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Video: The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is HAMAS

Posted on August 19, 2012 by creeping

A federal judge confirmed CAIR is Hamas years ago. And HAMAS’ own covenant confirms it is one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood. Some background video from one of our readers.

Share this with your elected and running officials, local and state law enforcement, friends and family.


(if anyone can edit videos for Youtube there is another clip from a much longer video we’d love to post)

Posted on 19 Aug 12 by Creeping Sharia

Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to White House

Posted on October 26, 2011 by creeping


Americans were warned about Mogahed when Obama hired her in 2009 [Obama Appoints Radical Muslim Apologist To Faith-Based Committee], and well before. H/t Bella via El Cid at Big Peace: Report: Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to the White House.

From a Middle East correspondent:

Beirut Arab news agency al Nashra reported on Saturday November 22, that [White House Muslim envoy] Dalia Mogahed has succeeded in canceling a meeting between the Maronite Patriarch of Lebanon and President Barack Obama. Writing in al Nashra, the reporter said “an unnamed US source told the news agency, that those who sought canceling a visit of (the spiritual head of the Maronite Church) Patriarch Beshara Rahi to the White House are Dalia Mujahid (Mogahed), the highest adviser on Arab and Islamic Affairs in the State Department, who is from Egyptian origins. And that,” according to al Nashra, heeding a request by the higher leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, who consider that US Administration must support the Islamist Sunni current facing the Iranian current in the region.”

The al Nashra report, circulating now widely in the Middle East, but also in the United States and across the Lebanese Christian Diaspora confirms what was already known about the impact the so-called “advisors on Arab and Islamic Affairs” in the White House on Middle East issues in general and on US policies regarding the Christians in the Middle East.

The anti-Middle East Christian lobbying in Washington, attributed to Muslim Brotherhood front groups and sympathizers is not limited to the Maronites, who form the bulk of the two million Lebanese Americans. According to research showing the links between Presidential adviser Dalia Mogahed and the Muslim Brotherhood, and to NGOs representing Middle East Christian groups in the US, blocking Middle East Christian meetings at the White House and the State Department have been associated with the work of the “advisors” and their allies in the Islamist camp in Washington such as CAIR and MPAC.

Observers believe that the campaign against Americans from Middle East Christian descent has also reached Terrorism experts and congressional advisers and NGO leaders whose field focuses on the Islamist and Jihadist movements. Indeed, in a report published this year, John Esposito, the chair of the Saudi-funded Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University (and an associate to Mogahed) endorses sharp attacks against experts and analysts, always charging “Islamophobia.”

Blocking the Maronite Patriarch from the White House is a move that is directed to all Middle East Christians in the United States and can have significant effects in the region and even on US politics. Brooklyn Bishop for the Maronites in the US, who are part of America’s Catholic Church criticized President Obama for not meeting the Patriarch during his visit. Bishop Mansour wrote:

Patriarch Rai’s warning about the future of Christians in Syria is not taboo. Christians are in a state of peril in the same way that Christians of Iraq were a few years ago when two-thirds of them migrated out… A new day is dawning in the Middle East. The Arab Spring is happening with little vision for the summer that will ensue.

However, for advisors in the Administration to rebuke the spiritual head of a main Middle East Christian community, and engage in a witch hunt against Middle East Christians, including US citizens, for the benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood is a serious matter the American public should not tolerate.

The Maronites are Middle Eastern Christians who count about a million people inside Lebanon with more than 10 millions in the Diaspora. There are about one and a half million Americans who are Maronites and five millions in Brazil. There are Maronite members of the US Congress such as Congressman Charles Boustany of Louisiana or former Congressman Ray Lahoud, current secretary of transportation. Maronites are among the 25 millions of Christians in the Middle East, including the 15 million Copts in Egypt, the one million Assyrians and Chaldeans in Iraq, another million Syriacs and Orthodox in Syria as well as Iranian Christians and African Christians in Sudan. Americans who are from Middle East Christian ancestry are about 86% of all Americans from Arab or Middle East Christians and count two times the size of American Muslims.

Read it all and contact your elected officials.

More on Obama’s hand-selected mujahida here.

Posted on 26 Oct 11 by BNI

HUFFPO DHIMMI* promotes conference on multiculturalism and diversity

Posted: October 12, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam


Not surprisingly this Muslim a$$kisser, as are all the leftie loons at Huffington Post, condemns anti-Islamization advocates like the English Defence League and Geert Wilders while calling for ‘tolerance’ for the most bigoted, hateful, intolerant people in the world – Muslims.

*DHIMMI – One who has submitted to the dictates of Islam

Huffington Post  This coming Saturday One Society Many Cultures is staging a timely and important national convention in London.


Disturbingly, a severe economic recession in Europe and the US is providing a fertile recruiting ground for dangerous and violent racists like the English Defence League and for anti-Muslim politicians like Geert Wilders in Holland. It is therefore just the right time for a broad political alliance to show a united front against hatred and bigotry and celebrate the diversity of our multicultural communities as they begin come under a sustained attack.


Any readers still inclined to believe the EDL’s own propaganda that it is neither racist nor violent should spend a few minutes searching reports on the EDL at Islamophobia Watch or reading this new research report from Dr. Matthew Feldman and colleagues at Northampton University.


Similarly, any readers still inclined to be believe that Anders Breivik, the Oslo terrorist, was not also a product of a poisonous and well orchestrated anti-Muslim narrative that comes from the furious pens of influential writers in the US, UK and across

Europe should take the time to read Breivik’s own coherent analysis.

Despite the weight of this evidence I suspect there will be some who will still insist the EDL reserves its vitriol for dangerous Muslim Extremists   and that Anders Breivik is a madman who speaks for no one except himself. These are popular and complacent misconceptions that should not be left unchallenged.

In my own contribution to the convention I will build on arguments made in my new book to expose the myth that mainstream Muslim organizations are extremists and ‘sheep in wolves clothing’ as the EDL, Breivik and the writers who inspire them claim.


Regrettably, in doing so, I will be required to highlight the negative role being played by the Coalition Government in it’s counter-terrorism and community cohesion or ‘integration’ strategies. Taking a leaf out of Michael Gove’s influential neo-conservative polemic Celsius 7/7 the government has launched a McCarthyite counter subversion strategy in all but name against Muslim organizations that do not adhere to Gove’s view of British values.

As a recent Spinwatch report The Cold war on British Muslims  makes plain Gove is a key player in a well orchestrated campaign by neo conservative think tanks including Policy Exchange and the Centre for Social Cohesion that guides government policies towards its own Muslim citizens.


I saw evidence of this counter-subversion strategy in action yesterday when a Muslim ‘counter-radicalisation’ project approved by the coalition government lectured police officers and community workers about the dangers of ‘non violent extremism’ it wrongly assessed to be causally linked to violence and a threat to community cohesion and ‘integration’.

In consequence many Muslim organizations at the forefront of confronting the EDL and confronting hate crimes and violence of all kinds are being demonized as extremist and a threat to community cohesion. This is well illustrated in Tower Hamlets   where the reality on the ground contradicts the analysis offered by Gove and his colleagues in nearby Westminster.


My former police colleagues will need to be brave when standing shoulder to shoulder with Muslim partners now judged uncongenial by government. Fair and effective policing will need to be as tough on far right terrorism, political violence and intimidation as it has been on terrorism and political violence associated with al-Qaeda and fringe Muslim extremists. Police chiefs will need to ensure that counter-terrorism policing takes full account of the threat posed by extremists who share the same ambitions as Anders Breivik if not – to date at least – the Oslo terrorist’s chilling skill.


And if police accept the Home Secretary’s view that young Muslims should be ‘prevented’ from becoming radicalized into ‘extremism’ then they should ensure that the same measures are applied to young people joining the English Defence League. Or better still, challenge the government’s notion of ‘prevent’ altogether. Either way, even handedness is essential.

If police go about this task fairly then the small number of terrorists and violent extremists who feed off the unattended political grievances in all our communities will be better isolated, identified and tackled.


A focus on anti-Muslim racism is not to ignore racism more generally or to plead for special treatment for Muslims. To the contrary One Society Many Cultures benefits from the role model set by Ken Livingstone who has always insisted that Muslims should simply be treated fairly and equally along with their fellow citizens. Contrary to popular myth, this is all Muslims themselves ever ask for.


It is therefore high time decent politicians from all three major parties, trade unionists, anti-racist activists and all of us who want to defend multi-faith, multi-ethnic, multicultural communities applied equal standards and tackled anti-Muslim racism with the same enthusiasm earlier manifestations of racism against minority ethnic communities have been opposed.


My police background dictates my research focus and my contribution to the convention. But this is a wide ranging event with speakers from a variety of backgrounds, many with positive and successful accounts of multicultural grass roots experience.


Look at the usual far left suspects who are backing this conference:

[UNION DHIMMIS] Billy Hayes General Secretary, Communication Workers Union
Britain’s diversity offers many social, cultural and economic benefits. We must assert that we are one society with many cultures. This important event will be an opportunity to unite trade unions, faith and other communities to celebrate our multicultural heritage and oppose racism, Islamophobia and hatred.

[SELF-LOATHING JUDENRAT DHIMMIS] Edie Friedman Executive Director, Jewish Council for Racial Equality
Britain has a proud tradition of being a haven for those fleeing persecution, tyranny and fear. We must protect that right to refuge. This timely event will celebrate the positive contribution we all make to society.

[MUSLIM RADICALS] Farooq Murad Secretary General, Muslim Council of Britain
Sadly, Islamophobia is an undeniable reality in our society. It is culminating in Mosques being attacked, Muslims being vilified in the media, hatred and violence being encouraged. We are committed to fight this by working with people from all walks of life. We need to celebrate diversity and promote understanding to create a just and cohesive Britain.

[INTELLECTUAL ELITIST DHIMMIS] Michael Rosen poet and playwright
The far-right think that they can rustle up enough bullies and thugs to threaten the peace and security of Muslims. We can’t rely on the government doing anything about this. In fact, we’ve come to expect the opposite: they either keep suspiciously silent, or even worse: deliver speeches full of aggressive and prejudiced talk towards Muslim people. We need trade unionists and activists to come together to keep our streets and lives free of this danger so I welcome this conference on October 15.

[ACADEMIA DHIMMIS] Professor Danny Dorling University of Sheffield
When governments run out of good arguments to explain why their policies are hurting people they look for scapegoats. Suggesting that multiculturalism is a problem is just one way of trying to hide the fact that the rich are getting richer whilst most peoples’ living standards are falling.

Posted on 12 Oct 11 by BNI

Islamic street Justice in America

This was posted from a friend of mine, and the big question is…why didn’t the media cover this story? We know why, they don’t want to show how Islam really is, because they are afraid of their station owners, as well as the President…the media is Dhimmians and sharia/Islamic advocates


Posted 8 Oct 11 by Boucia

SIX MUSLIMS (isn’t it always?) charged with plot to unleash devastating suicide bomb attacks in Britain.

Posted: September 27, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam


Three of them are accused of stating an intention to be a suicide bomber and planning to construct a homemade explosive device. Two have been charged with making a martyrdom film and traveling to terror camps in Pakistan — where their training included how to make bombs, poison and weapons.

THE SUN  Mohammed Rizwan, 32, appeared before magistrates in London today charged with failing to disclose information about acts of terrorism between July 29 and September 19. Bahader Ali, 28, was also accused of failing to disclose information and “arranging the availability of property for terrorist purposes”. His brother, Ashik, 26, was also remanded in custody and will appear later this month with co-accused Irfan Nasser, 30, Irfan Khalid, 26, and Rahim Ahmed, 25.


They are accused of one count of “engaging in conduct in preparation for terrorist attacks”. Nasser, Khalid and Ali are accused of planning a bombing campaign, stating an intention to become a suicide bomber, collecting money for terrorism, making or helping to make a home-made bomb and recruiting people for terrorism.


Nasser and Khalid are also accused of traveling to Pakistan for terror training including bomb-making, weapons and poison-making as well as making a “martyrdom” film. Ahmed is accused of helping others travel to Pakistan for terror training, collecting money for terrorism and investing and managing money for terrorist acts.

Those charged are:

IRFAN NASSER (14/6/81) aged 30 of Doris Road, Sparkhill

IRFAN KHALID (1/3/85) aged 26 of Timbers Way, Sparkbrook

ASHIK ALI (12/3/85) aged 26 of White Street, Balsall Heath

RAHIN AHMED (28/7/86) aged of 114 Moorcroft Road, Moseley

BAHADER ALI (4/7/83) aged 28 of 27 Turner Street, Sparkbrook

MOHAMMED RIZWAN (3/2/79) aged 32 of 75 Asquith Road, Ward End

posted on 28 Sep 11 by BNI

Pallywood – The Original

You will see the actual original video clips that are faked and staged to “show” that Palestine is being bullied by Israel. But you will see, the Palestinians are following after their Islamic, Qur’anic teaching, and following their shari’a law by lying to the world to make the world look down on Israel, but you will see that it hasn’t really happened the way the Palestinians try to portray it.

Posted on 10 Jul 10 by youtube

MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD fingerprints all over the attack on the Israeli Embassy in Cairo

Posted: September 18, 2011 | Author: barenakedislam


Militants from the Muslim Brotherhood were among the rioters who stormed Israel’s embassy in Cairo last weekend, according to Egyptian security officials. No surprise.

KLEIN ONLINE –The security officials, from the intelligence apparatus of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, said the embassy attack was orchestrated. The officials said Egypt quietly warned their Israeli counterparts last week about a possible plot against Israel’s Cairo embassy.


On Friday, Egyptian masses stormed the Israeli embassy in Cairo, forcing Israel to evacuate its ambassador and the embassy staff.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday called the attacks in effect an assault on “the axis of peace” with Egypt, saying those who tore down the flag outside the building “oppose peace.”

Netanyahu went on to praise what he called the moderate elements in Egypt who, he said, were interested in advancing and maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. READ MORE: KLEIN ONLINE

Egypt rewards violence at Israeli Embassy paves way for more.

HUDSON NY  A few days before the mob stormed the embassy, the Egyptian authorities honored a young man for climbing more than 20 floors to remove the Israeli flag from the offices of the Israeli embassy. According to a report in Egypt’s Al Masry Al Youm newspaper, Sharqiya Governor Azazy Ali Azazy, honored the man who climbed the building that houses the embassy and tore down the Israeli flag.


Ahmed al-Shahat, 23, affectionately nicknamed “Flagman,” was awarded a flat and a job for his “courageous” deed. “I wish I were in his place to enjoy that honor,” the governor said, referring to the young man.

By honoring al-Shahat, who is being hailed as a hero in his country, the Egyptian authorities paved the way for the mob attack on the embassy, which, by miracle, did not end in the lynching of the Israelis inside the embassy offices. The Egyptian authorities are being hypocritical when they say that they plan to prosecute those responsible for the assault on the embassy.

By rewarding the young man with a flat and a job, the government in Cairo sent a message that not only does it condone the attack, but actually regards it as a heroic act that deserves a precious award.

Posted on 18 Sep 11 by BNI

New York Times takes up Hamas-linked CAIR’s cause of trying to force the FBI to stop telling the truth about Islam

This morning the New York Times has picked up on the effort by the hard Left and Islamic supremacist groups to intimidate the FBI into abandoning all attempts to teach the truth about Islam and jihad, which I wrote about at length yesterday here. The agenda of Hamas-linked CAIR is obvious in their outrage over FBI training materials: they want the Feds to stop teaching the truth about Islam, and to supply agents only with a whitewashed, misleading picture that will leave them woefully ill-equipped to understand or deal adequately with jihad terror plotting in the U.S. The Leftist media, including now the New York Times, with its usual suicidal short-sightedness and fashionable anti-anti-terror stance, has eagerly signed on to this campaign.

Here is one section from the Times’ piece on this today: “F.B.I. Chided for Training That Was Critical of Islam,” by Erica Goode in the New York Times, September 16:

The agency was also criticized last year for inviting Robert Spencer, an anti-Muslim blogger, to speak to a joint terrorism task force.

“This isn’t a revelation to us,” said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an advocacy group in Washington. “We’ve been dealing with this issue for quite some time now.”

He added, “There’s a problem with the use of anti-Islamic trainers and Islamophobic materials.”

I wrote this to Erica Goode:

I am not “anti-Muslim,” as I have stated many times. It is not “anti-Muslim” to stand for human rights for all people, including Muslims, and to defend the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for women, all of which are denied under traditional forms of Sharia. Nor am I merely a blogger, but the author of 10 books, two of which were New York Times bestsellers. Nor is CAIR simply a neutral Muslim advocacy group, but a Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood-linked group with many former officials convicted of terror plotting. I hope next time you write about this you will attempt at least some semblance of objective journalism, but I have no high hopes.

Robert Spencer

Like Spencer Ackerman, Erica Goode makes no attempt to determine whether or not the material in the FBI training is true or accurate. She just takes for granted that it must be false (I show that it is true here), and assumes also that Hamas-linked CAIR and the ADC are the honest brokers in this controversy. It is typical, but no less excusable for that.

Posted on 17 Sep 11 by Robert on Jihadwatch

Emerson Interviewed on Fox News on Current Terror Threat

Interview on Fox News
September 9, 2011

MEGYN KELLY: Going to get back, now, to our top story this afternoon. We are awaiting specifics on the alleged suspects involved in this suspected terror plot. One is reportedly a U.S. Citizen. According to our research team here at fox news, there have been at least 46 home-grown, violent jihadist threats of attacks inside the U.S. Since 9/11 Steve Emerson is the executive director of the investigative project on terrorism and author of “jihad incorporated.” Steve, thank you so much for being here. Tell us what you know at this hour is the latest in terms of this threat?

STEVE EMERSON: Actually, there are two American naturalized citizens here legally but who are believed to be involved in this plot. The third person seems to have come from Waziristan but they don’t know where he is. Number two and most importantly is that the information comes from a single source, and there was a debate within the intelligence community about the credibility of releasing this information, but since the source was considered credible and the treasure-trove of documents seized out of bin Laden’s safe house constantly mention 9/11 anniversary as a time the launch an attack, they decided to put two and two together and issue this type of alert. The specificity [of details] went down to the point of saying truck bombs, talked about New York City, [and may have] talked about possible other cities. But again, it was a single source piece of intelligence, and there’s always a danger when you have single source intelligence without confirmation which is why the White House said “credible but unconfirmed,” sort of a contradiction [of terms]. But that’s the way they phrased it.

KELLY: I know they’ve been looking at this as a possibility since bin Laden was killed, they found his papers that there were general advisories going out to the terror and intelligence communities. I should say the intelligence community about terror threats prior to this. But something happened within the last 48 hours to gin up the concern. Was that the information from this source which had proven credible in the past at least sometimes?

EMERSON: Yes, that’s exactly true. I don’t know the history of the source, but I can tell you that since the bin Laden raid and since the exploitation of the computers, the documents, and the phone numbers, you know, they really found a treasure-trove of potential attacks around the world, but definitely an emphasis on attacking the United States on the anniversary of 9/11. Then five days after the killing of bin Laden, an al-Qaeda team announced that they were going to avenge his death on the 9/11 anniversary. So that was constantly emphasized and I can tell you since that incident, I have been getting briefed about 9/11 anniversary as the date to be looking for a potential attack. But, again, that wasn’t confirmation of something credible.

KELLY: Right that was the general concern–

EMERSON: The credible information that you just pointed to today came 48 hours ago.

KELLY: before I let you go, we’re not just talking about New York and Washington, correct? There are other cities they are concerned about at least today.

EMERSON: Yeah, the FBI briefed police chiefs in, I think, five cities: Chicago, L.A., New York and two others. New York was specifically mentioned. I cannot tell you if the other cities were mentioned. But definitely the information, concerned the notion that if New York wasn’t chosen, another metropolitan center would be chosen.

KELLY: We should mention to our viewers they have not elected to raise the security alert, homeland security level of concern, so nonetheless, you can see, I mean, that video we were showing with the card checks in New York at least, I can attest to it firsthand- it’s real, it’s happening, and it’s going to keep happening at least through Sunday. Steve Emerson, thank you so very much for the latest information. We appreciate it.

EMERSON: You’re welcome

(go to the link below to watch the video clip)

Posted on 9 Sep 11 by investigative project on terrorism (IPT)

New website deflects attention from jihad, focuses on Muslims as victims

Editor: So, are you still a journalist or a novelist?
Tom Friend: Same thing out here….
Editor: Make something out of it. And if you can’t do that, sir, then make it up! — From the cinematic classic Masked and Anonymous

In reality, hate crimes against Muslims are infrequent:

Anti-Jewish attacks 70% of hate crimes, anti-Muslim attacks 9% of hate crimes — Senate to hold hearings on “anti-Muslim bigotry”

Just-released New York 2009 report: Hate crimes against Jews: 251. Hate crimes against Muslims: 11.

Backlash! Anti-Muslim hate crimes only eight percent of hate crimes, far less than those against Jews

And so in order to deflect attention away from jihad activity and try to portray Muslims as victims, so as to shame non-Muslims into not investigating or even being suspicious of further jihad activity, Islamic supremacist groups have resorted to making it up. Hamas-linked CAIR and other Muslims have not hesitated to fabricate “hate crimes.” CAIR and other groups like it want and need hate crimes against Muslims, because they can use them for political points and as weapons to intimidate people into remaining silent about the jihad threat.

And so if they can’t find enough real stories to fill out this new website, they can always call on a few novelists.

“Website aims to show post-9/11 discrimination against Muslims, Sikhs,” from CNN, September 5 (thanks to Ab):

(CNN) – Showcasing alleged hate crimes, physical threats and profiling, a diverse group of ethnic organizations has coalesced to bring attention to what they call discrimination against Arabs, Muslims, Sikhs and others in the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The project, titled “Unheard Voices of 9/11,” officially launched online Friday with a call for people to share their experiences about being discriminated, targeted and demoralized because of their spiritual and cultural beliefs. […]

Some memories posted on http://unheardvoicesof911.org/ are from the days immediately after the attacks. Within six days of the attacks, the FBI reported that it initiated 40 hate crime investigations into alleged murders, attacks and arson directed at Americans who are Muslims, South Asians and Arabs. […]

Rabia Sajid described a man pulling up in a car in New York and yelling, “Go back to your country, otherwise I’m going to kill you.” She said the pastor of a church where she was being tutored, and later police, suggested the best thing to do was not wear her Muslim headscarf so she wouldn’t be targeted – something her parents likewise promoted, for her safety.

The New York resident, who is affiliated with the South Asian Youth Action group, said one of her biggest regrets is that she and others took that advice – not wearing clothing that was part of her Muslim heritage, for fear of being discriminated against.

“We didn’t face the problem, but we were running away from it by trying to change our identity and who we are,” Sajid said at an August hearing in New York City, portions of which are now on the “Unheard Voices” website. “We don’t know how to face the problem … I don’t know what we can do.”

There have been several high-profile cases of alleged hate crimes and cases in which Muslims and Sikhs faced opposition to projects due to their religion and heritage.

One that received significant international attention was Park 51, an Islamic community center proposed for two blocks from ground zero in Lower Manhattan. Many city residents opposed the effort, characterizing the location of the center – which would mostly house cultural, social and recreational programs, as well as a prayer space – as inappropriate given lingering feelings about Muslim militants’ role in the 9/11 attacks. […]

Whatever CNN says, opposing the Islamic supremacist victory mosque at Ground Zero is not a hate crime.

Anoop Prasad, a northern California resident who works for the Asian Law Caucus, said he’s known many people who have been visited in recent years by FBI agents, claiming that such treatment sows widespread distrust against authorities among Muslims and others.

“In my community, people are very afraid – that’s the reality,” he said.

You’d think non-Muslims would be afraid. There was Naser Abdo, the would-be second Fort Hood jihad mass murderer; and Khalid Aldawsari, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Lubbock, Texas; and Muhammad Hussain, the would-be jihad bomber in Baltimore; and Mohamed Mohamud, the would-be jihad bomber in Portland; and Nidal Hasan, the successful Fort Hood jihad mass-murderer; and Faisal Shahzad, the would-be Times Square jihad mass-murderer; and Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, the Arkansas military recruiting station jihad murderer; Naveed Haq, the jihad mass murderer at the Jewish Community Center in Seattle; Mohammed Reza Taheri-Azar, the would-be jihad mass murderer in Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the would-be Christmas airplane jihad bomber; or so many other jihad murderers and would-be murderers in America. Because of these Muslims and others like them, many non-Muslims are very afraid — that’s the reality.

Posted by Robert from Jihadwatch.com on September 5, 2011