closed. They had said the step was symbolic but important.

Superintendent Joshua P. Starr presented the board with three options to resolve the question Tuesday, and a majority of members supported his recommended proposal to do away with the names of both the Muslim and the Jewish holidays on the calendar. But amending the proposal, the board opted to ditch references to Christmas and Easter, too.

Board members pointed to the Fairfax County school system’s calendar as an example; the largest school district in Virginia does not call out such religious holidays by name. In Montgomery, closing schools for Jewish holidays began in the 1970s. In voting to scrub the holiday names from the calendar, board members said they were trying to reflect the reason schools are closed on religious holidays: because of operational impacts — such as expected high absenteeism among students and staff on those days — not because the school system is observing a religious occasion.

“This seems the most equitable option,” said board member Rebecca Smondrowski (District 2), who offered the amendment.

Board members talked at length about not wishing to disrespect the Muslim community or those from other faiths. Muslim community members and their supporters packed the meeting room.

Several board members pledged to produce a clearer standard for the kind of operational impacts that might lead to further consideration of closing schools on a Muslim holiday in the future. The calendar change Tuesday affects only the next school year.

Board member Michael A. Durso (District 5) was the sole vote against the calendar change. During the board’s discussion, he noted that Montgomery brags about its diversity and its embrace of different cultures. “No matter how well-intentioned we are, it comes off as insensitive” to Muslim families, he said.

School officials said the time off in December would become “winter break,” while the time off around the Easter holiday would be called “spring break.” Other days, such as Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, would be simply listed as a day when there is “no school for students and teachers.”

Posted on 11 Nov 14 by Washington Post

Fort Hood Terrorist, Nidal Hasan, Found Guilty on all 45 Counts!

Posted by Zenster

Fort Hood Victims  Rest in Peace Good Americans and Know that Justice will be Done

FORT HOOD, Texas — Guilty, on all 45 counts.

Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan was found guilty by unanimous vote Friday of opening fire in a crowded clinic here on Nov. 5, 2009, killing 13 people and injuring 31 others, as well as shooting at the police officer who took him down.

The verdict was unanimous on all charges; Hasan could be sentenced to death for the crimes.

I sincerely hope that the death penalty will be imposed by way of firing squad. A date with Mr. Needle is far too good for this oxygen thieving waste of skin. Thank goodness that the military has its own, far more appropriate, code of justice.

Even more dead-jihad-licious is how the verdict for this misogynistic, Islamo-fascist slime bag was handed down by a woman!

The judge, Col. Tara Osborn, again reminded those in the courtroom that no outbursts of any kind are allowed, and those inside heeded the warning. Still, many had tears in their eyes or relieved smiles on their faces as they left quietly after the verdict.

Hasan did look up at the president as she read the verdict, then looked back down, glancing up again briefly as Osborn said the sentencing phase will begin Monday at 9 a.m.

Lest we forget, it is vital to remember the craven, cowardly words of the Army’s top officer, General George Casey:

“Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse,”

As blogger par excellence, Takuan Seiyo, is fond of noting:

“Diversity” is like Tabasco – add a ¼ spoonful to your grits, and you have a more lively and interesting dish. Add half a cup of the hot sauce, and you need an ambulance.

It is equally important to recall how the entire 86 page Pentagon report on the Fort Hood massacre never once contains the word “Islam“.

Clearly, this traitorous rat bastard has no shame or sense of disloyalty to the troops he ostensibly leads.

Posted on 23 Aug 13 by Call of the Patriot

Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. It is a shame, that, during the beginning of the court-martial, Nidal stated a number of times that he did this killing spree for allah and the Taliban, but the judge ordered him not to say that anymore. In fact, the judge ordered the attorneys and the defendant not to mention the word Islam or mention anything to do with Islam. Funny how, when this first happened, the president of the United States announced, without any training in the field of psychiatry to determine Nidal was guilty under work stress, the officer’s commanding officers never once noticed how he was acting or what he was portraying in his study papers nor his business card, plus the fact that the judge ignored that Nidal stated that he performed jihad for allah and for the Taliban so he could ascertain martyrdom in the eyes of allah…

This shows how ignorant the American populace (in general) and how ignorant the commanding American military officers are concerning Islam…if they would have know about Islam, and Nidal’s actions and his confession, they would have looked at the case a lot different. Nidal gets to play the American ignorance card, because the court doesn’t know about Islam, so he still gets to win his martyrdom title in allah’s eyes.

I personally think, to ruin his Islamic beliefs and aspirations of receiving automatic residence in paradise (close to allah that doesn’t really want to be around the people in paradise), and to receive his 72 virgins, instead of getting the death penalty (which would still qualify him for martyrdom) he should get 100 years of hard labor, in the women’s prison area.

Jihad Slashers

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. Wild Bill was off a little in the figures of extremist jihadist Muslims…at least how it is put together in the total number…he says 10% of Muslims are jihadist, but the CIA, FBI and other intelligence organizations in the US has determined that about 20-25% are leaning, and have a high possibility to go that direction. So, actually Wild Bill might not be off, he might be quoting the actual numbers of jihadist right now, but it could get worse, could double if their “mehdi” says to do it.

Now, the US government, with the help of Barack Hussein Obama, and his Muslim Brotherhood handlers, and his bed buddy Eric Holder, are on the brink of doing the exact same thing…prosecuting ALL that talk “bad” about Islam and their religious practices (murder, rape, enslavement, pedophilia).

Remember this…President Barack Hussein Obama is working with the Muslim Brotherhood to CHANGE America, and it isn’t change it to socialism, it is change it to Islamism. Think about, he is purposely killing the dollar(so people would gladly accept converting becoming a Muslim so they didn’t have to pay interest), forced and hid the martial law bill so he could impose martial dictatorship on at anytime, working on taking away gun rights (so the populace cannot form a militia like our Founding Fathers determined was a necessity in America, as well as making it easy for a military takeover of America if need be), is cutting down the US military (to make America very weak in the advent of an attack on America). Do the political/religious math with our current White House regime in office.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY): “After the Boston bombings, we need to put Muslims under tighter surveillance”

Congressman Peter King, who spearheaded controversial hearings on the radicalization of Muslim-Americans in 2011, also told CNN that “we can’t be politically correct. I think we have to see, has radicalization extended into the Chechen community?”


MSNBC  King, who chairs the House subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, is urging authorities to beef up their surveillance of Muslims in the U.S.  following Friday night’s arrest of bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Police must “realize that the threat is coming from the Muslim community and increase surveillance there,” the New York lawmaker told National Review.

King is not the only Republican employing arguably Islamaphobic rhetoric this week. South Carolina’s Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Saturday that the Tsarnaev brothers were on a “jihad mission.”

“Radical jihadists are trying to attack us here at home,” the South Carolina Republican told Fox News. “Every day we face threats from radical Islamists and they are coming through our back yard and trying to radicalize American citizens.”

Posted on 21 Apr 13 by BNI

5-Year-Old Muslim Girl Abducted from Philly School by Niqab-clad Woman (video)

[Well, not meaning it bad, but it serves them right, if they weren’t such morons claiming bigot, racist, or anything because the school would have asked for ID if it were a non-Muslim, then this wouldn’t have happened…As the world can see after this incident, it’s too hard to see the face of the mother, or anyone, male or female, wearing this “religious” garb. President,because of the fake Sandy Hook incident, is working on totally banning guns, why doesn’t Imam Obama ban Niqabs, they are even more dangerous than guns, because the young lady could have been raped, murdered, sold into sex slavery, made a bride…why isn’t the government looking at banning those for the safety of our children? Could it be a setup so the school could get sued? Who knows, but the problem is someone posing as a Muslim woman can kidnap children, or even rob banks, and no one would get an ID of the perpetrator.]

When Political Correctness was First Invented…thank you Mohammad part one

Political Correctness came about when Mohammad invented dhimmi. Dhimmis are Kafirs (infidels/non-Muslim believers) who agree to serve Islam. They are second class citizens, actually slaves.

Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasual Allah, (translated by A. Guillaume as The Life of Mohammad (Ishaq) 756 After the treaty of Al Hudaybiya, Mohammad stayed in Medina for about two months, before he collected his army and marched to the forts of Khaybar, a community of wealthy Jewish farmers who lived in a village of separate forts about 100 miles from Medina.

Ishaq 759 Mohammad seized the forts one at a time. On the occasion if Khaybar, Mohammad put forth new orders about raping captive women. If the woman was pregnant, she was not to be used until after the birth of the child. Nor were any women to be used who were unclean with regards to the Muslim laws about menstruation.

Ishaq 764 Mohammad knew that there was a large treasure hidden somewhere in Khaybar, so he brought forth the Jew who he thought knew the most about it and questioned him. The Jew denied any knowledge. Mohammad told one his men, “Torture the Jew until you extract what he has.” So the Jew was staked on the ground, and a small fire was built on his chest to get him to talk. When the man was nearly dead and still would not talk, Mohammad had him released and taken to one of his men who had a brother killed in the fight. This Muslim got the pleasure of cutting off the tortured Jew’s head.

Ishaq 764 At Khaybar Mohammed instituted the first dhimmis. After the best of the goods were taken from the Jews, Mohammed left them to work the land. Since his men knew nothing about farming, and the Jews were skilled at it, they worked the land and gave Mohammed half of their profits.

There is no mistake in the numbering… Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasual Allah has it written this was with 764…it’s like part A and part B like in some Bibles, however it is not written with any separation in the “verse”.

Ishaq 774 There were a total of 1,800 who divided up the wealth taken from the beaten Jews of Khaybar. A calvary man got three shares, a foot soldier got one share. Mohammed appointed eighteen chiefs to divide the stolen wealth. Mohammed received his one-fifth before it was distributed.

Mohammed’s invention of the dhimmi was the last necessary political element to rule the world. Now the Kafir had a place in Islam. The dhimmi was a semi-slave who was not a Muslim and deferred to Islam. Islam ruled every aspect of government, law and custom.

Today we see dhimmitude. When a Kafir calls Islam the religion of peace, the Kafir is a dhimmi. When universities teach about Islam and don’t teach about the suffering of the Kafirs, the university is a dhimmi organization. Political correctness and multiculturalism are dhimmitude.

This is from a Self-Study Course on Political Islam, by my friend Bill Warner. I strongly recommend you go here and purchase the course, it will teach you a lot the politicalness of Islam.

[You know the drill by now…this is my thoughts and knowledge concerning churches, not necessarily that of local Act chapters nor the nation office. Most churches in the U.S. are very big on being a dhimmi organization. Very little churches will talk about Islam, and the false religion they are pushing upon the American people…not only a false religion, but one that was actually started and practiced before Mohammed became demon possessed…it was the idol-god called Baal…I will dive into that sermon one day, but what satan did/does to try and still become the God of the universe, sheesh, what an idiot.]

Politically correct approaches often present sanitized view of Islam, ignoring its terrorist forms

Posted on November 6, 2011 by creeping

Often, as in more often than not. via The Problem With Islam.

It is difficult for Americans to comprehend the challenge to Western civilization from Islam and Islamist ideology. While our political leaders tell us constantly that we are not at war with Islam, the Obama administration will not acknowledge the fact that we are at war with Islamist ideology.

In a slim new volume of four essays, “Islam in our Midst: the Challenge to our Christian Heritage,” Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo examines the roots of Islamist ideology and finds little difference between them and Islam itself as it is currently preached in the Muslim mainstream.

And therein lays the problem with Islam. “Politically correct approaches often present a sanitized view of Islam, ignoring its terrorist forms,” Sookhdeo writes.

The Obama administration has conscientiously excised words such as “Islamic terrorism,” “Islamist terrorism” and “jihad” from the lexicon of its national security doctrine, “because they are deemed to anger Muslims and increase tensions with the wider Muslim world,” Sookhdeo notes.

This has only encouraged the Islamists, who are using left-wing think tanks such as the Center for American Progress to send out the political thought-police to condemn anyone who dares to discuss such issues openly as “Islamophobe.”

Dr. Sookhdeo is a noted scholar of Christianity and Islam, and is the international director for Barnabas Aid, a Christian agency that gives assistance to Christians facing persecution around the world.

Because of his scholarship and his deep understanding of Islamic texts and Islamic law, it is harder for the pro-Sharia lobby to dismiss him as an Islamophobe.

He believes we need to understand the fundamental contradiction and incompatibility between the “Islamic worldview” (note: not “Islamist”) and its American secular counterpart.

First, “a fundamental doctrine of Islam is the unity of religion (din) and state (dawla),” he writes. “Islam is thus inherently political. In a very real sense, for Muslims Islam is the state.” [p39]

Sharia law, which is derived from the Koran, the Hadith, and the various accounts of the life of Mohammad, “contains a complete social and political order, with regulations not only on personal devotion but also on all elements of legal jurisdiction, political institutions, relations with other states and even military endeavors.”

Muslims are taught in their mosques that they form a community that spreads across national borders, even across continents, as opposed to the individualism of American society.

“This can create tensions and conflicts for Muslims living in societies such as the U.S.,” Sookhdeo writes. “It raises the question of where one’s first loyalty lies.” [p41]

Born a Muslim in exile from his native Pakistan, Sookhdeo moved from British Guyana to Britain and became a Christian while studying at university. He went on to become an ordained Anglican priest, in addition to doing his PhD at the University of London’s School of African and Oriental Studies.

So should Americans be worried about Shariah creep — the gradual insinuation of Shariah law and things such as Shariah-compliant investment funds — into our society?

On this score, Patrick Sookhdeo is categorical.

Sharia law can “have no place within the public sphere; nor can the more political expressions of Islam that hide under a religious Burqa.” While individual Muslims deserve the protections provided by law to all citizens, “Islam as an ideology needs to be challenged, not protected.” [p76]

Sookhdeo has particularly harsh words for John O. Brennan, President Obama’s counter-terrorism advisor, for his attempt to interpret “jihad” as a purely spiritual concept.

Not only do the misconceptions of Brennan and those like him allow the Islamists to prevail as long as they do not explicitly embrace terrorism; it generates confusion about who the enemy actually is.

“What about the whole Islamist culture and ideology, which has the same long term goals as the terrorists, even though it does not always explicitly endorse terrorism?” Sookhdeo writes. [p79] Those goals include “the peaceful or gradualist Islamization of all countries, through tactics that concentrate on every area of society, including the political, legal, social, media, and financial.”

Should we be worried about Islamist groups, or Islam itself?

Here, too, Sookhdeo invites us to open our eyes: “Policy makers try to minimize the problem of radical Islam by presenting it as having nothing to do with classical Islamic ideology, when in fact it has much to do with it,” he concludes.

In other words, Islam as it is currently preached is the problem, and it is up to Muslims themselves to wage the battle to reform their religion.

But doing so would likely render any Muslim an apostate too. Read it all.

Posted on 6 Nov 11 by Creeping Sharia


TheReligionofPeace.com Presents:


Given Islam’s violent history and the unfavorable contrast of its oppressive practices against 21st century values, Muslims are hard-pressed to repackage their faith in the modern age.  Some of its leading apologists have come to rely on tricks involving semantics and half-truths that are, in turn, repeated by novices and even those outside the faith.

This is a document (which we hope to improve on and expand over time) that exposes some of these games and helps truth-seekers find their way through the maze of disingenuous (often blatantly false) claims about Islam and its history. 

 “If Islam were a violent religion, then all Muslims would be violent.”

“Other religions kill, too.”

Muhammad preached ‘no compulsion in religion’ (Qur’an: 2:256)

The Crusades

“Muhammad never killed anyone.”

The Qur’an Teaches that all Life is Sacred (Qur’an 5:32)

“Muslims only kill in self-defense.”

The million dollar wager that “Holy War” isn’t in the Qur’an.

“Verses of violence are taken out of context.”

“Islam must be true, because it is the world’s fastest growing religion.”

“The Qur’an can only be understood in Arabic.”

“If Islam were a violent religion, then all Muslims would be violent.”

The Muslim Game:

Most Muslims live peacefully, without harming others, so how can Islam be a violent religion?  If Islam were the religion of terrorists, then why aren’t most Muslims terrorists?

The Truth:

The same question can easily be turned around.  If Islam is a religion of peace, then why is it the only one that consistently produces religiously-motivated terrorist attacks each and every day of the year?  Why are thousands of people willing and able to cut off an innocent person’s head or fly full of passenger into a plane into a building while screaming praises to Allah?  Where’s the outrage among other Muslims when this happens… and why do they get more worked up over cartoons and hijabs?

Rather than trying to answer a question with a question, however, let’s just say that the reason why most Muslims don’t kill is that regardless of what Islam may or may not teach it’s wrong to kill over religious beliefs.

Consider that many Muslims would not even think of amputating a thief’s hand.  Does this mean that it is against Islam to do so?  Of course not!  In fact, it is clearly mandated in both the Qur’an (5:38) and the example set by Muhammad according to the Hadith (Bukhari 81:792).  As individuals, Muslims make their own choices about which parts of their religion they practice.

However, even though believers may think whatever they want about what Islam says or doesn’t say, it doesn’t change what Islam says about itself.  As a documented ideology, Islam exists independently of anyone’s opinion.   As such, it may be studied objectively and apart from how anyone else practices or chooses to interprets it.

The Qur’an plainly teaches that it is not only proper to kill in the name of Allah in certain circumstances, but that it is actually a requirementMuslims who don’t believe in killing over religion may be that way out of ignorance or because they are more loyal to the moral law written in their hearts than they are to the details of Muhammad’s religion.  Those who put Islam first or know Islam best know otherwise.

In fact, few Muslims have ever read the Qur’an to any extent, much less pursued an honest investigation of the actual words and deeds of Muhammad, which were more in line with hedonism, deception, power and violence than with moral restraint.  The harsh rules that Muslim countries impose on free speech to protect Islam from critique also prevent it from being fully understood.  In the West, many Muslims, devout or otherwise, simply prefer to believe that Islam is aligned with the Judeo-Christian principles of peace and tolerance, even if it means filtering evidence to the contrary.

It is no coincidence, however, that the purists who take Islam too heart are far more likely to become terrorists than humanitarians.  Those most prone to abandoning themselves to Muhammad’s message without moral preconception are always the more dangerous and supremacist-minded.  They may be called ‘extremists’ or ‘fundamentalists,’ but, at the end of the day, they are also dedicated to the Qur’an and following the path of Jihad as mandated by Muhammad.


Lessons on Jihad From the Movie, “What About Bob?”


I WAS THINKING of writing an article about the infuriating cleverness of orthodox Muslims, and I was wondering what I could use to illustrate what they’re doing. And then it came to me in a flash: The movie, What About Bob?

In the movie, Bill Murray plays a psychiatric patient who drives his psychiatrist crazy (Dr. Leo Marvin, played by Richard Dreyfus).

I just watched it again and the parallels to orthodox Islam’s dealings with the West are amazing. Bob uses the same techniques on Dr. Marvin that orthodox Muslims use against the United States and Europe, and with similar results: Bob successfully fools everyone except Dr. Marvin, and Dr. Marvin becomes infuriated and helpless, but unable to stop it.

Bob is able to cleverly insert himself into Dr. Marvin’s life without his consent, and able to turn Dr. Marvin’s friends and family against him.

As I watched, I kept stopping to write notes every time I saw a parallel. Here are my notes:

1. Bob’s stand is: I am suffering. Islam’s stand is: We are an oppressed people, we are under attack, we are the underdog, and we are suffering. Bob manages to make normal events in life cause him to suffer. Orthodox Muslims take anything their enemies do and turns it into “oppression.” And if their enemies do nothing offensive, they create opportunities to be affronted.

Read any mainstream Muslim publication, like the Muslim Public Affairs Committee newsletter, and you will see a strong theme running through almost every article: Muslims are oppressed and persecuted (and therefore must “defend” themselves).

I subscribe to several pro-Muslim e-mail newsletters, and this is an extremely common theme. Every little “hate-crime” they can come up with proves that Muslims are an oppressed minority. I recently read this: In the year 2007, the number of hate-crimes in the U.S. committed against someone because of their religion was 1400. Here’s how the hate-crimes break down by religion:

Anti-Jewish 969

Anti-Other Religion 130
Anti-Islamic 115
Anti-Multiple Religions 62
Anti-Catholic 61
Anti-Protestant 57
Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc. 6

(Source: FBI Hate-Crime Statistics)

Over the course of a year, and with 300 million people in this country, that’s a pretty low incidence of hate-crimes against Muslims. But their perpetual position is that they are an oppressed minority. Here’s why.

2. Bob uses every technique he can find to keep pushing for what he wants. And he uses the one tool that gives him the most leverage with normal people: Pity. Evoke genuine pity, and you can pretty much gain any concession you want. Read more about this.

The stealth jihad uses this principle constantly. Jihadis try to portray themselves — just as their leader Mohammad did — as innocent victims of wrongdoing. Then, having aroused pity, they seek a concession of some kind.

They continue gaining concessions and giving none. Islam is a ratchet: It only goes one way.

3. Bob uses deceit masterfully. Bob hires a hooker to portray Dr. Marvin’s sister to get through on the phone (when Dr. Marvin is on vacation and is not taking calls). Bob impersonates a detective and lies to the operator to get information about where Dr. Marvin is vacationing.

Islam has a principle called taqiyya, which means “religious deception.” They can and do lie to non-Muslims and they have Allah’s permission to do so as long as it serves the cause of Islam.

In the movie, Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West, there are several good examples, captured on film, of a Muslim leader speaking to Western media, saying one thing, and then it shows the same leader speaking to their fellow Muslims saying just the opposite. You see them speaking peace and tolerance to Westerners and two days later vigorously preaching jihad against the West to their fellow Muslims. This is taqiyya.

Probably the single most important reason orthodox Muslims have gotten away with so much is because they use deceit masterfully.

4. Bob pushes for concessions because he is special, unique, weird. And Bob captures everyone’s attention and doesn’t let them go about their normal lives.

Muslims do the same thing. In Norway, for example, Muslims were agitating for a law that would make it illegal to serve alcohol in discos on certain nights (because they are uncomfortable around alcohol). Hege Storhaug, the co-founder of Human Rights Service, rejects such a proposal. “All the time they have special rules,” says Storhaug, “and we reject special requirements. We get a split-up society and Islam gets more presence in the public sphere. People force religious opinions on others. In the most extreme consequence it leads to the Islamization of society…All the time it’s Muslims who come with special requirements. We never hear a peep from Catholics, Jews, Hindus, etc.”

One way to try to gain a concession is to simply ask. Another way (and far more effective) is to ask while providing a good reason why an exception should be made for you that would not be made for others. Bob had “special needs” because he was agoraphobic or afraid of sailing or deathly afraid of germs, and people went out of their way to accommodate him, conceding things to him they would never concede to a normal person.

Islam does the same thing. And they often succeed (read more about what kinds of concessions they have gained). They press for concessions because they are oppressed or because they are unique (they have particular needs because of their unique religion), or because they’ve been wronged or persecuted or whatever.

5. Bob seems really nice to everyone but his enemy. People usually recognize Bob is unusual, but they think he is innocent. But Dr. Marvin sees what he’s doing and how deliberately and insidiously he’s doing it.

By the skillful use of taqiyya, Muslims — even Muslims we know to be bloodthirsty killers — are considered “really nice people” by those who don’t know better. (Read a good example of that here.)

Islamic countries are often very friendly to Western countries while at the same time whipping up national hatred against those same Western countries on Islamic television stations, and funding global jihad against those same countries.

6. Bob uses public embarrassment to force concessions. When he arrives in the small town where the well-respected Dr. Marvin spends his summer vacation, Bob starts yelling at the top of his lungs in the middle of the street, “Dr. Marvin! Doctor Leo Marvin!” He keeps yelling until he has everyone’s attention and Dr. Marvin can’t simply ignore him and get away, which is what he was planning on doing.

Orthodox Muslims try to embarrass organizations into doing what they want. They will go to court even though they know they will lose, they will get the press involved. They’ll do whatever it takes to embarrass people or companies or governments into conceding. Radio stations have fired good people because the station didn’t want to deal with the public embarrassment of a lawsuit. Politicians restrain themselves and go out of their way not to say anything honest that might be offensive to the super-sensitive Muslim-advocacy organizations, because those organizations will do what they can to embarrass the politicians.

Orthodox Muslims have wormed their way into training programs for police and intelligence agencies and intimidated them into not saying anything that might lead to public embarrassment, demonstrating again and again that the Muslim organizations will use public embarrassment to silence critics of Islam.

7. Bob uses Dr. Marvin’s enemies against him. There is a husband and wife in town who are angry because the rich city doctor came and bought their dream home out from under them. Bob gets these people to help him, and they do it to help ruin Dr. Marvin’s life.

Orthodox Muslims are actively converting and recruiting disgruntled convicts in prison — people who are already enemies of the society. Iran sends soldiers into Iraq in order to kill U.S. soldiers, but Iran also supplies Russia and China with oil, so if the U.S. wants to do something about Iran, we will have our two biggest enemies to contend with. In essence, Iran uses our enemies against us.

Closer to home, those of us who are in the process of alerting our fellow citizens to the danger of Islam’s prime directive have enemies among our own fellow non-Muslim citizens. The blind multiculturalists in the media actively fight against us, trying to discredit anyone who criticizes Islam, and the orthodox Muslims use those enemies against us.

I get a newsletter from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) that brags in almost every issue about how they are bringing this suit against this person or sending press releases out about this or that grievance, and you can see from their wording that they are hitting every hot-button they can think of to gain sympathy from our fellow non-Muslim “enemies.”

8. Bob exploits all of Dr. Marvin’s weaknesses — his egotism, his desire to win his family’s love and approval, his failures and embarrassments, his family’s kindness and innocence, his family’s resentment against Dr. Marvin’s pomposity — Bob exploits it all to get what he wants.

Orthodox Muslims exploit Westerners’ weaknesses, too. One of our “weaknesses” is our reverence for life. Jihadis will hide behind civilians during a battle, knowing Western soldiers will not open fire.

Here’s another example of this principle, from DhimmiWatch:

“Palestinian jihad fighters have even used Christian sites and people as shields against the Israelis. In Spring 2002 they appropriated Bethlehem’s Manger Square as a base of operations, knowing that Israeli forces would not attack them there and would face international opprobrium if they did. This activity precipitated the siege of the Church of the Nativity in April and May of that year. After launching attacks against the Israelis from Manger Square, a group of jihadists fled into the church, where they remained for 39 days — secure in the knowledge that Israel would not attack a Christian holy site. Meanwhile, they desecrated the church.”

Orthodox Muslims are masters of exploiting their enemy’s weaknesses. They immigrate into free countries and then use the democratic process and rights of free speech to agitate against those freedoms and seek to subvert the democracy, as illustrated in the ironic picture here.

They also exploit the multicultural beliefs of the resident population in order to wage jihad by gaining concessions.

9. Bob is absolutely relentless. He doesn’t let up ever. Neither do orthodox Muslims. They keep infiltrating, they keep immigrating, they keep agitating, they keep killing, they keep intimidating, and they will never stop on their own. They’ve been doing it for 1400 years, and they are determined to keep it up until the whole world acknowledges there is no god but Allah and Mohammad is His Messenger.

10. Bob makes sure every response Dr. Marvin makes will backfire. He ensures that no matter what Dr. Marvin does to return to his normal life or solve his problem, it will not work. In the documentary, Target America, you can see each successive American president through the seventies, eighties, and nineties try many different ways of dealing with orthodox Muslims, and every attempt backfired.

The orthodox Muslims made sure they set up a situation where no matter what the U.S. did, it would go badly.

The same infuriating frustration Dr. Marvin feels is what I saw on the faces of all the presidents in Target America as they tried and failed to deal successfully with hijackings and captured hostages and bombings.

11. No matter what he does, Bob makes Dr. Marvin look like the mean one and Bob look like the innocent, underdog victim of Dr. Marvin’s apparently bad-tempered selfishness. Osama bin Laden’s plan was to run planes into the Twin Towers in the hopes that the U.S. would overreact, counting on the fact that the violent overreaction would cause Muslims around the world to unite against the West.

Many people think that’s exactly what happened. Muslims flew planes into the Twin Towers, killing thousands of office workers, and in the end, the U.S. looks like the mean one to a lot of people, and Muslims look like the underdog victims who only need potable water and a little compassion from big, bad America.

12. Bob causes Dr. Marvin’s wife and kids to sympathize with Bob and to resent and reject Dr. Marvin. They all try to look out for poor Bob. They push for Bob to get what he wants. This is analogous to orthodox Muslims causing multiculturalist Westerners to sympathize with Muslims and turn against their fellow countrymen who are trying to protect us all from further harm.

So we have one group of people in the U.S. who want to make sure we’re no longer vulnerable to attack by orthodox Muslims. And we have another segment of the U.S. who wants “stop the hate,” wants to “give peace a chance,” and wants to stop “racial profiling.”

In other words, orthodox Muslims have successfully turned some of our own people against each other. They have manipulated the situation so some non-Muslims are pushing for the orthodox Muslims to get what they want.

This is not just happening in America, it is happening in free countries all over the world.

13. Bob keeps provoking a hostile overreaction from Dr. Marvin and then appears to be the innocent victim of Dr. Marvin’s cruel insensitivity, and then he leverages that to gain concessions. If Dr. Marvin doesn’t respond, Bob escalates or persists in his provocation until Dr. Marvin can’t take it any more and bursts out in anger.

One memorable example from the movie is the dinner scene. Bob moaned with pleasure while he was eating. He kept moaning and saying, “This is so delicious!” And he kept it up until Dr. Marvin suddenly yells at him to shut up. All of Dr. Marvin’s family looks at him with anger and embarrassment. Bob looks like the innocent victim of Dr. Marvin’s irrational rage.

Here’s a good example from William Bennett’s Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism:

“From the beginning, the Palestinian strategy was, and still is, to provoke outrages to which Israel has had no choice but to respond with stringent countermeasures, thereby supplying endless footage of Palestinian casualties and eliciting fresh pressure by the West to accommodate ever-escalating Palestinian demands. Israel’s commitment to peace stimulated in the Palestinians not a spirit of reciprocal amicableness but an appetite for more…”

14. Bob knows full well what he’s doing, but successfully appears innocent to everyone but Dr. Marvin, who sees right through him but can’t get anyone else to see it. Those of us who have been trying to alert our fellow Westerners to Islam’s relentless encroachment are having a very difficult time.

Islam appears innocent to many people, and to them, we are suspect. We must be racists or bigots or Islamophobes. This assessment effectively shuts their ears to accurate information about something real enough to cause over seventeen thousand deadly attacks since 9/11.

15. Dr. Marvin clearly expects the problem (Bob) to go away, but he will never go. He keeps insinuating himself more and more thoroughly into Dr. Marvin’s life. Almost every non-Muslim I talk to about Islam’s relentless encroachment expects someone to take care of it and expects the problem to go away. But it isn’t going away. It’s getting worse. Islamic supremacists are insinuating themselves more and more thoroughly into Western societies.

16. Bob is skillful, but conceals it. Dr. Marvin comes up with a brilliant scheme to admit Bob into a mental institution, but the institution can only legally hold Bob for 24 hours before they let him go. They can keep him there only if the staff agrees Bob needs to be institutionalized. Dr. Marvin is sure everyone will see Bob is crazy, but they don’t. Within a few hours, they release Bob. Bob completely charmed the staff, telling jokes and cracking everyone up.

Like Bob, Islam is skillful, but conceals it. The more I learn about the clever infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into mainstream American life, the more impressed I am at the long-range planning and the skillful, sophisticated understanding of the American mind. (Read more about that here.)

One branch of the Muslim Brotherhood is CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations. They have successfully fooled most people in America that they represent moderate, peace-loving Muslim Americans. Read about what they are really up to.

17. Bob is in it for the long haul. Eventually, Dr. Marvin loses his mind, goes off the deep end, and he becomes violent and irrational, mainly because nobody else sees what Bob is really doing except Dr. Marvin.

Orthodox Muslims find every crack in the wall they can find and work their way in. And they twist every event and utterance to their purpose. They will not stop, they will not tire, and they have nothing else to live for. This is it. This is the meaning of their existence: Islam must win. Islam must dominate all other cultures, all other religions, all other governments. Allah wills it.

They have infiltrated our schools by giving donations to colleges and then using their seat on the board to exert influence (creating a campus culture of Islam-loving, America-hating students). Orthodox Muslims offered the British government and banks on Wall Street money to help them through the 2008-2009 financial crisis, but with strings attached — the money is “Shari’a compliant” which means, among other things, that there is a built-in written agreement that a certain portion of the money goes to particular charities — charities that support jihad against the West.

Orthodox Muslims have created “legitimate,” mainstream organizations that lobby Washington and “represent the Muslim community” to governments and to the media, and yet have a secret agenda, revealed at the recent Holy Land Foundation Trial, of conquering America from within.

The list goes on and on. They are in it for the long haul, and they absolutely will not stop, ever. They won’t grow tired or give up. If they are going to be stopped, we must stop them. And we had better do it with more success than Dr. Marvin had with Bob.

To get rid of Bob, out of mad frustration, Dr. Marvin tries to blow him up, but Bob ends up “accidentally” blowing Dr. Marvin’s vacation home to smithereens, and then marries Dr. Marvin’s sister!

Bob won. Dr. Marvin lost. We’ve got to do better.

Would you like to entertain yourself while watching a demonstration of Jihadi techniques? Watch What About Bob?

And while you’re watching, see if you can come up with ideas we can use. What would you do if you were Dr. Marvin?

Come back here and leave your ideas in the comments. This is serious business and we need all the smart ideas we can get.

Posted in:  Citizen Warrior


Disarmed By Shariah: Political correctness prevents Army from recognizing sedition

Washington Times | Jul 13, 2011
By Adm. James “Ace” Lyons (Ret.)

Today, the mind-numbing disease of political correctness has so infected the American military leadership that it is a threat in itself. The political correctness mentality was the principal reason why Fort Hood’s alleged murderer, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, was not cashiered out of the Army after a shocking June 2007 PowerPoint presentation he gave as part of his psychiatric residency program. In that presentation, he reportedly warned his Army colleagues and supervisor at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center of “adverse events” that would occur if the Army did not accept the precepts of Islamic Shariah law and grant Muslims serving in the Army conscientious objector status.

He went on to describe what he meant by adverse events, citing previous cases of Muslims murdering their fellow soldiers, spying against the United States, deserting their units and refusing to deploy. None of his fellow doctors or his supervisor reported his remarks, most likely out of fear of being labeled a bigot or racist, which in today’s military could end one’s career.

Now it seems the Army has embraced Maj. Hasan’s position in an incredible decision made last month by the secretary of the Army to grant conscientious objector status to Pfc. Naser Abdo. He is a 21-year-old soldier, a member of the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky., who refused to deploy to Afghanistan, claiming that Shariah law prevented him from killing other Muslims.

The fact that Shariah law is totally incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and has no legal basis in the United States was somehow overlooked in the Army’s decision process. Shariah is a totalitarian legal-military-political system that is designed to control every aspect of an individual’s life and is antithetical to our concept of freedom and democracy. By its dictates, Shariah is seditious.

By acceding to the dictates of Shariah, the Army has tacitly endorsed an absurd position that in effect sanctions Muslim service members to kill non-Muslims but forbids them to kill Muslims. Further, it is an unbelievable basis on which to classify them as conscientious objectors.

When Pfc. Abdo enlisted, he stated he initially believed that he could be a soldier and a Muslim at the same time. What changed his vision? He stated that his understanding of Islam “changed” as he went through training ahead of a planned deployment to Afghanistan. He worried whether going to war was the right thing to do.

This would indicate that someone in the Army training process for an overseas deployment in the 2009-10 time frame was indoctrinating Pfc. Abdo and other Muslim soldiers. Could it have been one of the Muslim chaplains personally selected by Abdurahman Alamoudi, who currently is serving a 23-year sentence in a federal prison? He was convicted of terrorism-related charges and was proved to be a senior al Qaeda financier as well as a strong supporter of the terrorists groups Hezbollah and Hamas.

As a result of his close connections in the Clinton White House, Alamoudi had the lead role in establishing the Muslim chaplain program. He nominated and approved which Muslim chaplains could serve in the U.S. military. The chaplains have never been vetted. This, together with a review of how Muslim military personnel currently are being indoctrinated, needs to be examined on an expedited basis.

Who helped the Army come to this inconceivable position on classifying Pfc. Abdo as a conscientious objector? My guess would be the Army received “guidance” from its Muslim “outreach partners,” who it believes are operating in America’s best interest. This would be classic stealth jihad at its finest.

By granting conscientious objector status to Pfc. Abdo, the Army is tacitly accepting a key tenet of the Islamic doctrine of jihad, as embraced by al Qaeda and other terrorists groups, which states that any incursion by non-Muslims into the Islamic lands makes it the duty for all Muslims to fight the “occupiers.” This view is shared by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who has challenged American efforts in Afghanistan as “unwelcome outsiders,” in effect, occupiers.

The U.S. military is the finest in the world. It represents the best of America. We have many Muslims serving honorably in the U.S. military and their service should not be tainted by Pfc. Abdo’s conscientious objector designation. His discharge from the Army is currently on hold because he has been charged with possession of child pornography. That should not be surprising: Shariah sanctions marriage of girls 9 years old and younger, in effect, legalized pedophilia.

Retired Navy Adm. James A. Lyons was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations.

Posted on 14 Jul 11 in Facebook by Center for Security Policy TEAM B II