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Religion of Peace They Say…Go Figure


Wow, the stats don’t show much peace here…oh wait, I got it…knowing how Islam works, the statement, “Religion of Peace“, actually means “If you are a certain kind of Muslim, then you will have peace, if you do not believe in and submit to Allah, then you will not have peace, because Allah and Mohammed said to give you terror and kill you until you want peace.” I mean really, if you read and study their law (Shari’a), then you will see that killing no Muslims is required and mandated.

Honor the 9/11 Dead: Defeat the Enemy & Punish Those Supporting Them

By JG September 11, 2014


It is 13 years after September 11, 2001.

How are we honoring those slain on that day? How are we honoring those in uniform who have given the last full measure of devotion for a cause they believed is truly right and just?

In preparation for his speech Wednesday night (9/10/14), America’s President sought council from the King of Saudi Arabia – the largest financial sponsor of the global jihad.

At the leadership level of our federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies, “catastrophically ignorant” is the only appropriate way to describe their status with regards to our enemy.  And yet our leaders shut down meaningful, fact/evidence based training on this enemy in compliance with the requests of their Muslim Brotherhood masters.

Nearly every major Islamic organization in the United States has been identified in U.S. federal terrorism trials as being a part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Movement with the stated goal of destroying America from within via Civilization Jihad.  Yet, our President, National Security Council, State Department, FBI, DHS, Pentagon, and others, ONLY rely on Islamic advisers who are leaders of known MB organizations or affiliated with the MB Movement.

Around the world the Islamic armies are overthrowing nations, brutally murdering non-Muslims (over 100,000 Christians per year in the last few years) by beheading them, crucifying them, burying them alive, and the like – all of which comports to Sharia (Islamic Law).  Yet our leaders say this war has “nothing to do with Islam.”

Because of cowardly and criminally negligent leadership on both sides of the political aisle in America, in our Universities, in our churches, and across our media, the enemy has been given wide latitude to push their jihadi movement forward with great force and success.

We wouldn’t want to offend them after all.

On Wednesday (9/10/14), demonstrating the light of hope for rational thought is still alive, Vice President Dick Cheney called (19:06) for the Muslim Brotherhood to be designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) and noted they are the root of the global jihad.  At the same time this administration materially supports the MB and Al Qaeda in Libya and Syria against the sitting governments.  All of us would be in jail for such actions.

This behavior, in no way honors the 9/11 dead or our troops who have died in battle.  It is time we rectify this.  It is time to engage and defeat the enemy and punish those who support them.

It is time to recognize the fact that the enemy leading the MB Movement in America wearing suits and spending time with our leaders in cities like Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, New York, Nashville, Denver, Charlotte, Miami, Dallas, Detroit, and others, is the same enemy  cutting off children’s heads and putting them on pikes in Syria and Iraq.  It is the same enemy our troops fought and are fighting in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, the Philippines, North/Central/East Africa, and elsewhere.  This is the global Islamic Movement with one unified goal – the establishment of a global Islamic state (caliphate) under which Sharia (Islamic Law) is the law of the land.

Our Constitutional Republic stands on the principle that God gave us our liberty and no man nor any government may take that liberty from us.  That is the ideal found in our Declaration.  Our Constitution is the first great attempt to make that ideal a reality.  Since its inception, our nation has been the most prosperous, generous, and virtuous in the history of mankind.  Not perfect, but our system requires the drive towards liberty and away from tyranny.

The Islamic Movement seeks to impose Sharia, which necessarily enslaves people and strips them of their God-given liberty.  Women are property under Islamic Law.  Apostates and homosexuals must be killed if they do not repent and change their ways under Islamic Law.  Non-Muslims must convert, be killed, or submit to Sharia and pay the non-Muslim poll tax under Islamic Law.  100% of all published Islamic law agree on these matters.

This enemy only understands one thing – strength and power.  We must exert our strength and power and ensure the enemy knows we will not surrender anymore ground, and we will retake the ground lost thus far.

It is time for the think tanks across this nation to stop mincing words about this Islamic enemy by creating fictitious meaningless phrases which do anything but identify the enemy.  We must recognize that at the nation-state level (hint: Organization of Islamic Cooperation), there is a global war being waged by an Islamic enemy, and we appear to be the only ones unaware.

It is time to shut down the thousands of MB front groups and Islamic Centers in America – which the MB itself says are places from which the jihad will be launched.  All of the MB leaders should be treated like the jihadis (“terrorists”) they are.

Saudi Arabia should be handled like the terrorist state it is.  Men like former Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. Prince Bandar, who funded two of the 9/11 hijackers through a third party,  should be treated as a “terrorist,” as should other members of the Saudi elite class who the U.S. government knows are currently funding the global jihad.

Men like Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the richest men in the world and a leading funder of the global jihad, and who sits on the board of Time Warner  and News Corp, should be handled like any other terrorist, not like an executive of a media giant.

George Soros has created thousands of organizations which work daily to undermine our Constitutional Republic.  Included in these are many organizations, like the New America Foundation, which directly support and work with the Islamic Movement.  Mr. Soros, his enterprise, and at least one of his sons all work to support our enemies and destroy this nation, and all should spend the rest of their days behind bars for it.

Leaders of DHS, FBI, CIA, State Department, and other branches of the government, as well as elected officials who:  continue to appoint Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, and Al Qaeda individuals to positions of authority inside our bureaucracy; give quarter to our enemies; apologize for and defend their actions; attend functions to raise money for the jihadis; and aid and abet them in any way, should meet the fate of a traitor because they have and are violating the law – not to mention violating their Oath of Office to “protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies.”

When men like Denis McDonough, the President’s former Deputy National Security Advisor, publicly laud leaders of MB organizations and funders of Hamas like Imam Mohamed Magid of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), allow him to have input on U.S. foreign policy and domestic counterterrorism strategies, and give him a security clearance and access to sensitive U.S. systems, Mr. McDonough should go to jail, not get promoted.

When the FBI Director collaborates with leaders of Hamas (dba “CAIR”), the Muslim American Society (MAS), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and other jihadis, and then testifies before Congress that he did not know the place where the Boston Marathon bombers were radicalized was founded by an Al Qaeda operative – and Americans are dead – well…we put doctors and lawyers in jail for criminal negligence like this.

When elected officials and law enforcement leaders raise money for Hamas in America, they should be prosecuted for a variety of charges, including material support for terrorism.  They are breaking the law and should pay the price for directly supporting our enemies.

The President himself has violated his oath of office and federal law, abused his powers of the office he holds, and has exposed America and its people to grave dangers on a number of levels.  At no time in history has such a gross disregard for the Constitution been so evident, yet the American people so silent.

It is time for those who give aid and comfort, propaganda, material support, and financial reward to our enemies to pay a price.  And it should be a harsh price.

If we are to honor the great and heroic sacrifices of all of the men and women who gave their lives on 9/1/01 and since, it is time for America to shed its weak and traitorous leadership and begin to retake our place in the world as the strong, principled leader we are and were meant to be.

If Americans would like to experience on U.S. streets what we are witnessing in Syria, Iraq, Niger, Mali, Pakistan, and elsewhere around the world, then let us continue on the road we are on of capitulation and defeat.

If we want to stand on the wall and defend Western civilization, the actions advocated here are much less severe than we will have to engage in when the enemy makes itself prominently known in our hometowns.

Posted on 11 Sep 14 by Understanding the Threat

[Editor’s Note: This does not necessarily entail the beliefs, thoughts, or theories of the local Act chapters or the National Act office…they are my beliefs, thoughts and/or theories. King Barack Hussein Islama’s speech yesterday (10 Sep 14) stated that he was going to commit a total of 1600 troops (just adding to what was already there for a total of 1600), as well as arming and training the Syrian Rebels (which have been verified are primarily Al Qaeda operatives that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) sent there to get rid of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad), the same group that attacked America thirteen years ago today, the same group that created, trained and armed the MB army, Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Barack Hussein Islama is, once again doing what he can to beef up the terrorists, and their creator, the Muslim Brotherhood, in which king BHO and parts of his family are members of.

So, in reality, President Islama’s plan is to aid the global terrorist creating organization (MB) in taking over America, by arming them and having US troops train them, as well as US tax-payers, funding their own demise.

ribbon-black_68I do ask that you take a moment today to pray for the revival of America, and to remember what happened today, eleven years ago today…the attack from one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s militia jihadist groups, Al Qaeda, the very group that BHO keeps financing, training and arming since our current “Christian” king came into office.]


Something to think about concerning a “peaceful and tolerant ‘religion'”

Peaceful, tolerant "religion"?

Peaceful, tolerant “religion”?

True meaning of COEXIST stickers

As-salaam alaykum



just a thought provoking blog that I wanted to introduce show infidels so they know the truth about Islam…regardless of the lies (lying=taqiyya, and is mandatory to ALL Muslims to fool the infidel into thinking they are friends) that is spread about Islam being peaceful and tolerant…there are a plethora of Qur’anic verses that show otherwise…

Have a nice day!

Imam in Tennessee Calls Christians and Jews “Filthy and Their Lives and Property Can be Taken in Jihad by Muslims”

by, Robert Spencer

Note also his words about jihad, quoting Muhammad: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify la illaha illa Allah [there is no god but Allah].”
And Qadhi says: “The life and property of a mushrik [one who worships others besides Allah] holds no value in the state of jihad…which means if they don’t say la illaha illa Allah, their lives and property are halal” — that is, permitted to be taken by the Muslims.

Qadhi is an imam in Memphis. He is also Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute. He is a hafiz — that is, he has memorized the entire Qur’an. He has an M.A. in the Islamic Creed and a B.A. in Islamic Sciences from Islamic University of Medina, as well as a master’s and a doctorate in Islamic Studies from Yale.

How is it, then, that he misunderstands jihad so spectacularly that he sounds like a greasy Islamophobe?

When is Bill Killian going to arrest Qadhi for hate speech ? And when is Qadhi’s speaking tour of England?

(Video thanks to Americans for Peace and Tolerance .)

source: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/06/tennessee-imam-jews-and-christians-filthy-their-lives-and-property-can-be-taken-in-jihad-by-the-musl.html


Can a good Muslim be a good American?

That question was forwarded to a person that worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. The following is his forwarded reply:

Scripturally – no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Qur’an (Koran).
Geographically – no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
Socially – no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews. Qur’an 5:51
Politically – no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and Destruction of America, the great Satan.
Domestically – no. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Qur’an 4:34).
Intellectually – no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
Philosophically – no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
Spiritually – no. Because when we declare “one nation under God,” the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Qur’an’s 99 excellent names.

Therefore after much study and deliberation…perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both “good” Muslims and good Americans.
Call it what you wish…it’s still the truth.

Posted on 2 Jul 13 by Sharia Unveiled

Homeland Security Warns of Terrorist Wildfire Attacks

June 2, 2012 in Featured

An image from the most recent issue of Inspire magazine, which is reportedly produced by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Several articles in the magazine advocate the use of wildfires as a terrorist tactic.

Public Intelligence

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Homeland Security and fusion centers around the country are warning that terrorists are interested in using fire as a weapon, particularly in the form of large-scale wildfires near densely populated areas.  A newly released DHS report states that for more than a decade “international terrorist groups and associated individuals have expressed interest in using fire as a tactic against the Homeland to cause economic loss, fear, resource depletion, and humanitarian hardship.”  The report notes that the tactical use of fire as a weapon is “inexpensive and requires limited technical expertise” and “materials needed to use fire as a weapon are common and easily obtainable, making pre-operational activities difficult to detect and plot disruption and apprehension challenging for law enforcement.”

Though law enforcement has been warning of the use of fire as a weapon for years, the recent fervor over wildfires as a potential terrorist tactic is largely due to Inspire magazine, a slick online publication that is reportedly produced by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.  The most recent issue of Inspire featured multiple articles on the use of wildfire as a weapon in jihad, including a complete guide on creating an “ember bomb” that would likely have a “high failure rate when manufactured and utilized by untrained or inexperienced personnel” according to the DHS report.  The FBI has also separately warned about the latest issue of Inspire, which “instructs the audience to look for two necessary factors for a successful wildfire, which are dryness and high winds to help spread the fire. Specific fire conditions that are likely to spread fire quickly are Pinewood, crownfires (where the trees and branches are close together), and steep slope fires (fire spreads faster going up a slope).”  California and Montana are specifically listed in Inspire as potential targets.

How do you stop a person that wants to carry out a wildfire attack? The DHS report includes a list of potentially suspicious activities associated with the terrorist wildfire threat.  Are you conducting “unusual research” related to weather, dry seasons, winds, or types of forests and vegetation?  Have you done online research related to historical cases of arson?  Or maybe you “conduct reconnaissance” in “remote, wooded areas, especially at night”?  According to DHS, you might be a part of a terrorist plot to start wildfires all around the country.  Of course, you could just be interested in nature, studying for a criminology exam or lost in a rural area at night.  The report makes it clear that many of the suspicious activities listed are “constitutionally protected” and should not be considered alone as sufficient cause for investigation.  However, the list ends with an ominous warning: “Pre-operational activities of violent extremists in the Homeland might be difficult to detect. Agencies with local or state oversight should monitor events that might be linked to a larger terrorist operation. Suspicious activities should be reported and shared immediately.”

Posted on 2 Jun 12 by Public Intelligence

Here are some facts about how many fires are going currently, as well as how many throughout the year, all the way to 2003 when Al-Qaeda operative got caught plotting wild fires and got arrested. Since 2003, in the Western United States we have had 641,679 wild fire, and a vast number are suspicious…problem is that the FBI or the DHS seemed to have told their findings to the forest rangers, because when I talked to a Park Ranger investigator about terrorism as a possible means for the fire in my local area, she had said that she was not aware of the FBI/DHS findings and she would have never thought of the fire being a terrorist attack.

National Preparedness Level 1

Current hours for the National Fire Information Center are
(MST) 8:00 am – 4:30pm, Monday – Friday

This report will be updated Monday – Friday.

October 19, 2012

The 9 million mark was met today for acres burned year-to-date. The 2006 fire season remains the highest for acres burned at almost 9.4 million. Light fire activity continues throughout the US. Four new large fires were reported in California, Nebraska, South Dakota and Utah. Currently, 11 large fires are active, 9 under suppression strategies and 2 managed for resource benefits.

Today is the last day for daily Incident Management Situation Reports (IMSR). The IMSR and National Fire News will be updated on Fridays unless significant activity occurs.

Weather: Fair conditions will continue throughout most of the West. Showers are predicted for the Pacific Northwest. Warm and breezy conditions will develop again over parts of southern and central California. In the East, a strong storm will push into the Great Lakes region bringing strong gusty winds to the northern and central Plains, the upper and mid-Mississippi valley and the Appalachians. Scattered rain and a few thunderstorms will develop across the upper Midwest and the Great Lakes region. Thunderstorms will form along a cold front stretching from the eastern Gulf to the Ohio Valley.

Daily statistics 10/19/12
Number of new large fires 4 States currently reporting large fires:
Number of active large fires
Total number includes full suppression and resource managed fires.
Total does not include individual fires within complexes.
11 Arizona (2)
California (1)
Colorado (1)
Minnesota (1)
Nebraska (1)
Nevada (1)
South Dakota (2)
Utah (1)
Wyoming (1)
Acres from active fires 77,002
Fires contained since 10/18/12 0
Year-to-date large fires contained 754
Year-to-date statistics
2012 (1/1/12 – 10/19/12) Fires: 50,651 Acres: 9,001,741
2011 (1/1/11 – 10/19/11) Fires: 63,856 Acres: 8,227,682
2010 (1/1/10 – 10/19/10) Fires: 61,367 Acres: 3,032,518
2009 (1/1/09 – 10/19/09) Fires: 72,641 Acres: 5,705,440
2008 (1/1/08 – 10/19/08) Fires: 58,453 Acres: 4,473,606
2007 (1/1/07 – 10/19/07) Fires: 76,285 Acres: 8,248,271
2006 (1/1/06 – 10/19/06) Fires: 85,964 Acres: 9,394,697
2005 (1/1/05 – 10/19/05) Fires: 55,407 Acres: 8,229,393
2004 (1/1/03 – 10/19/04) Fires: 62,576 Acres: 7,911,344
2003 (1/1/03 – 10/19/03) Fires: 54,479 Acres: 3,248,898
10-year average
2003-2012 Fires: 64,168 Acres: 6,747,359


Posted every day, Monday thru Friday by National Interagency Fire Center

International Institute for Counter-Terrorism ICT Database Report: July 2012

The following is a summary and analysis of the terrorist attacks and counter-terrorism operations that occurred during the month of July 2012, researched and recorded by the ICT database team. Important events this month included the following:

  • On 1 July, 17 people were killed and 60 others injured when armed militants carried out a coordinated attack on two churches in Garissa, Kenya.
  • On 5 July, six people were arrested on suspicion of planning a terrorist attack in London, UK.
  • British traffic police discovered a car filled with explosives, leading to a major counter- terrorist operation between 3-5 July, resulting in the arrests of seven people in the UK.
  • On 7 July, a Swedish Lebanese man, 24, was arrested in Limassol, Cyprus on suspicion of collecting information on Israeli flights to Cyprus and bus tours catering to Israeli tourists.
  • On 11 July, six rubber plantation workers were killed and 27 others injured when suspected Abu Sayyaf gunmen ambushed a vehicle transporting them to work in Basilan, Philippines.
  • On 12 July, nine police and prison trainee staff were killed and nine others injured by Tehrik-i-Taliban gunmen who attacked a police academy in Lahore, Pakistan.
  • On 14 July, 23 people were killed and 60 wounded when a suicide bomber attacked the wedding reception of the daughter of a prominent politician in Samangan, Afghanistan.
  • On 15 July, armed police in Edinburgh, UK arrested ETA militant Benat Atorrasagasti Ordonez, 36, more than 10 years after he went on the run.
  • On 18 July, six people were killed and 32 others injured when a suspected suicide bomber detonated a bomb on a bus full of Israeli tourists at Burgas Airport, Bulgaria.
  • On 18 July, an explosion in the National Security Building on Rawda Square in Damascus, Syria killed three of President Assad’s senior aides and injured several of his advisors.
  • On 23 July, 113 people were killed and 299 injured in a series of coordinated attacks in Iraq.
  • On 27 July, the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem posted a video online in which it again claimed responsibility for a cross-border attack on 18 June 2012.



On 18 July, six people were killed and 32 others injured when a suspected suicide bomber detonated a bomb inside his rucksack on a bus full of Israeli tourists at Burgas Airport. Amongst the casualties was the Bulgarian bus driver. The bus was carrying 42 Israelis who had arrived on a flight from Tel Aviv from the airport to their hotels. [i] Bulgarian authorities initially said that the explosion was caused by a bomb in the bus’s luggage compartment. However, further investigation determined that a male suicide bomber had carried out the attack. Some aspects of the attack seemed unusual for a suicide attack: the attacker was carrying false US documents and wearing a wig, which may have indicated that he wished to disguise his identity to evade being caught after escaping the scene of the attack, suggesting that he may not have intended this to be a suicide mission. It was also strange that he was carrying identification with his photograph, as suicide attackers do not usually carry identification. [ii] CCTV footage showed the unidentified bomber, who had a Western appearance, wandering around the airport terminal building for over an hour before he boarded the bus. CCTV clearly showed the suspect carrying an oversized bag that, in hindsight, security officials believe contained three kilograms of TNT explosives. Police did not identify the suspect but said he was 36 years old, and had been in the country between four and seven days before the attack. [iii] Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu blamed Iran for the attack, and linked the attacker to Hezbollah. A senior Israeli official said that the attack was part of an intensive wave of terrorist attacks around the world carried out by the Iranian Quds Force, an elite international operations unit within Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards, and by Hezbollah. [iv] On 21 July, a previously-unknown terrorist group allegedly tied to global jihad and calling itself Base of Jihad [Qaedat Al-Jihad] sent a statement to local media claiming responsibility for the attack; this claim was not verified by the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry. [v] Bulgarian security authorities were reportedly searching for additional suspects involved in the bombing. [vi] The explosion coincided with the 18th anniversary of an attack on a Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in which 85 people were killed.[vii]


On 7 July, a 24-year-old Swedish citizen of Lebanese origin was arrested in the southern city of Limassol in connection with gathering information on Israeli flights to Cyprus and bus tours catering to Israeli tourists. [viii] Cyprus state television said the authorities had acted on an intelligence tip from Israeli agents. Police believe the suspect arrived on the island on 5 July to plan and orchestrate the blowing up of a plane or a bus. Cypriot security forces raided the suspect’s hotel and arrested him in his room. According to local media, detailed notes about Israeli aircraft were found in the suspect’s possession. [ix] Initially, the arrest was not made public; the suspect was brought before a local court in a closed hearing that extended his detention for five days. His detention was again extended in a second court hearing, this time for a week. According to local media, the suspect initially denied any involvement in terrorist activity, but after intensive questioning admitted to being a member of Hezbollah. [x] Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu blamed Iran for the foiled attack. [xi]


On 4 July, ETA member Juan Maria Mugica was arrested as he was driving a car in the town of Mauleon, in southwest France. He was not armed and offered no resistance. He was allegedly linked to a planned missile attack on former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar in 2001. [xii] Mugica had previously escaped a police raid in 2010 in Lizarta, in Spain’s Basque region, in which the ETA cell of which Murgica was a member was dismantled. The cell was suspected of transporting material for attacks, including a missile from France to the Spanish town of Hernani. According to the Spanish Interior Ministry, the cell’s leaders had ordered Mugica to fire the missile at a plane carrying Prime Minister Aznar to Bilbao, but the attack never took place. Since 2010, a European arrest warrant had been pending for Mugica for his membership in ETA and for possessing weapons and explosives. [xiii]


On 3 July, five people whose identities were not released to the public were arrested on terrorism charges. They were accused of attacking a Serbian police checkpoint at the eastern boundary between Kosovo and Serbia on 28 June 2012, wounding one Serbian policeman lightly. The suspects, all citizens of Kosovo, were arrested by European police. Two of the suspects remained in custody while the other three were divested of their travel documents and ordered to report regularly to police. [xiv]

United Kingdom

On 5 July, five men and a woman were arrested in London on suspicion of committing, preparing, or instigating acts of terrorism. Eight residences and one business were searched in the raid, [xv] which was carried out by counter-terrorism officers and MI5 agents investigating a suspected plot against targets in Britain (not threatening the Olympic or Paralympic Games). [xvi] Three of the men, brothers named Jahangir Alom, 26, Mohammed Alomgir, 24, and Moybur Alom, 18 – were seized at an address in East London.  [xvii] The eldest, Jahangir, who also uses the alias Abu Khalid, was a Metropolitan community support officer between May 2007 and September 2009. In 2010, he appeared in a YouTube video to explain why he had stopped being a police officer and had become an Islamic fundamentalist. Mohammed Alomgir, 24, was zapped with a police Taser gun during the arrest, but did not require hospital treatment. Scotland Yard said armed officers had been deployed during the arrest, an unusual tactic indicative of the risk counter-terrorism chiefs thought officers faced in detaining the suspects. [xviii] Another man, identified as Richard Dart, 29, a Muslim convert who uses the name Salahuddin Al-Britani, was arrested by police officers on the street in Ealing, West London – an atypical move. Dart had been radicalized by Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, and was known to authorities for supporting the implementation of Shari’a [Islamic law] in the UK. Dart was featured in a YouTube video criticizing the Royal Family and British military action in Muslim countries. [xix] Police also arrested a 21-year-old man and a woman, 30, at separate residences. [xx] On 6 July, a seventh suspect – a woman, 22, was arrested in East London under the Terrorism Act 2000 on suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. [xxi]

British traffic police routinely stopped a car on 30 June 2012 on the M1 motorway after becoming suspicious that it was being driven without insurance. The driver and passenger were released, but the vehicle was impounded and taken for investigation. Two days later, on 2 July, investigators discovered firearms and ammunition hidden inside the car; this led to a major anti-terrorism operation. On 3 July, three men in their 20s, the driver and passenger apparently among them, were arrested in Birmingham. Three further arrests were made across the West Midlands on 4 July. Finally, on 5 July, a seventh man, 43, was arrested in West Yorkshire. Police said they had recovered two non-automatic guns and a small amount of ammunition. It is not clear whether a terrorist attack was imminent, but police believe the plot had progressed beyond the planning stage. Police said the arrests were not connected to the Olympics, nor were they linked to the arrests made in London on the same day. [xxii] On 10 July, the three men arrested in Birmingham were accused under the Terrorism Act 2006 in Westminster magistrates’ court of preparing an act or acts of terrorism, including manufacturing an improvised explosive device and acquiring firearms, other weapons, and vehicles connected with an alleged plan to target the anti-Islamic group, the English Defense League. [xxiii] The men were identified as Jewel Uddin, 26, Omar Mohammed Khan, 27, and Mohammed Hasseen, 23. [xxiv] On 31 July, Uddin, Khan and Hasseen appeared along with Anzal Hussain, 24, and Mohammed Saud and Zohaib Ahmed, both 22, via video link for a preliminary hearing at the Old Bailey, at which they were charged under Section 5(1) of the Terrorism Act 2006 of preparing an act or acts of terrorism between 1 May and 4 July 2012, including the manufacture of an improvised explosive device, the acquisition of firearms and other weapons, and the purchase of motor vehicles connected with the charges. The men spoke only to confirm their identities and were remanded in custody ahead of a hearing in January 2013. [xxv]

On 15 July, armed police in Edinburgh arrested ETA militant Benat Atorrasagasti Ordonez, 36, after more than 10 years as a fugitive. According to Spain’s Interior Ministry, Atorrasagasti Ordonez, who had been on Spain’s most-wanted list since 2008, had been living in a rented property in Edinburgh with his family for ‘some time’. Authorities claimed that Atorrasagasti Ordonez, originally from San Sebastian, joined ETA in 1996, forging documents and smuggling people and weapons between France and Spain. [xxvi] A statement from the Spanish Interior Ministry said Atorrasagasti Ordonez went on the run in 2001, after the Civil Guard broke up the cell with which he was affiliated. After escaping to France that year, he joined ETA there. His fingerprints have been found on material taken in several police raids; in 2008, he was sentenced in absentia to five years in prison by a court in Paris. [xxvii] His arrest was a joint operation of Spain’s Civil Guard and Lothian and Borders Police. [xxviii]

On 17 July, Shasta Khan, 38, was jailed for eight years after being convicted of conspiring with her husband Mohammed Sajid Khan to bomb Jewish targets in Manchester. [xxix] She appeared at Manchester Crown Court, where she was convicted of engaging in preparation for acts of terrorism and two counts of possessing a record of information likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism. She denied the charges. Her husband pleaded guilty to engaging in preparation for acts of terrorism, and was given an indeterminate sentence, of which he must serve a minimum of seven and a half years before he can be considered eligible for parole. [xxx] In July 2011, authorities discovered a cache of terrorism-related material after being called to a domestic dispute at the couple’s home. [xxxi] The couple was allegedly radicalized in 2010-2011 by Al-Qaeda’s Internet propaganda, such as the English-language Inspire magazine, which regularly prints instructions for bomb assembly. Police said the couple had carried out “multiple reconnaissance” trips to the Jewish community, but had yet to choose a specific target. [xxxii]



On 1 July, masked militants armed with grenades and rifles carried out a coordinated attack on two churches in the northern city Garissa, killing 17 people and injuring 60 others. [xxxiii] Police said seven gunmen carried out the attack; all of them managed to escape arrest. In the first attack, two policemen were shot outside one of the churches, and grenades were then thrown inside. As the worshippers tried to escape the gunmen fired on them, killing at least ten people. Then, in the second attack, three people were injured when two grenades were thrown inside a second church. One grenade exploded, causing injuries, but the second grenade failed to explode. No group claimed responsibility for the attack, but authorities suspect Boko Haram. [xxxiv]

On 24 July, Ahmed Mohamed and Said Mausoud, two Iranian terrorism suspects accused of being in possession of 15kg of RDX explosives, went on trial in Nairobi. The men were arrested on 20 June 2012 in Mombasa on suspicion of planning to detonate as many as 30 different bombs targeting British, US, Israeli, and Saudi interests, including prominent commercial and government buildings across Kenya. Both men denied the charges against them. According to Kenyan authorities, the suspects did admit membership in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force. Although it initially released the suspects on bail, the Nairobi court cancelled bail at the request of the state prosecutor; the suspects have been remanded pending the conclusion of their trial. [xxxv]



On 3 July, a string of deadly attacks occurred throughout Iraq. [xxxvi] In Diwaniyah, a truck with a powerful bomb hidden in its cargo of watermelons exploded near a Shiite mosque, killing 40 people and injuring more than 100 others. In Karbala, a holy Shiite city in the south, two homemade “sticky bombs” were attached to two parked vehicles and detonated separately in a vegetable market, killing six people and wounding more than 29 others. Authorities announced a partial curfew, and said they had blocked all entrances to the city as they searched for more explosives. [xxxvii] In Taji, north of Baghdad, explosions killed two and wounded more than 15 others. Near the city of Baquba, Diyala Province, gunmen killed a soldier and police officer; later, the bodies of two people who had been shot in the head were found in a field. [xxxviii]

On 23 July, a series of deadly attacks occurred throughout Iraq, killing approximately 113 people and wounding 299 others. Authorities called this the worst violence since 2010. [xxxix] One of the most terrible attacks occurred when insurgents charged an army post near Dhuluiya, 45 miles north of Baghdad, killing 16 soldiers. In Taji, seven bombs were detonated, killing a total of 48 and leaving scores injured. Explosions also occurred in Sadr City, as well as in Kirkuk, Mosul, Samarra, Dujail, Khan Bani Saad City, Tuz Khormato, and Diwaniyah. Militants also attacked various army checkpoints in Diyala Province. [xl] On 25 July, The Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the attacks. [xli]

On 31 July, 19 people were killed, at least five of them policemen, and 50 were wounded, ten of them police officers, in two explosions in Baghdad. [xlii] The explosions occurred within minutes of each other in the central Shiite district of Karrada in the middle of afternoon rush hour. The first bomb exploded outside a restaurant and a bakery in Al-Andalus Square, and the second outside a court opposite a major police headquarters. Many cars in the area were destroyed. According to Iraq’s Interior Ministry, the first attack was carried out by a suicide bomber; however, local TV news channel Al-Sharqiya reported that both attacks were suicide bombings. No group claimed responsibility for the attacks, but authorities accused Al-Qaeda in Iraq and its affiliates. [xliii]

Israel and the West Bank

On 27 July, the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem posted a video online taking responsibility for an attack on 18 June 2012.The video featured Khalid Salah Abd Al-Hadi Jadallah (aka Abu Salah Al-Masri) and Adi Saleh Abdallah Al-Fudhayli Al-Hadhl (aka Abu Hudhayfa Al-Hudhali), who said they had carried out the attack. Dressed in military attire, they are shown choosing an Israeli security patrol and a border town as the targets of their attack, which they said was meant to avenge “Muslims’ blood”; they dedicated the attack to Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri. The video also showed the attackers planning their attack using a model of the Sinai Peninsula; receiving training in bomb-making; and learning how to use live ammunition in the desert. Egyptian security officials, who offered little information about the group, said it was unclear where this training had taken place. [xliv]


On 18 July, three people were killed when a bomb exploded in the National Security Building in Damascus. Amongst those killed were three of President Assad’s senior aides; several others were injured. The building housed a research center run by the National Security Agency, one of many overlapping intelligence agencies. [xlv]

The attack occurred during a meeting of cabinet ministers and senior security officials. Syrian state media reported that Dawoud Rajiha, the Syrian Minister of Defense, was killed along with Deputy Vice President Hasan Turkmani and Assef Shawkat, Bashar al-Assad’s brother-in-law and Deputy Defence Minister. Several other senior officials were seriously injured, including Interior Minister Mohammad Ibrahim Al-Shaar and the country’s Intelligence Chief Hisham Bekhtyar, who died two days after the attack. [xlvi] The government said the attack was perpetrated by a suicide bomber who had worked as a bodyguard for members of President Bashar al-Assad’s inner circle. However, the Free Syrian Army, which claimed responsibility for the attack, said it had involved a remotely-detonated explosive. [xlvii] The group Liwa Al-Islam (Lord of the Martyrs Brigade) and the Free Syrian Army both claimed responsibility for the bombing. [xlviii]


On 11 July, eight people were killed and 15 injured in a suicide bombing that targeted a police academy in Sanaa. [xlix] Authorities said the bomber detonated his explosives among a large crowd of cadets as they left the academy after classes had finished for the day. Initial reports put the death toll at 20, but it was later revised down. Local media said it was unclear whether the suicide bomber had been on a motorcycle or on foot, walking among the cadets. Reports added that the suicide bomber did not die immediately, but was evacuated to the hospital severely injured. According to authorities, before the bomber died he told medical staff he was affiliated with Al-Qaeda and came from Amran, a town 70 km north of Sanaa. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed responsibility for the attack. [l]

On 22 July, the Yemen Interior Ministry said it had foiled a terrorist plot against military and security installations and checkpoints, which was to have been carried out by militants disguised in military uniforms. [li] On 23 July, security forces discovered and defused a bomb at the entrance to an intelligence services building in Aden. The bomb was attached to a cell phone with an alarm timed to explode during a scheduled meeting of senior intelligence and anti-terrorism officers of the southern military region. There were no casualties, and no group took responsibility for the plot; the authorities blamed Al-Qaeda. [lii]



On 15 July, Quebec resident Mouna Diab, 26, renowned for fighting the stereotyping of Muslims, was charged with attempting to smuggle assault weapons to Hezbollah. [liii] She was arrested on 19 May 2011, after firearm parts were found in her luggage at Montreal Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau Airport, and charged with violating a Canadian-backed international arms embargo on Lebanon. She was also charged under Canada’s post-9/11 anti-terrorism laws with acting for “the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group”. [liv] Authorities alleged that Diab had been sending firearms parts with people from her community who were traveling to Lebanon; the victims were unaware of the contents of the parcels she had given them. [lv] Diab is the first woman charged under Canada’s anti-terrorism laws. [lvi]


On 31 July, Shaker Masri, 28, pleaded guilty in a New York court to membership in Somalia’s Al-Shabab Al-Mujahedeen. Masri was arrested in August 2010 as he was preparing to leave for Somalia to join Al-Shabab. He admitted to FBI agents that he had been plotting to raise the funds he needed to engage in jihad in either Somalia or Afghanistan. He also allegedly told an informant that he admired Anwar Al-Awlaki, who was killed in a US drone attack in 2011 and who was credited with inspiring the Fort Hood, Texas, shootings and the failed Christmas Day bombing of a jetliner approaching Detroit. [lvii] Masri faced a maximum of 15 years in prison, but because of his guilty plea is likely to face only 10 years in prison if convicted. The full details of his plea bargain have not been made public. Shaker Masri will be formally sentenced on 16 October 2012. [lviii]


On 4 July, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels attacked an oil well in the southern Putumayo Department near the border with Ecuador, killing five workers and injuring three others. According to the Colombian Army, the five oil workers, who were contractors for the state oil company Ecopetrol, were killed by explosives and small arms fire. [lix]



On 8 July, Afghan authorities said roadside bombs and insurgent attacks killed 23 people in the Arghistan district near the Pakistani border. Amongst the casualties were 14 civilians, five policemen, and one member of the US-led international military coalition in southern Afghanistan. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Authorities said one bomb exploded when a minivan drove over it during the morning, and a second bomb exploded when other civilians, who were riding on a tractor, arrived to help the dead and wounded. Five policemen were killed and three others were injured while responding to a gun battle against Taliban insurgents at a checkpoint in the Musa Qala district of Helmand Province. Afghan police called for reinforcements, but the five policemen were killed when their vehicle hit a roadside bomb. The bodies of 20 insurgents were recovered from the battlefield. [lx]

On 14 July, 23 people were killed and 60 were wounded when a suicide bomber detonated his explosive belt at a wedding reception in the northern province of Samangan for the daughter of Ahmad Khan Samangani, a prominent politician. Samagani was amongst the casualties. The Taliban denied responsibility for the attack. [lxi]


On 6 July, 18 people were killed and two wounded when a group of men on motorcycles opened fire on three vehicles filled with travelers attempting to cross the border into Iran from Turbat, in Baluchistan Province. [lxii] Local media reported that the assailants forced the travelers to disembark before being shot. No group claimed responsibility for the attack. [lxiii]

On 12 July, nine police and prison trainee staff were killed and nine others injured by Tehrik-i-Taliban gunmen who attacked a police academy in Lahore. The victims were mainly from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa near the Afghan border. [lxiv] Approximately 10 masked gunmen reportedly arrived on motorcycles and stormed a rented building in the Rasool Park area where the trainees were staying. All those killed were training to be prison guards. The militants were armed with Kalashnikov rifles and hand grenades. [lxv] The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility, and threatened further attacks, which they said were motivated by [a desire to avenge] the poor treatment of prison detainees. [lxvi]


On 11 July, six rubber plantation workers were killed and 27 others were injured when gunmen ambushed a vehicle transporting them to work in Sumisip, Basilan. The militants demanded an initial bribery payment of P300,000 and a monthly protection fee of P100,000, which the plantation workers were unable to pay. [lxvii] Although no group took responsibility for the attack, authorities suspected the Abu Sayyaf group. [lxviii] On 27 July, clashes that erupted when Philippine troops attacked an Abu Sayyaf encampment on Basilan Island’s Sumisip Township left 12 soldiers and four militants dead. The militants fired at an army outpost in the same township and ambushed two groups of troops sent to back up the forces there. No one was killed at the outpost, but four of the reinforcement troops were killed en route. The authorities said the militants belonged to the same group that had ambushed the workers on 11 July. [lxix]


[i] Jerusalem Post, “7 dead in bombing of Israeli bus in Bulgaria”, 18 July 2012.
[ii] Jerusalem Post, “Questions and Lessons from the Burgas Bus Attack”, 30 July 2012.
[iii] New York Times, “Hezbollah Is Blamed for Attack on Israeli Tourists in Bulgaria”, 19 July 2012.
[iv] Telegraph, “Iran blamed after seven killed in bomb attack on Israeli bus in Bulgaria”, 18 July 2012.
[v] Jerusalem Post, “Previously unknown group claims Burgas attack”, 21 July 2012.
[vi] Ynet, “Qaedat al-Jihad claims responsibility for Burgas attack”, 21 July 2012.
[vii] CNN, “Israelis killed in Bulgaria bus terror attack, minister says”, 19 July 2012.
[viii] Jerusalem Post, “’Cyprus: Lebanese man planned attacks on Israelis”, 14 July 2012.
[ix] AFP, “Swedish terror suspect detained in Cyprus”, 14 July 2012.
[x] Haaretz, “Man detained in Cyprus was planning attack on Israeli targets for Hezbollah”, 14 July 2012.
[xi] Jerusalem Post, “PM blames Iran for thwarted Cyprus terror attack”, 16 July 2012.
[xii] AFP, “Top ETA member arrested in France: Spain”, 4 July 2012.
[xiii] CNN, “Suspect in plot against Spanish leader arrested”, 4 July 2012.
[xiv] EUBusiness.com, “Five arrested on terrorism charges in Kosovo: EU’, 3 July 2012.
[xv] BBC, “Six arrested in London anti-terror operation”, 5 July 2012.
[xvi] Guardian, “Guardian, “Six arrested in London over alleged terror plot”, 5 July 2012.
[xvii] New York Times, “Britain Arrests 7 More Terrorism Suspects’, 6 July 2012.
[xviii] BBC, “Six arrested in London anti-terror operation”, 5 July 2012.
[xix] BBC, “Anti-terror police arrest seventh person in London probe”, 7 July 2012.
[xx] Telegraph, “White Muslim one of six arrested over ‘terror plot’”, 5 July 2012.
[xxi] Guardian, “Seventh person arrested in London anti-terror raids”, 7 July 2012.
[xxii] Telegraph, “Terrorism arrests: car carrying weapons stopped by chance”, 6 July 2012.
[xxiii] BBC, “Three men ‘planned to attack English Defence League’”, 10 July 2012.
[xxiv] Guardian, “M1 terrorism suspects appear in court”, 10 July 2012.
[xxv] Press Association, “Six remanded on terror charges “, 31 July 2012.
[xxvi] BBC, “Eta’ fugitive Ordonez held in Edinburgh”, 15 July 2012.
[xxvii] Telegraph, “Terrorist suspect arrested in Edinburgh police raid”, 15 July 2012.
[xxviii] Ibid.
[xxix] Telegraph, “’Homegrown’ British terrorist bride jailed over Jewish plot”, 17 July 2012.
[xxx] Press Association, “Terror Attack Couple Jailed For Planning Anti-Semitic Strike In Manchester”, 19 July 2012.
[xxxi] Telegraph, “Couple charged with planning act of terrorism”, 5 August 2011.
[xxxii] Jerusalem Post, “Couple built homemade bombs to attack UK Jews”, 22 June 2012 .
[xxxiii] Reuters, “Attacks on Kenyan churches kill 17”, 2 July 2012.
[xxxiv] BBC, “Kenya church attacks ‘kill 15’ in Garissa”, 1 July 2012.
[xxxv] Xinhua, “Somalia: Trial of Two Iranian Terror Suspects Begins in Nairobi”, 24 July 2012.
[xxxvi] Telegraph, “Iraq rocked by string of bomb attacks”, 3 July 2012.
[xxxvii] Reuters, “Iraq Violence: Car Bomb Blast Kills 40 in Southern Iraq “, 3 July 2012.
[xxxviii] New York Times, “Dozens Killed in Rising Iraqi Violence, Including at Least 40 by Truck Bomb”, 3 July 2012.
[xxxix] Telegraph, “Iraq rocked by string of bomb attacks”, 3 July 2012.
[xl] Ibid.
[xli] Telegraph, “ 23 dead in Iraq”, 31 July 2012.
[xlii] Telegraph, “ 23 dead in Iraq”, 31 July 2012.
[xliii] BBC, “Iraq car bombings kill 19 in central Baghdad”, 31 July 2012.
[xliv] Haaretz, “Jihadi group in Egypt says responsible for attack killing Israeli on border”, 28 July 2012.
[xlv] New York Times, “Syrian Rebels Land Deadly Blow to Assad’s Inner Circle”, 18 July 2012.
[xlvi] Guardian, “Syria crisis: three members of Assad inner circle killed in Damascus”, 18 July 2012.
[xlvii] Ibid.
[xlviii] BBC, “Syria conflict: Ministers ‘killed in suicide attack’”, 18 July 2012.
[xlix] BBC, “Yemen attack: Deadly bombing at Sanaa police academy”, 11 July 2012.
[l] Reuters, “Al Qaeda suicide bomber attacks Yemen police academy”, 11 July 2012.
[li] Yemen Times, “A terrorist plot detected”, 23 July 2012.
[lii] Xinhua, “Yemeni police foil bomb attack in Aden”, 23 July 2012.
[liii] National Post, “Quebec Muslim activist becomes first woman charged under 9/11 terror laws over Hezbollah gun-running plot”, 15 July 2012.
[liv] Examiner, “Canada: Muslim anti-stereotyping activist arrested for terrorism, gunrunning”, 15 July 2012.
[lv] Royal Canadian Mounted Police, “Terrorism Charge Laid for Exporting Firearms Parts”, 13 July 2012.
[lvi] IPT News, “Former Muslim Stereotype Fighter Charged with Hizballah Support”, 13 July 2012.
[lvii] AP, “Shaker Masri, Chicago Terror Suspect, To Plead Guilty In Deal”, 12 July 2012.
[lviii] BBC, “US man admits plot to support al-Shabab in Somalia”, 12 July 2012.
[lix] Colombia Reports, “Southern Colombia ‘FARC attack’ kills 5 oil workers”, 4 July 2012.
[lx] AP, “Bombs, attacks kill 23 in southern Afghanistan”, 8 July 2012.
[lxi] Reuters, “Afghan suicide bomber kills 23”, 14 July 2012.
[lxii]AFP, “Gunmen kill 18 at Turbat restaurant: officials”, 7 July 2012.
[lxiii] International Herald Tribune, “18 travelers killed in Turbat bus attack”, 6 July 2012.
[lxiv] AFP, “Gunmen kill 9 security personnel in Lahore”, 12 July 2012.
[lxv] BBC, “Lahore ambush: Militants kill nine Pakistani police”, 12 July 2012.
[lxvi] AFP, “Gunmen kill 9 security personnel in Lahore”, 12 July 2012.
[lxvii] Philippine Daily Inquirer, “Abu Sayyaf attack kills 6 rubber plantation workers”, 11 July 2012.
[lxviii] AFP, “Suspected Islamist gunmen kill six in Philippines attack”, 11 July 2012.
[lxix] Guardian, “Soldiers killed as Philippine army clashes with Abu Sayyaf”, 27 July 2012.
Please click here to view the full ICT Database Report in PDF.

Posted on a monthly basis by ICT

[Editor’s Note: Interesting with this report…looks like Catholics are really trying to take over the world and forcibly spread the belief in the Mother Mary to the world…oh no sorry got that wrong…it actually looks like, still historically for the last decade, Islamic Muslims…funny how that works, the Muslim Brotherhood draws up a plan to conquer the world, through violence or non-violence, and all this satanic mayhem happens in the world, but the Muslims fool the world by saying “We don’t condone terrorism”…but jihad isn’t terrorism in their thought process, because allah told them to perform jihad to force the world into coming to, and worshiping satan I mean allah. Islam, the “religion of peace”… (only if you’re a Muslim) will not hurt you because they do not “condone terrorism”. The sad thing is the general populace of the non-Muslim world is ignorant in the word play game Muslims play…an easy way to look at their thought process between terrorism and jihad is this…

You take Robinhood…he is told/commanded by the Princess, Maid Marian, through Friar Tuck (the clergy in the group) to go liberate gold from the people that are not part of the Robinhood group, Sheriff Nottingham deems this action as stealing, but, as you know the story of Robinhood, they don’t condone stealing, the do condone liberating gold for the poor people. In actuality, Robinhood and his merry men are stealing, but in their eyes, they are not, this is equivalent to Muslims committing terrorism, even though in their eyes they are not. Would the general populace of the world allow a thief to steal from them and the thief tells them they weren’t stealing, they were just trying to help you out by liberating your money so you are not tempting into spending it frivolously because he doesn’t belief in stealing? NO!, based on your intelligence, you know that he is stealing and not liberating…same with jihad. Ok, enough said, you should get the picture now in the word play.

DEARBORNISTAN: Muslims in America rally against the First Amendment

Led by a newspaper publisher, Muslim activists in Dearborn, a hotbed of sharia activism  in Michigan, will call for putting limits on American free speech at a rally this evening. Rally organizer, Tarek Baydoun, says that so-called blasphemy laws are necessary to prevent speech that hurts the the religious feelings of Muslims. Oh, Boo Hoo!

DETROIT NEWS  Nearly a decade after Dearborn’s streets celebrated America for bringing down Saddam Hussein and opening a door to democracy in the Mideast, the same city will be the epicenter today of calls to squelch free speech. Protesting the film, “Innocence of Muslims,” that has sparked protests in the Mideast.

This assault on the First Amendment in the name of the prophet Mohammed is a sad day in America – and confirms fears that Muslim-American activists do not understand the fundamental separation of church and state in the American Constitution.

“There is a need for deterrent legal measures against those individuals or groups that want to damage relations between people, spread hate and incite violence,” said Arab-American News publisher Osama Siblani, a self-proclaimed “moderate” who is apparently oblivious to how gutting the First Amendment would affect his own business.


The Dearborn organizers seek an international law banning what they define as anti-Mohammed speech that would supersede American law. The rally comes just days after President Obama reaffirmed America’s commitment to free speech in a U.N. address.

Siblani & Co. say they condemn the violence – which we now know had nothing to do with the film – but are using the film to advance their anti-free speech agenda.

“The gathering will stress that the rise of Islamophobia is hurting America’s national interests, its image abroad and inciting worldwide violence,” say the rally organizers. Ironically, the rally comes at a time when hate crimes toward Muslims in America have dropped more 50 percent in a decade.

Rally against free speech in Dearborn last Friday, Sept. 21st

Posted on 29 Sep 12 by BNI

[Editor’s Note: You know the process…this opinion does not reflect the opinions of the local Act chapters or the National Office, but…doesn’t this go against the U.S. Constitution? Why are they so freedom phobic concerning the way we live? Are they so suppressed and brain washed, that they just want to follow after their totalitarian “prophet”? Sad, because according to their “sacred law” or Shari’a Law, they are mandated to actually perform jihad, up to killing non-Muslims (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.1, pg 600 “Jihad is a communal obligation. This goes with Qur’an sura 9:29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah and Last Day…

Like I said in a previous blog, jihad isn’t only killing non-Muslims…it is basically helping the murderers by giving them money, giving their families money, giving them supplies, taking care of their families when they die, and like in the U.S., what one of the Muslim Brotherhood’s front groups, the Hamas-linked, convicted, unindicted, co-conspirators of the Holy Land Foundation, Council of American-Islamic Relations is doing, taking a lot of businesses and the liking to court for legal jihad, legislative jihad…anything that will mess with, and harass, a non-Muslim country until they become an Islamic country…paying extortion jizya poll tax, or having the Kafirs convert to a barbaric, totalitarian slave life.

By the way, what happened to hate crimes? I thought the hate crimes pertained to ALL religions…oh, I forgot, really, it only pertains to anyone that talks bad about Islam…good thing there isn’t any dictator type laws going on with our Muslim president huh…

When Political Correctness was First Invented…thank you Mohammad part one

Political Correctness came about when Mohammad invented dhimmi. Dhimmis are Kafirs (infidels/non-Muslim believers) who agree to serve Islam. They are second class citizens, actually slaves.

Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasual Allah, (translated by A. Guillaume as The Life of Mohammad (Ishaq) 756 After the treaty of Al Hudaybiya, Mohammad stayed in Medina for about two months, before he collected his army and marched to the forts of Khaybar, a community of wealthy Jewish farmers who lived in a village of separate forts about 100 miles from Medina.

Ishaq 759 Mohammad seized the forts one at a time. On the occasion if Khaybar, Mohammad put forth new orders about raping captive women. If the woman was pregnant, she was not to be used until after the birth of the child. Nor were any women to be used who were unclean with regards to the Muslim laws about menstruation.

Ishaq 764 Mohammad knew that there was a large treasure hidden somewhere in Khaybar, so he brought forth the Jew who he thought knew the most about it and questioned him. The Jew denied any knowledge. Mohammad told one his men, “Torture the Jew until you extract what he has.” So the Jew was staked on the ground, and a small fire was built on his chest to get him to talk. When the man was nearly dead and still would not talk, Mohammad had him released and taken to one of his men who had a brother killed in the fight. This Muslim got the pleasure of cutting off the tortured Jew’s head.

Ishaq 764 At Khaybar Mohammed instituted the first dhimmis. After the best of the goods were taken from the Jews, Mohammed left them to work the land. Since his men knew nothing about farming, and the Jews were skilled at it, they worked the land and gave Mohammed half of their profits.

There is no mistake in the numbering… Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasual Allah has it written this was with 764…it’s like part A and part B like in some Bibles, however it is not written with any separation in the “verse”.

Ishaq 774 There were a total of 1,800 who divided up the wealth taken from the beaten Jews of Khaybar. A calvary man got three shares, a foot soldier got one share. Mohammed appointed eighteen chiefs to divide the stolen wealth. Mohammed received his one-fifth before it was distributed.

Mohammed’s invention of the dhimmi was the last necessary political element to rule the world. Now the Kafir had a place in Islam. The dhimmi was a semi-slave who was not a Muslim and deferred to Islam. Islam ruled every aspect of government, law and custom.

Today we see dhimmitude. When a Kafir calls Islam the religion of peace, the Kafir is a dhimmi. When universities teach about Islam and don’t teach about the suffering of the Kafirs, the university is a dhimmi organization. Political correctness and multiculturalism are dhimmitude.

This is from a Self-Study Course on Political Islam, by my friend Bill Warner. I strongly recommend you go here and purchase the course, it will teach you a lot the politicalness of Islam.

[You know the drill by now…this is my thoughts and knowledge concerning churches, not necessarily that of local Act chapters nor the nation office. Most churches in the U.S. are very big on being a dhimmi organization. Very little churches will talk about Islam, and the false religion they are pushing upon the American people…not only a false religion, but one that was actually started and practiced before Mohammed became demon possessed…it was the idol-god called Baal…I will dive into that sermon one day, but what satan did/does to try and still become the God of the universe, sheesh, what an idiot.]

…End Times…

[Editor’s Note: Once again, this is my opinion, not that necessarily of any local chapters or nation office of Act for America], In the events that have happened in the last few days, Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood president Morsi (thanks to Muslim Brotherhood operative Barack Hussein Obama) stated that he is against the murders of the Ambassadors, but naturally Morsi is going to say that he had nothing to do with this…although he has stated in the past that he hates America and Israel, and knowing that he is part of the Muslim Brotherhood’s global regime in trying to get rid of the “great satan” (America) and the “little satan” (Israel). Also knowing that he has full “authority” from allah to lie or commit taqiyya to advance Islam, then he is going to try and buffalo the world. As has been proven in the past, Muslim leaders say one thing to the West so make them feel good about Islam, but in Arabic, say what is/was their true intent.

There is a lot of unconfirmed news going around that not only did Morsi know about this, he was part of this as being a strict Islamic pusher, and the police did nothing to stop it. It is also rumored right now that Ms. Clinton and Mr. Obama knew it was going to happen up to 48 hours in advance, but they did not want to do anything either because they wanted a lesson to be learned…and that lesson was not to talk bad about Islam.

Now, with Obama knowing that he is the Islamic prophesied “Sun of the West” or the one that helps unit Islam throughout the world, and he possibly feels he is the Mahdi, he is not going to do anything concerning these Islamic terroristic events…the U.S. Embassy being attacked in Libya and Cairo on the 11th, which was pre-planned, and according to U.S. laws, is an actual ACT OF WAR, but also currently Islamic terrorist attacks on the Embassies of Yemen, and violent protests outside of U.S. Embassies in Sudan, Morocco, Tunisia, and suspicious envelopes being sent to the U.S. Consulate in Germany, it seems that violent jihad has started against the West.

If we did not have a Muslim President that worked for the Muslim Brotherhood, then we would have started looking at going to war with Egypt and Libya, or at least stopping the 2 billion dollars a year, at taxpayer’s expense, financial aid, but a “good” Muslim will be looked down upon from not only fellow Muslims, but also from allah, so Obama isn’t going to do anything that will put his 72 Virginians…I mean, virgins, in jeopardy, you see, contrary to what people think…jihad isn’t only killing people, jihad is also supporting them, giving them money, giving them backing, taking care of the “martyr’s” families, indoctrinating infidels…and Obama is doing as much non-violent jihad as he can, and he doesn’t want to mess that up with allah.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG…and I can speak for local Act chapters, as well as for the Nation Office on this…WE DO NOT CONDONE ANYTHING LIKE THE MOVIE ( I will not even link the movie here because it is such a sarcastic piece of garbage, it isn’t worth anyone’s time) that supposedly upset the tolerant and peaceful religion of Islam (although originally it was in the news that the Islamic radicals I meant misunderstanders, wanted the US to release the blind sheik from the 1993 World Trade center bombing), nor anything like burning the Qur’an like has happened from individuals in the past, but let’s face it…hate crimes are, in essence, pro Muslim-anti anything else discrimination laws…so is the Islamic “religion”. You are a Muslim and say that Jews use Muslim blood in their Matzo bread for Passover (a fact that is, and never has been true), and the Jewish folks don’t go out killing Muslims for saying that, and in the U.S., Muslims aren’t arrested for inciting hate crimes against Zionism, but a kafir says anything about Mohammad that is true from history, or from his own words, like he is a pedophile, or a liar, or a pervert, or anything, than the Muslim world is enraged and kills people and in the U.S., you are blamed for the violence…how does this work? Where is the equality in this, where is the tolerance in Islam? Where is justice? Where is non-discrimination? Oh never mind, forgot Mohammad said you can be discriminating against infidels and kafirs…and Obama makes sure he fulfills his prophets’ will.

I want to end my sermon with this…the Biblical end time is here, kafirs in general, but “children of the book” specifically will be persecuted here in the U.S. shortly. Especially if Obama wins the elections, he will help the Muslim Brotherhood win American soil as an Islamic victory, and thus, Christians and Jews will be greatly persecuted…the Islamic Mahdi or, in reality, according to Revelation and Daniel in the Bible, the anti-Christ is the exact same person…just looked at on different sides of the wheel…I tell you this so you think about what you’re going to do when that happens, whether Obama gets re-elected or not, whether he is the anti-Christ or not, (there will be one, regardless of who it is, and the Bible points out that it will be an Islamic global leader). I strongly suggest you bow your head and ask Jesus Christ (not Isa) to come into your heart and to forgive you of your sins. Then you must start to change your life and gear your life towards Him. I strongly recommend you start going to a Holy Spirit filled, Evangelical church, and talk with the pastor to see what you can do to start to learn more about Christ.

Thank you for your time…and I pray that God Almighty, Yeshua Elohim, richly bless you and keep you safe from the Prince of Persia spirit that is quickly taking over the world!

Rev. Don